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RE: Fly Me To The Moon

in #life2 months ago

You un me both, don't fly, don't fucking bounce, ability from early years wane.

Bonkers to think a split second you could be kissing your ass goodbye, straighten out, shake down, check all is still there yet that dog gone pride is muffled... Tread carefully....

!BEER Regmaker time! (ˈrɛxˌmɑːkə ) noun. South Africa. a drink taken to relieve the symptoms of a hangover; a pick-me-up


Hehe, I live the sound of that ragmaker. At call it hair of the dog here!

That was my first thought after it that it could have been the end. I still suffer when I see the stairs!

'Hair of the dog" my brothers saying coming from Navy background. Feel like wobbly man every so often, double check terra firma more cautiously now.... 🙃