It was a few days after the New Year. As tradition had stipulated for the Scots, I had been outrageously drunk many times. Indeed, it could be said that I was mawkit which despite what the internet tells you is a Scottish/Glasgow term for extremely drunk indeed. Filthy drunk.
It was usually used in polite phrasing such as - Ah wiz pyoor mawkit by the way
Which is to say that you were steaming drunk. Or just plain steamin.
I digress, however.
So, there I was, some days after the main event, getting up early to do healthy things like running, going to the gym and all other manner of nonsense.
But before I could do such things I had to wrestle with the whole getting out of bed malarkey and into my clothes.
No problem, I do this kind of thing every day I told myself as I lay in my bed at 08:02 scrolling through my Hive feed.
Little could I have known that there was to be a problem. Oh yes, a big problem. C'mon you fat prick, up and at them. I joked with myself knowing that I was not a fat prick, on the contrary I was an astonishingly svelte and handsome prick who was well on his way to having a two-and-a-half pack after some years of just a two-pack. Truly these were great times to live in. My phone ticked over to 08:03 and I hauled myself up and out from under the covers. Today, was going to be a very good day indeed. I would like to imagine at this point that I heard the shrill craaawk of a crow and a shadow passed over me but no, nothing helpful like that happened. Lots to get done. Lots to plan, it was New Year! So many good shits to contemplate and not just literal ones. I grabbed my water bottle, phone, and Kindle and walked over to the stairs heading down to the living room. Oh, Dawgy, don't forget that hoodie you were going to stick in the wash! Oh yes and whilst you are at it, grab some other washing too! All set for the day ahead with my hands full of stuff, I stepped onto the stair and flicked a glance at my watch - 08:04 Except, that the stair wasn't there? Was this like some weird multiverse fantasy? Had I shifted into a dimension without stairs? Without gravity? Did we fly here? Awesome! Who hasn't dreamed of flying? And fly I did. I could end the story here and be soundly congratulated by all and sundry for my mastery of flight. Perhaps I would add a close-up of a feather and post my story in the Feathered Friends community and see them all seethe with rage that I had fucking gazumped them and took to the skies. But alas, unlike the price of Hive and its glorious ascent into the stratosphere, upon not finding a step beneath my foot I did not flutter up and tweet like a burdy on the stairs. Rather, I felt a mad horror as my foot waggled in empty space and then began to plummet taking the rest of me with it. Being half man/half ninja I dropped all the mad shit I was carrying except for my phone and snapped a hand out to the handrail on the stairs. However, I had mysteriously picked up some velocity in the nanoseconds I had begun falling and my ninja snatch to the handrail only succeeded in spinning my body around until I was facing backwards before my hand lost its grip and I truly took flight. Downwards. Backwards. I would like to say that I roared manfully and shook a fist at the gods as I plummeted down some ten feet of hard-edged stairs. Or I could say I closed my eyes and thought, fuck it, let fate play it's fickle games. I am a prince of darkness and shall brook no nonsense. But alas no, despite the solid almost full second of falling backwards I only had time for one thought. Oh no. Then I hit the wall at the bottom of the stairs and bounced off onto the floor. As I lay stunned, a picture frame containing one of my old band's limited edition single releases fell on my head, the glass tinkling like shards of the moon around me. OH MY GOD!? Are you ok? I heard the Good Lady shout as she ran out of the bedroom. She ran down to me and picked some shards of moon-glass from around where I lay. What happened? She cried as she reached out a hand to help me up. Gingerly, I got up and patted myself down. Nothing appeared to be broken, although all of me hurt. There was a bleeding graze on my elbow from where it had bravely tried to arrest my fall. I gritted my teeth and looked at the stairs which were now doing their best to look innocent. What happened...? I think 2025 just tried to kill me.
That's foreshadowing, classic case. Means I am alerting you to something bad happening. Crazy huh? They should do it in movies more.
See? More foreshadowing, the tension is ratcheting up like the salt levels on a healthy Nigerian salad. I can hardly fucking bear it!
I do hope that fall wasn't too bad ol' chap. You really do need to work on that ninja snatch, I'm sure Jackie Chan could step in there and sort something out for you.
Always good to expand the coloquial vocabulary - I must up my mawkit game for sure.
The whole oddity of the story I think is the old vinyl record falling on you towards the end of the fall, reminding you of your former band and doing so in style I have to say. I wonder if there's something in that.
Perhaps you need to reconnect with your former musical aspirations and I do like the name Mint, but is that the name of the band or the song that I can see printed on the record?
VIP reward: 0.4 Hive
Haha, that was the record label! I blanked out the name of the band because of the trollish nature of the darker denizens that lurk on hive. I used to be a lot free'er with my info till I got doxxed sake all other manner of nonsense.
We weren't a huge band but at the time we did ok. I was happy!
Jackie Chan was a hero of mine when I was younger. He was the one who inspired my Kung Fu obsession! 😃
Sounds like you're being a bit melodramatic.. why didn't you just tell her you didn't want to do the laundry instead of throwing yourself down the stairs to get out of it? Or is that just a ploy to get out of laundry duties permanently?
Rumbled!!! I haven't had to do laundry since!! 🤣🤣
See.. there's always a silver lining..
Yas, I'm feeling positive about establishing my iron man credentials!!
Unless you were so very tanked you passed out somewhere outside I would have actually been more concerned about how the poor bird had gotten into your house and be trying to figure out some way to safely get it back outside than thinking about foreshadowing XD
And now with that start of the year the rest of it should be smooth sailing XD Glad you didn't break anything (next time you fall down the stairs try to collapse towards a kneeling or half kneeling position so you drop mostly straight downwards which will then hopefully give you time to grab the bannister as well as reducing your forward momentum so ideally you'll end up either where you missed or a couple of steps lower rather than at the very bottom, if worse comes to worse chin down and protect your head, and phone I guess seeing as you dropped everything but that). Were you able to salvage the cd?
How are you feeling now? I hope you've gone to get checked out if pain/swelling/etc is persisting, soft tissue damage is apparently as bad as if not worse than broken bones, or so I've been told :)
A pigeon once got into our attic. That was a pain in the arse race against time to get it out before it shat!
I wish I had the wherewithal to have thought of many of these things but after my failed ninja grab I was out of time!! Slam and out.
I am mostly better now. Don't have to take as many painkillers. Just my arm and right heel. Which is odd but everything else is subsiding into grumbly aches. I might go get my arm seen to add there are some weird hyper sensitive lumps under the remains of the bruising. FML at they say!
Well I guess if you're already down and out of time turn into a starfish and grab on to whatever you can, if nothing else the increased body space will act as a brake if not wedge you into something XD Though then you have to remember to make sure your arms are above your head so you don't jar.
I have not had too much experience falling/jumping off things at all nope not me whatever gives you that idea this is all theoretical
Yeh maybe go get those checked out. Glad everything else subsided :)
I might invest in an inflatable suit like the crash bag things on cars which will support inflate on sudden motion. Anything good go wrong there... 😃😃
Should be fine what could possibly go wrong XD
Damn Boom some might see that as a bad omen to start the year. Of course us manly men see it simply as a challenge to stand firm in our manliness and conquer the hell out of 2025.
PS Since being old and decrepit, I nowadays leave one hand empty to use the handrail while on stairs. This getting old sucks!
We all need that initial challenge at the start of the year! Perhaps not quite so fally right enough :OD
You know, that is a very good idea., I think I shall keep a hand free and not load up on everything to avoid another journey!
Well. 2025 is already trying to take out our celebrities, is it? I think I need to start killing time...
Let's start a war, start a nuclear war against the '25!
Between Trump and Putin, that's a more real possibility than I like.
Even Titans fall, but when they do they do a fucken good job of it, they don't half-ass it like the lowly plebs society it plagued by, no...they fall Titanically and then brush it off as if nothing happened at all.
You better work on your ninja snatch bru, one never knows when one may
tumble like a fucken old personfall Titanically down the stairs in a glorious display of Titanisticness, and require some ninja snatch assistance.Cut me and I bleed
old bloodTITANITY!That ninja snatch is getting worked on. As soon as my arm is recovered enough to open jars! lol. That will be my training regimen, staying away from stairs in the meantime as I have heard they can hold a grudge, even against Titans!
Jar opening is the time-honoured method of testing one's Titanity so you're on the right track. Steer clear of stairs...unless there's a jar that requires opening at the bottom. Or beer.
Oh no, what if there is a jar of beer at the top of a flight of gentle shallow stairs. It might be a trap like cheese for a mouse!
That was a test...I wanted to see if your Titan-senses were at full effectiveness. You passed the test.
Them stairs wont get me, not without a fight, sneak killers they are!
They're like the Kraken, only much worse.
I had a bad start to it like yourself. I seem to recall you had a post about this time last year where Mawkit was used. 2025 has been shot so far for me too. The dog died and the father is not far behind him so I may get a few Mawkits in soon to forget 🤣
Fucking hell man, that is rough. I mean it would be rough any time but at this time of year these things hit hard.
The bevvy helps, despite what they say!
I Loved it
Hehe, Svelte and handsome prick all the way!! :OD
I preferred to be not drunk in new year eve and I don't know why, but it was good for the next day :)
I was a tad merry but happily so. Having kids has meant that I can't get as drunk as I used to! Fate doesn't care though and still punished me!! 😃😃
The other day I heard someone say '2025 is gonna be a killer year'. How prophetic! Stay on your toes over there, not on your ass😂. Happy to hear that you've survived!
I survived and would like to think that in a week or so I will be stronger for it like that old philosopher dude said!
I will be on the lookout right enough! :OD
Alas! 2025 came with drama, and it dragged you through the hoof with it😅. I hope you are better now.
I am sure you did roar like a viking before the floor welcomed you in its embrace.🤣
I might have roared.. or perhaps squeaked in fright 🤣🤣
🤣🤣🤣🤣... the former might have been great but the latter... hmm, sounds enticing to hear lol
What can I say, I'm a squeaker 🤣🤣
Fair enough 😅😅.
WTF! That sounds nasty, but good to hear you're (mostly) okay. Don't want to start the year in hospital.
I'm thinking that I ought to at least get up when the alarm goes off and reserve phone browsing until I reach the loo for the morning dump. It's easy to lose a good while on doomscrolling.
Can we hear your band anywhere online?
That is now my plan, to save the phone and the doom scrolling till I am on the pan at least :O)
I am amazed I got away with no more than bruising a little cut and a swollen arm and oddly painful heel. It would have killed lesser mortals!
One thing about my band that has always really annoyed me is that we were on the cusp just before the internet was big. Roundabout the millennium and we did have some stuff online but over the years it has all faded away and we are quite hard to find. I have some stuff on SoundCloud but that's about it now. Sob!
Were you on MySpace? I never really used that. So many sites have been and gone. Remember Friends Reunited?
We werent on there, I think even it was quite new when we were about and we were dreadfully old fashioned. I remember getting pelters for having one of the early mobile phones. They didn't laugh so much when we were stranded up north and needed it right enough!
Friends Reunited, it was funny, Wasnt it amusing that everyone seemed to be so successful? 😀
I have never once been mawkit but that hasn't kept me from flying downstairs! Without the crash landing, you would have definitely qualified for Feathered Friends, but I think you must have a successful flight to be considered there!
Hehe, I consider it successfful in that I didn't die! :OD
But next time I shall endeavour to spend ore time in the air, lol
Oh no !
I'm thinking there for a second, you were either stepping back in time before the stairs were there or...... way into the future where the steps were no longer there. Whoever is watching us through the glass must have had new staff, that didn't quite put the stairs back in time for you to step out. Time glitch! You just can't get good help these days, it's a fact.
I'm glad you didn't break any bones. How scary !
I like to think that time travel had something to do with it. Anything is better than mee being an absolute tit and not watching where my feet were going. I felt like such a doofus. Havoing to lie on a couch for three days moaning and taking the drugs. 😀
Which is never quite as much fun as it sounds typed out 😀
Falling as an adult is MUCH more traumatic than falling as a kid.
Sometimes you hear about someone falling and stuff and you wonder, how can that happen and then......there you go!
Yeah... drugs are only fun if you take them when you don't really need them, like recreational and the such. LOL !!
I know, my dad used to fall about all over the place and Iwas like how the feck can he not stay up. I hope I am not going that way!
Recreational drugs rule! Although these days I dont know if I would be so game, hahah. One of my mates keeps trying to get me to do them as he has never properly grown up. Every time we are out I have to politely refuse!
It's true the recreational drug part does not usually fit into being a mostly responsible adult. They have a high risk of being part of bad things happening. It was fun to say it though.
Haha, it is definitely fun to say it!!
The reprobate that I am it's hard to say no! 🤣🤣
Damn that was a page turner of a story. Well told.
Glad you're all right. Sounds like a doozy of a fall. I can't only imagine how sore one would be after that
Those are neither words nor do they make any sense.
Those words would serve you well if you were in Scotland. You would be heralded as a king! 😀😀
I am much better now, for the past few days I have just been stuck in a painful daze!
Glad that you're on the mend now 😀
Me too dude, me too!!
Apparently we have 70 different words for being drunk!
Heheh, like the eskimos and their snow! One of my favourites just now is honkin 😀😀
haha honkin is such a great word!
It is. Just hits the spot!
Theres a lesson to be learned in this tale of what was only a gnat's cock away from tragedy and that is
stop drinking to excessstop carrying laundry downstairs, or when coming home drunk, always sleep at the bottom of the stairs so you don't wake the missus up and can't fall down them next morning! Falling down stairs has to be worth a load of wifey sympathy and a week off work though, surely?Is that an old clear flexi disc or solid?
Its a solid clear disc! and square which I thought would never work but it does. Or it did, I dont have a record player no more so cant verify that!
I believe it was the washing. I am ridiculous for loading up on stuff to go up and down stairs. Iblame the parents, we didn't have staits when I was young! How to handle them! :OD
Thats an impressive bit of plastic and luckily survived. So unusual. I used to collect oddly shaped and coloured vinyl from the 80s and 90s but flogged the lot before I moved out here! Highlights were probably a Bronski Beat logo shaped and coloured single, and I was so proud of a white label 12'' remixes of the Cookie Crew Rock da House, that went for a few quid but the most bizarre was.....A Barry Manilow full coloured head profile for the Meatloaf cover Read 'em and Weep. Stuff like that would make great posts if I still had them!
I always loved the odd vinyls! When they said they were going to do a limited square transparent one I was over the moon! You used to get some right funky ones in the day. You are right, that would have been ripe for a series of posts!
You un me both, don't fly, don't fucking bounce, ability from early years wane.
Bonkers to think a split second you could be kissing your ass goodbye, straighten out, shake down, check all is still there yet that dog gone pride is muffled... Tread carefully....
!BEER Regmaker time! (ˈrɛxˌmɑːkə ) noun. South Africa. a drink taken to relieve the symptoms of a hangover; a pick-me-up
Hehe, I live the sound of that ragmaker. At call it hair of the dog here!
That was my first thought after it that it could have been the end. I still suffer when I see the stairs!
'Hair of the dog" my brothers saying coming from Navy background. Feel like wobbly man every so often, double check terra firma more cautiously now.... 🙃
😂🤣🤣🤣 It very interesting to read. You just turned your title moment of .... to sound so intriguing like a tale from adventures book.
I should do a choose your own adventure style post 🤣🤣
Hahaha the older one gets, the more time it takes to recover from big drinks and the more sleep you need 😂
I think that is the case! Although thankfully I am still made of iron! :OD
Oh, my goodness. I hope this is just a fictional story. Do you have a black eye? Or just that cut?
I'm scrolling through the feed on Hive because I'm sleepless. But I will try to sleep to see if in 4 hours I can do my morning exercises.
I don't think 2025 will try to kill you again. 😉👋🏻
Lol, I wish it was a fictional story too. I am absolutely goosed. I didn't break anything astonishingly but am in a world of pain and taking Codeine painkillers for the crazy bruising and swelling on my arms and shoulders and knee.
Be careful when you are doing your exercises. I think that is when 2025 tries to strike! :OD
Get well soon. I'm so sorry...
Hahaha... It was just a misstep, don't be suspicious. And when you recover continue with the exercises, thanks to that you didn't break anything.
It has been a feew days since. I can almost walk normally so I am happy. I am now boring my entire family by saying how I am obviously made of iron :OD
You really are made of iron. Keep that scar and those bruises as trophies. See ya! 💤😪
Hey man, you're so funny. I laugh when I read your posts. Did you drink whiskey to get drunk?
I do drink whisky on occasion, usually wine or beer! But the key is never to drink to get drunk just to chill! :O)
😀😀😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣 *Hahahaha!!!
Is this a true story or fiction 😂 Of course, I should believe it to be a fiction. If not, how could you remember the story so vivid if you were truly drunk?😀😀😀😀 I salute you creativity.
Lol, It was the next day and I was over but alas it is true for all that. The pain is real! 😀😀
Ha ha ha ha I enjoyed reading your post. In your multiverse, those seconds do pass very slowly, the only time I feel the hours are slow is when I sleep and have lucid dreams.
If only it were a multiverse. I will have to be happy with my short flight in this one! :OD
Its so funny. Really saucy but in a nice way !
If it aint slightly saucy it aint worth it! :O)
Well, glad yourself.😊
Though the story was quite dangerous but it was fun reading .. Hahaha, I laughed when I read that the stairs were gone!
Yeah, drinking leds to unimaginable things.😄
2025 is still good for you.😀
2025 had better watch its back! I am coming for it! 😀
Hahaha, 2026 soon will be the witness.😄😄 Enjoy this year.😊
You too! :O)
Thank you.😊😊
All dem gifus! 😃😘
😅That stairs would have recieved some smacked if it were human
Hehe, they wouldn't half!!
Lolzz 😊
A friend of mine had similar experience some years ago, his was worse because he fell head first into the gutters. But then he's still alive hehe... 2025 has a whole lot, I guess I will say try to be carefull next time
As long as he is still alive then all is well! I keep looking at the stairs thinking, I am so lucky!
You are one tough guy and you have gone this far. 2025 will be over sooner than it came. Cheers to tough life !BBH
I will slaughter 2025 and feed it to 2026 😀😀
#hive #posh
This is so Hilarious, meesterboom! This is a relatable start to the year, full of witty observations and a classic 'oh no' hope this is just a story. Can't wait to read more!
Alas a true tale but I am recovering quite quickly! :O)
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Thank you for entertaining us with such interesting story. I wonder what you drank that got you that drunk.😂 You really gone to the moon.
The moon is where the cool kids hjang out I have been told :OD
yes please i want to fly sooo high
There is only one way to fly and that is high! :OD
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Thanks so much for this interesting story. Hahaha 🤣, getting drunk sometimes is due to happiness.
Thanks so for your response last time. I have actually stopped the power down. Upvote and support others with comments. What else can I do so that I will stop getting downvote from my blog. Thanks 🙏
You are writing the same kind of posts over and over to farm the vote of the spend HBD community.
No, that's exactly what's been done in the community. Shopping with Hbd is a project from the community. Not only me. You can find out from the community.
Shopped here, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there, shopped there, shopped here, shopped there...shopped here, shopped there, shopped here...
Like @meesterboom says above, you are posting daily about shopping in two shops with HBD and not only is it repetitive and uninteresting it is you seeking rewards on what is essentially the same content over and over again. There's no passion or personality to it, just a lazy grab at some potential rewards.
I've said this before but I'll say it again...I'm not asking you to stop it, you can do as you like here. But you need to understand that others can also do what they like here including what they do with their stake, either upvote or downvote. Also remember that rewards can be added to or subtracted from until the seventh day, so are not the authors until after payout.
You keep commenting about downvotes...have you ever asked anyone why they upvote you? I think not.
I will not be commenting to you can continue to whine about everything or you can take some action, find ways to post with more personality, passion and effort (and do the same with comments) and maybe things will change for you.
There are other accounts who earn far less that you but put in much greater effort and personality and I think that's a shame for them...and here you are trying to do as little as possible, repeating the same stuff over and I reward them instead of you.
You're really good at whining and complaining to anyone who will listen (which is no one) but really bad at taking ownership, initiative and making an effort.
I will not respond to you again, this comment says it all.
Thanks so much for your response. Think I have understand your point. Thanks so much and see me improve. Last time you said am powering down. Packing garbage over and over again. Now shopping is an issue. Fine. Thanks. I needed to hear from you an I have heard from you. At least responding to me has helped me to know where to improve.
The post I made in Alive community still got downvoted too. So what should I do.
Please what's my offense again. Still got downvoted everyday even when I have stopped powering down? What do you want me to do. Please @galenkp what's my offense again please
Hello my darling!
I bring you love from Scotland
Thanks 🙏 so much for the love. Really appreciate.
I bring you love too from Nigeria.
Last time you told me that am powering down and not supporting others. I have stopped the power down and currently working on those things you pointed out.
Still @galenkp kept on downvoting me everyday. Today you downvoted me as well. Please what should I do for this downvote to stop please. It's really frustrating me
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Hey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href=' can use