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RE: Fly Me To The Moon

in #life2 months ago

Jar opening is the time-honoured method of testing one's Titanity so you're on the right track. Steer clear of stairs...unless there's a jar that requires opening at the bottom. Or beer.


Oh no, what if there is a jar of beer at the top of a flight of gentle shallow stairs. It might be a trap like cheese for a mouse!

That was a test...I wanted to see if your Titan-senses were at full effectiveness. You passed the test.

Them stairs wont get me, not without a fight, sneak killers they are!

They're like the Kraken, only much worse.

The Staken.. damn their non-eyes

'Tis a trap for young players and old alike. (Mostly old.) 🤣

Bloody oldness, it can chase itself as well. I want to be ever youthful! not falling down stairs!