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RE: Fly Me To The Moon

in #life2 months ago

Cut me and I bleed old blood TITANITY!

That ninja snatch is getting worked on. As soon as my arm is recovered enough to open jars! lol. That will be my training regimen, staying away from stairs in the meantime as I have heard they can hold a grudge, even against Titans!


Jar opening is the time-honoured method of testing one's Titanity so you're on the right track. Steer clear of stairs...unless there's a jar that requires opening at the bottom. Or beer.

Oh no, what if there is a jar of beer at the top of a flight of gentle shallow stairs. It might be a trap like cheese for a mouse!

That was a test...I wanted to see if your Titan-senses were at full effectiveness. You passed the test.

Them stairs wont get me, not without a fight, sneak killers they are!

They're like the Kraken, only much worse.

The Staken.. damn their non-eyes

'Tis a trap for young players and old alike. (Mostly old.) 🤣