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RE: Fly Me To The Moon

in #life2 months ago

I would like to imagine at this point that I heard the shrill craaawk of a crow and a shadow passed over me but no, nothing helpful like that happened.

Unless you were so very tanked you passed out somewhere outside I would have actually been more concerned about how the poor bird had gotten into your house and be trying to figure out some way to safely get it back outside than thinking about foreshadowing XD

And now with that start of the year the rest of it should be smooth sailing XD Glad you didn't break anything (next time you fall down the stairs try to collapse towards a kneeling or half kneeling position so you drop mostly straight downwards which will then hopefully give you time to grab the bannister as well as reducing your forward momentum so ideally you'll end up either where you missed or a couple of steps lower rather than at the very bottom, if worse comes to worse chin down and protect your head, and phone I guess seeing as you dropped everything but that). Were you able to salvage the cd?

How are you feeling now? I hope you've gone to get checked out if pain/swelling/etc is persisting, soft tissue damage is apparently as bad as if not worse than broken bones, or so I've been told :)


A pigeon once got into our attic. That was a pain in the arse race against time to get it out before it shat!

I wish I had the wherewithal to have thought of many of these things but after my failed ninja grab I was out of time!! Slam and out.

I am mostly better now. Don't have to take as many painkillers. Just my arm and right heel. Which is odd but everything else is subsiding into grumbly aches. I might go get my arm seen to add there are some weird hyper sensitive lumps under the remains of the bruising. FML at they say!

Well I guess if you're already down and out of time turn into a starfish and grab on to whatever you can, if nothing else the increased body space will act as a brake if not wedge you into something XD Though then you have to remember to make sure your arms are above your head so you don't jar.

I have not had too much experience falling/jumping off things at all nope not me whatever gives you that idea this is all theoretical

Yeh maybe go get those checked out. Glad everything else subsided :)

I might invest in an inflatable suit like the crash bag things on cars which will support inflate on sudden motion. Anything good go wrong there... 😃😃

Should be fine what could possibly go wrong XD
