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RE: Fly Me To The Moon

in #life2 months ago

WTF! That sounds nasty, but good to hear you're (mostly) okay. Don't want to start the year in hospital.

I'm thinking that I ought to at least get up when the alarm goes off and reserve phone browsing until I reach the loo for the morning dump. It's easy to lose a good while on doomscrolling.

Can we hear your band anywhere online?


That is now my plan, to save the phone and the doom scrolling till I am on the pan at least :O)

I am amazed I got away with no more than bruising a little cut and a swollen arm and oddly painful heel. It would have killed lesser mortals!

One thing about my band that has always really annoyed me is that we were on the cusp just before the internet was big. Roundabout the millennium and we did have some stuff online but over the years it has all faded away and we are quite hard to find. I have some stuff on SoundCloud but that's about it now. Sob!

Were you on MySpace? I never really used that. So many sites have been and gone. Remember Friends Reunited?

We werent on there, I think even it was quite new when we were about and we were dreadfully old fashioned. I remember getting pelters for having one of the early mobile phones. They didn't laugh so much when we were stranded up north and needed it right enough!

Friends Reunited, it was funny, Wasnt it amusing that everyone seemed to be so successful? 😀