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RE: Thingmy

in #life7 years ago

ahhhhh, I knew something had been missing from my life.... and now I know it was the daily giggle from reading your posts hehe! :)

Honestly, calling your wife thingmy is inexcusable behaviour. He couldn't even come up with something a little more endearing...?!

He's lucky all he got was some maniacal laughter if you ask me!

And wait... what.... 3 weeks already? Jeeeezzzussss, time flies though but!


Oh man, my eyes today are really doing nutty things! First me-boom calls me dreemybobs on his beer post and I read it as dreemyboobs, now i just read time flies through butts!

HAHA!!! Oh goodness me, I kinda wish that's what I actually wrote now!

Soda very nearly came through my nose just now!

Noooo! Nothing worse than a fizzy nose!!

I know, three weeks gone and that means I go back to work in a week.

Waaah waaaaaaah!!!! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!

I can't take the idea of going back to serious mcserious chap.

Buy yes, thingmy. Outrageous!

Gah! That means you have only 1 week left to come up with your dastardly plan to finance your life without having to return there. Get that thinking cap on!!

It's been on for three weeks. All I can think is... Crime!! That will work. Just one last job...

Haha! Oh yes, the heist to end all heists.... the one where not only do you get rich, but all the baddies get their comeuppance... I'm liking the sound of this!

I am liking the sound of it more and more!

Now where did I put those plans?...