My heart literally pumped reading through this, you've got an amazing family. And just like you've talked about the shine, I still see it much evident on you till date...
My stories played itself out before my face. I saw my mum in the corner loving us. I saw her "shine". I saw my dad's "shine" too and it is what it is; "we simply need that "shine" back"; not food, wigs, meat; "shine"!!!
That's a beautiful picture above @surpassinggoogle, Is that you with Suzzy or with another of your cousin?
But truely that moment you see someone after years, you start talking so much like tou are drunk, everything start looking like a start of new life.Lol, why won't @surpassinggoogle heart jump, that lady beautiful man, I guess he wasn't expecting that, no doubt he was thinking of something else.
Hahaha, I'm laughing to tears because of this beautiful honest comment of yours @xpency, you have good eyes man. The picture is really captivating and I first saw it on facebook on @Surpassinggoogle's timeline, they both look beautiful and very much alike that it makes my heart to equally pump.