My heart pumped again even for a bit. My heart smiled. Easing-peace passed through it.
It has been ages since this happened. She came around. She saw me again after decades.
She saw my dad for the first time in ages and she shed tears and i knew "my cousin" was still in her.
We started out as kids together in Greece but our parents grew apart of time. My dad and his brother; her father grew apart. Alot has happened since then.
Well, there was alot we didn't really know but we had one night; "a few hours" and we needed to fix matters.
We need to fix "decades of apartness".
She was touring Asia and the Philippines is the last part of her tour, so she stopped in Manila to see us. There was no room to prepare. It was quick. She was just going to knock on the door.
She knocked
My heart pounded a bit.
There was an "in between" though.
When i saw my mum first after 5 years of apartness, my heart couldn't pump. It paused. I wasn't looking at my mum.
In my dad's case, upon seeing him after some 5 years of apartness, i spent 30 mins where my heart stopped. From afar i watched and i couldn't go close; "that wasn't my dad".
This time, i didn't know if this was going to be "my cousin". Then we hugged and it was tight and our hearts touched and spoke and it was instant; "my cuz" was still in there; "my Souzanna" was still in there and "the love and bond" was intact.
I needed to be assured though
She went in the room to see my dad and she fell apart in instantaneous tears.
I got assurance.
Suzzy was intact.
My dad; "i so pray that in his heart, "he felt some soothing happiness". He needs it like crazy. "The tiniest of happiness" counts in his case. It will fill me up with fulfillment.
All, his old memories came back; "all of it". He spoke Greek again and his "memory", when it clicks, is clear and intact and decades of it. He spoke in Greek; spoke of Greece. He spoke to my aunt on the phone. It was pleasing to see.
He had a new name to mention and he kept calling it; "souzanna"; "souzanna" and that should go on for some days.
This Particular Day Gave Me More Signs
When my cousin shed those instant tears, i remembered @teardrops token and my mission. My heart pumped because i felt stories; family; love.
I have one more Ajayi; her brother and his name is Alex. We have never had physically contact. Through her i wanted to see him and i did. It is still all intact. "Blood is strong".
I found out he has brains too and he has grown interest is in blockchain and i wondered in my mind's eye what team we would make. "Two Ajayi(s) sons, with my dad backing us up with powerful prayers".
This night was to restore it all and we fixed it all, in several tight hugs. "Rare-breed squeezes" and our love and bond got restore; "my hearts pumped".
It was special.
There were also regular moments in between. Yes, we ate and played and laughed.
but there was also this:
Try spot me
She had kept these videos and gosh i saw "Terry", your boy "Terry" and more signs. My mission in the world was re-told to me in an instant.
I lack in long-term memory. I can't even remember 2 years back vividly, thus, these videos came out "special" in my eyes.
I saw my dad and that "greatness". To see "greatness"; for those who can see, "it is instant".
I saw it.
I saw his brother too. I saw my mum, my sister, suzzy, then i saw small "me" and gosh, your boy "Terry" has been the same all along.
My stories played itself out before my face. I saw my mum in the corner loving us. I saw her "shine". I saw my dad's "shine" too and it is what it is; "we simply need that "shine" back"; not food, wigs, meat; "shine"!!!
In the "donkey-life", that ("shine") was all that was taken away or overly-pummeled but hahaha, we will have it back now; "light in the tunnel". @surpassinggoogle
I saw blockchain too; "steemit as well" and more of its beauty as i kept re-watching these memory videos. I saw and saw "many beautiful things" in the span hours, on this particular day and i saw many more "signs".
I tell you; the very next time you hear; "we will reward "proof of tears""; smile inside; "the prettiest disruption" ever and it is coming;
@teardrops smart media tokens is still in its imaginary state but it is being exchanged; "historical history".
I am one boy, so it may look like a joke but i am no ordinary boy because "i am yours"; your boy Terry.
You are my celebrities and me you fan.
See this video too, for 15 mins of things i recently said:
recording by @sorenkierkegaard
Yesterday, i spoke alot too. I took a peek on @air-clinic server on discord and ended up spending hours there. I don't know if there was a recording though.
We will keep talking.
A few days from now, there will be another talk show on SteemGigs community discord server, please make sure to join.
You can join close to 4,500 steemians on there.
I will answer every question. This time the program will have some format, so we will move quickly compared to the first edition.
I will write a post beforehand to inform everyone. Please know that on the "SteemGigs discord talk show", it is different. "The love on it is rare-breed".
The knowledge i will pop out is rare; involves illiteracy; "no books" involved.
I will breakdown to pop out these rare words.
We will go back to the first obviousest simplest solution, when tackling "breakthrough". We will leave the "nth complexest methods" to "outerspacers", for we are coming back "down-to-earth".
our eyes are bound to be open and "we will see way more things".We will laugh and play and there will be @teardrops and we will hear the sound of it and when we come back out on the scene; "steemit",
Your Boy Terry
Note: The next edition of "5 SteemHumans; 5 Questions; 10 Pieces of Advice" will resume again really soon. If you missed the first one, this is it:
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I do need strength
Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum
If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful.
To vote my witness, simply visit and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click!
If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.
Let's Go!!!
Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented). Join the Steemgigs Community on discord:
"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?
Oh Terry, it's so soothing to know you have one more reason to be happy, I love that lit mood in the photo, and your cousin is pretty. I can imagine the catch up, and the joy that must fill your dad's heart. I couldn't stop watching those videos, you were one cute little boy, and the family seemed really bonded. Not just you, this has made my day too.
It's also such a great thing that your passion, which is still very much alive, has been fuelled even more, and from your words, sounds like your mission has been reassigned to you afresh, lol... You're a man of vision, and I adore that.
Now that 15mins video is everything! Teardrops as breakthrough not a journey, light 'in' and not 'at' the end of the tunnel, celebrity destination .... Gives a further peak into your voluntary role in our successes, and hands us a piece of your loving heart to cherish and trust. Your kindness is unbelievable, and until I find something that convinces me you're human and not some angel from planet something, you remain much too prim and proper, lol...
I await our next life talk show, hope I can withstand all the love, fun, emotions, and originality usually poured out there. Good things won't stop coming in, cuz you'd give same to others over and over if you have the chance.
Please stay happy and healthy, it keeps some of us who don't get to see you going, to know you're doing just fine. And I must say, your family is, and always has been beautiful.
Hmm its quite heart breaking. Lo, am glad they are @teardrops for good
@teardrops SMT; I'm excited to its value, i know how much value it gave to the Filipino people and the world, from talented to untalented as long as everyone has something to offer you can be a celebrity here on teardrops and steemgigs.
That's it.
No words can explain.. I'm speechless.. A 15 minute video that could change the whole mind of all Steemians.
More power @surpassinggoogle. God bless.
Imagine this Boy Terry. If everyone is going to be a celebrity on the steemgigs platform then what are you going to be as the inventor and creator of the platform?.
That means you will be the king of celebrities and that will be an awesome thing to behold
There is a ways you tell your story and get the attention of your followers like me and I celebrate you for that. I also @surpassinggoogle fan anytime and anyday
This are the words of a great leader.
Without mincing words, i don't know what steemit would have been without @surpassinggoogle
May Jehovah wipe away all your teardrop. Amen
Long live @surpassinggoogle
Thanks for coming to inspire us on @Air-Clinic last night! Everyone had a fantastic time and went home with something money cannot buy!
Indeed, there's light within the tunnel. We no longer need to reach the end before we can start mining the beauty of humanity!
I key into your dreams to empower people all over the world an make them celebrities. We are all special breeds of God-made humans!
Btw: I just hit a milestone of 2000 Followers on steem!
Well said @Nairadaddy.
God bless @surpassinggoogle
Thank God @Air-Clinic is also a community with humanity at heart.
MILESTONE LECTUREOn your 2000 Followers reach, you have to set a celebration on the @Air-clinic. I wouldn't mind to give a
Nicely said sir,
@surpassinggoogle has made the humans of steemit more beautiful.
He believed in all.
In everyones weakness, he saw great.
What a precious moment you have had this time sir Terry!
That feeling to see someone you haven't seen for ages is boom!
I saw your dad again on this blog. I know how hard it is to see your loved ones in a serious condition but it doesn't disqualify them to be happy every time. Your love towards your dad is priceless!
story and allowing us to pray for you and with you. Your VISION is too big yet it becomes smaller as people like us come together and jump on your ship. It's gonna be fun and life-changing!That profound love you have for your dad radiates on this platform and blesses people under your influence @surpassinggoogle. Thank you for sharing your
Mabuhay ka @surpassinggoogle Terry!!!
Very well said sir. This is one of the precious moment of sir terry @surpassinggoogle ever happen in his life. There's a lot of happiness and excitement seeing each other for a very long time.
Have a nice day sir and spread love @surpassinggoogle
Wow, I felt so emotional reading this. The love and bond of family is one of the best things in the world. It makes the heart pump
No doubt about it. The flood of emotions and memories, the smiles, tears and laughter too, cannot be hidden. They naturally flow.
No doubt about it. The flood of emotions and memories, the smiles, tears and laughter too, cannot be hidden. They naturally flow.
Thank you
Family is everything. Everyone will leave but you family will never leave because they are part of you and will always be. I cherish family a lot especially the type that stick to you when you are going through trying time.
Happy for @surpassinggoogle for having ones that are caring and loving .
Family always comes first in all sides of life. I could feel the emotion in the meet with your cousin. It tells a lot on your past time with family. Blood is really strong and I too couldn't imagine her forgetting the experience with dad after such a long time. The video is really crazy, you looked short in your childhood, I wonder when you got that instant height.
I can really feel you on this one. There is nothing as beautiful as seeing things playing out as you want it to be. Seeing the ones you love so much shinning before your eyes and making impact.
For me I can only say this about my mother and not my father. My mother is everything to me. She is an angel that gave birth to another angel. The more reason why I could relates with you so much during the time Mama Ajayi. My prayer is for her to live longer and eat the fruit of her labor.
I pray that Jehovah will continually make Baba Ajayi to shine even until perfect days to see more grandchildren that will come from you and your sibling.
The story of your life is an encouragement for someone like me and am really happy am witnessing this through this platform.
You are a true inspirer (my own english)always.Lol....
One love bro.
Our Favorite TERRY - @surpassinggoogle - STEEMIT KING ! <3
My heart literally pumped reading through this, you've got an amazing family. And just like you've talked about the shine, I still see it much evident on you till date...
That's a beautiful picture above @surpassinggoogle, Is that you with Suzzy or with another of your cousin?
But truely that moment you see someone after years, you start talking so much like tou are drunk, everything start looking like a start of new life.Lol, why won't @surpassinggoogle heart jump, that lady beautiful man, I guess he wasn't expecting that, no doubt he was thinking of something else.
Hahaha, I'm laughing to tears because of this beautiful honest comment of yours @xpency, you have good eyes man. The picture is really captivating and I first saw it on facebook on @Surpassinggoogle's timeline, they both look beautiful and very much alike that it makes my heart to equally pump.
Love for TERRY I LOVE YOU ! <3 Oh Terry thank you for all support and all steemians.
I will heed the words you will say during the Discord session.
That smile of yours when you saw you cousin. You should smile more. Oh there is the little boy Terry!
Man, I understand the emotions..
I also have a cousin who I've spent most of my childhood with.
All those memories
But time and distance separated us as we grew. But even though we meet very rarely, the love is still there. We can still instantly connect like we were never apart.
There are people who are so close to you that distance doesn't matter
dimagh sahi hai bhai tumhara ?
ye kia harkat thi wesy?
Haha lol sorry bro..
Net connectivity kki problem hai , galti see hogaya
acha koi baat ni.
hahaha mujhy upvote ni chaiye, but bina reason downvote :p Pakistani hain bhai, khoon kholta hai :p
Galti hogayi isiliye upvote kia 😂 .. pakistan se muhabbat hai bhai aisa nahi karenge
awww <3 Kashmir tou love hai bhai <3
We are talking in Urdu!
The national language of Pakistan.
he is my country fellow.@surpassinggoogle You may be wondering in which language we are talking :p
I can relate also, my cousin sister is like a twin to me. We share everything together. But then she traveled out of the states..
I wonder how am going to feel seeing her again... You've already brought emotions to my heart..
Say me thanks to her. For making you feel this way again...
Really heart warming... Especially the part when ur dads memory came back, and the tears of joy shed... I know you live for these momenta... We live for these moments. I am very happy for you.
Cheers to more moments like this in the future.,amen.
Amen and amen.
Long live steemit
Long live @surpassinggoogle
Looking forward for the next talk show on discord. I really enjoyed and learned a lot during the first live chat.
Anyhow wish for more wonderful things to happen with you, your father and the rest of your family.
More power to #steemgigs
Same here, i am looking forward to the next talk show. And this time i would be sure not to miss it. Hopefully it would be on an earlier time though. 😴
@surpassinggoogle, you write in a way that gets me engrossed reading every letter, alphabet by alphabet trying to connect every twist in the story. The twist in each line and paragraph is what makes your writing so captivating and pushing a willing reader to ask for more lines. From the tales about father to mother and cousin reunion. Wow!
And you know what?????
I can't wait for the next hangout with you on steemgigs discord server. The first edition was wow! Awesome! Breathe taking.... You spoke so softly!
I guess the second edition can only be better and EPIC!
Hahaha.,... Sharing in your thoughts, I would say his words are like treasures hidden in deepness and it took me quite a while and some more digging to be able to decipher and decode their underlying intents. His words are those of a sage, well thought out, rare talk you will hardly find anywhere else, it never ceases to amaze me with an unflinching intensity and I conclude that, his words are distinctive, his trademark.
Terry I am so happy you finally got to exhale, gosh! It was quite a reunion and the bliss is written all over you. Please revel in these moments with family for there is light in the tunnel.
He has so much dexterity in writing. I can only but gasp for breath. And wish I can be like him...
Like the popular saying, he's half human..
He definitely share his story in a nice and perfect way.
This is a good news to you sir terry @surpassinggoogle. Congratz and have a nice day and reunion.
Please I need the link to the discord server for steemgigs... @desmonddesk... Thank you
I sent you a dm on discord.
There is nothing like the joy of family togetherness especially after a long part. such joy may even lead to teardrop when you go down the memory lane on how it use to be before the separation. Greet your ever lovely dad ,mom and beautiful sis for me .i wish your family long live and properity
Oh and the little terry is definitely the one who was trying to blow the candles.. Sweet memories... I was smiling as if i,was there and knew everyone in the video.
Lol,i saw the zeal with which he was trying to blew the cake. And that same zeal is what he brought here on steemit.
The passion for great things has been there from the beginning.
Long live steemit
Long live @surpassinggoogle
Time really flies, and all the things you knew when you were little start to recall themselves like they were not gone.
I feel happy for you and the reconnection with your family. Stay blessed @surpassinggoogle
I smiled too
It's just amazing
Yes family is everything!!!!!
I could feel your happiness, while reading. Thanks for your unconditional love, via @teardrops, it means a whole lot to us. Network is crazy, can't even view pictures.
Happy new month daddy... Love you plenty 😘😘😘Thanks for stopping by @air-clinic, even though I wasn't there, I felt your presence.
There’s always light at the end of the tunnel. Once we don’t give up , persevere and determined, a light will shine bright at the end of every tunnel of tribulations. If sorrows last the night, joy comes in the morning . You’ve persevered and you’re victorious now , you’re an inspiration unto others like me. Keep up the good work , more grease to your elbow bros. Keep steeming and touching lives
Well, there is now light in the tunnel
wow Terry....
You've been "YOU" from the very beginning...the signs have been there.
I watched the video and couldn't help but smile and Yes, I spotted you, lol....
It's great seeing your cuz after such a long while and I do hope your dad finds some soothing relief by her presence. It'll mean a lot....
Having 2 Ajayi(s) on this blocjchain would be more than wonderful so bring it on Alex, we'd love to have you here too.
I'm sure ladies would be here to crush on you too, lol...just kidding...
I almost can't wait for the next Discord show, the last one and the little time you spent with us yesterday was amazing.
I can't also wait for the next time we would have you on Discord @Terry, i missed the first one and i haven't forgiven myself yet.
Say me hi to your cousin sister, i can imagine how you felt.
Join steemgigs discord. Link is underneath the post. I will post about the date and time.
Hehe, don't tell me you are crushing on him already
Lol, joke Lang.
You didn't spot me
Terry why??
Learning that you've been apart from your mum and Dad for five years in the past, makes me feel emotional. It is common for people who have been away from their parents for that long, no matter their age to be devoid of all love and feel intensely bitter in their heart but I' m impressed beyond words to know that you passed through all these and you are still abundant in Love.God loves you for this.
Your cousin is adorable. I've looked out for her name but somehow it seems you didn't mention it. I'd like to know. I hope she has as much love in her heart as you yourself. Jehovah bless you both
Your description of your relationship with this cutie make me cry. It's so lovely. You have so much love in your heart and you are willing to spread it. That is amazing. Isn't it? She has your nose and she looks like you in everything apart from the height. Haha..I don't know where you got that trait of giantism from. Just intimidating everybody around. Lol.. Keep spreading love. I lobe you for spreading love in your own way dear @surpassinggoogle. And I appreciate your presence @Air clinic yesterday. Always remember that you have a truckload of persons you are inspiring and helping down here in Africa. God bless you
Parents are like a tresure to as those so dear to us:)
When my grandma went to be with the lord, i was so bitter. I couldnt bear to know shes gone to the extent that i almost commited suicide. She meant so much to me:) not that shes my mother but she tell me things that enlightens me...she was like an angel....The moment you see someone you have not seen for a very long time is so overwhelming:) will be suprized at the way things have changed tremendously..Hello @surpassinggoogle
Am also glad u had a goood time with your cousin...thanks for sharing and the initiative sir terry, may God continue to reward you for your hardwork..
You committed suicide??
Hahaha,no i didnt:)
A typing error...i really miss her:)
Am so glad am seeing there is hope, I guess @johnson.agbaje prayers are bring answered.
A smile on your face is what he wished and this light at the end of the tunnel brings that. Family reunions so fun!
Nigerian network will not allow someone watch the video fully but am so happy for you
Thank God for #steemgigs thank God for #teardrops and for your life
In case the load is to much, don't carry it alone share with us I will be so glad to work with you
You must be using glo. That's one quack network because I watched the video well, lol
Dear @surpassinggoogle, it was nice to have you at Air Clinic. Thank you for everything you've done to install light in the world. For this you will be blessed in this life and the one to come. Amen
Greetings to Suzzy, I hope she is as kind as you are. If thats so, then we can conclude that it runs in the family. Blessings again
A man like you is rare in this wicked world. Please keep spreading genuine love.

Eztend my regards to Suzzy, to Dad and to Mum. God bless you
Nope, not for me, i am telling "everyone".
Job done, its really a good feeling when you meet someone after this much of time, our heart is filled with joy.
If you want to vote for surpassinggoogle, is witness is @steemgigs and not surpassinggoogle
Get all your friends to vote @steemgigs as a witness.
Thanks in anticipation
Family one very tight bond I still miss my cousin who left nigeria close to 10 years now the only memory I have was her feeding me as a child and we playing in the sand, am so happy for you, am glad there is light at the end of the tunnel
What deep and wonderful words, it is always important to look back and see the road traveled with love.
And never, but never forget who we are or where we come from.
Wow I love @surpassingggoogle one of the best and generous Steemians who votes you without any hesitation . I am very much excited to join the 2nd discord talk show on steemgigs, I am very excited to learn new things. Anybody knows when will it be? I missed the first one , this time I will surely be joining. Can't wait to meet new people as well
Smiles....I love him too, maybe more than you do, lol
Keep tabs, so you don't miss out on the next one though
My heart pumped again even for a bit. My heart smiled. Easing-peace passed through it.
I am so happy Sir @surpassinggoogle knowing that you are fighting even though you are facing many problems. You never ever think about how we can help you instead you always look forward in helping us. Sir I wish you more power! For once sir, keep yourself happy! We are just here for you filipino steemians no matter what!
He is strong
He is a fighter
And he is definitely more than a human
Little wonder I'm tripping
This got me deep sir Terry, at any point in time, there is always a break through waiting for us all as far as we believe.
Blood is always thicker than water, no matter the distance or time spent apart, when the heart sees it's own,it pumps. It must have a wonderful reunion. It's always beautiful moment when you finally get to see a member of your family especially when you are in a place where you think they may never come
PS: yesterday was fun on @air-clinic. It was wonderful listening to you talk. Wow. I had fun. Saw the relaxed and happy part of you. Do come soon.
You're right about that....
Blood is definitely thicker
About yesterday, lol
It was fun too
Oh yes 😘😘
Oh yes dear ....
Family reunion is reviving ..
Aww~ This is incredibly sweet. 😊👍
Sorry if this question is a bit out of place but... What is "Steamgigs" again? Sorry, I'm new. ✌😅
Steemgigs is the Steem based freelance marketing platform where everyone has something to offer.
It's just like fiverr, but the difference is, everyone is talented whether untalented or not
You have something to offer and can offer anything,
Like......I can be your girlfriend for 2 days and you state how much you'd want to be paid
Lol, it's simply amazing.
Check out the site here
Lol, okay. That is pretty cool but... Honestly, I'm kinda looking for people who I can relate to.
What I mean by that is... More content creators with Anime/Cartoon/Movies as their themes.
Most people I see here are posting stuff more related to business and life in general more than anything...
I'm not against that though! I'm just a bit disappointed on the lack of the "otaku" communities in this platform. 😞
I don't understand
What do you mean by "otaku"
And what exactly are you looking for??
Otaku is pretty much a japanese term for nerds/geeks but normally associated to those who are passionate about anime (japanese cartoons/animation)
Oh I see
I am Nigerian so I don't know much about that
That's okay. Honestly, I really don't expect anyone to understand that word (among others). ✌😅
Cheers to you too, dude. 😁👍
What deep and wonderful words, it is always important to look back and see the road traveled with love.
And never, but never forget who we are or where we come from.
I think you experienced very emotional moments, no one wants to separate from the family, but many times it is inevitable, people go to other countries for work mostly and the families are no longer in union, but when the reunion comes, the souls rejoice and the hearts are overflowing with joy. In my country Venezuela, migration is the main dish nowadays and the families have had to separate, I know for sure what that means and I long for the day when we can be together again, God's blessings fall on you from heaven and that (with those moments) as they manifest themselves, I hope you enjoy for a long time your family, I will visit you in discord, I apologize for not seeing the videos, I do not speak English, so I would not understand, thanks to the translator today I could feel your family emotion! Long live love
There's absolutely nothing compared to the love of meeting a family member you have missed for while.
I feel your hearts in those words. I can hear them speak, not the Biro or keyboards of a laptop but the clear voice which only the heart can speak. Stay strong brother, remain in love Terry.
" "The tiniest of happiness" counts in his case. It will fill me up with fulfillment. "
Wonderful! This exemplifies so much how it is through GIVING that we feel being given to.
Our Heart is the doorstep to the bond ofOneneess which permeates all of us, being endowed with the unquenchable source of passion capable of creating a Universe of stellar Self-containment that instantly remunerates us with effervescent Joy the moment we GIVE it to our loved ones.
And it is great to see your selflessness, for only when we are selfless we recognize our Self, and when we recognize our Self, we see the beauty in everything unconditionally.
So it is most important that we love ourselves first. "I love you as much as I love myself" instead of "I love myself as much as I love you", realizing that we can only give Love to others to the extend we love ourselves, never vice versa..
Continue shining and radiating your unique Light onto your loved ones and the world! :)
I cried too as I am reading your post.I feel now how i miss my family for almost 5yrs I never seen them.My heart stopped and pumped while teardrops are falling like crazy.I am happy that you met your cousin for your dad too his happiness when he saw your cousin.
Thank you Sir Terry there is no doubt that you are truly a good person of all time.We love you God bless
The importance of the family in human life is invaluable. It is in the family that a person feels his integrity, his perfection. The family gives a person a sense of stability, comfort and personal development. And if family relations are based on understanding, mutual respect and love, such a family becomes stable, giving the joy of living. Never part with each other.
It really feels good when family you long lost contact with finally visits you be it unknowingly or not.
I myself have the same problem with my father's side of the family. I hardly even remember their names and we have never seen each other till september 2016 and that was the last i heard from them.
Lucky you @surpassinggoogle to have been favored by the universe.
the @teardrops initiative is still strong in my heart as a steemian who believes in the importance and value of tears.
It's always great to meet that relative that the hassles of life kept apart from you. Hope you guys had a nice reunion.
I remember the feeling being apart with your love ones then when I saw my mom for a long time, it was like "is this real or am I dreaming?" That was way back in my childhood memories... Wonderful feeling...
By the way sir, we will support the next steemgigs discord live talk show soon...
I really felt the emotions you have right now sir. Blood is really strong. no matter how far we are with our family the love will always remains.
On the next talk show, I wish I could make myself available:-)
Hello sir Terry!! Thanks for sharing about your family story it was really touching. Im glad you had a great time together again I just hope and Pray for the goodness and more happiness of your family sir terry. Your really have a Big heart to your family and also to us your steemit family you are a great and best model to all filipino steemians, your words of wisdom gives light to us that shines and brighten up our best future here in steemit with your full support your really our Boy Terry! Thank you for being good to us and pls. continue as our " #1 BOY TERRY" you are really one of a kind sir.
-Have a Good Day aLways @surpassinggoogle-
What an adorable story and experience.
This make me smile reading all the lines of this blog. It makes me think how Great God is. Congratulation sir terry @surpassinggoogle
Handsome man from the beginning with handsome mind
Wow I sincerely have a deep feelings inside me with this teardrops. Blood is thicker than water. It's good to have family's memories.
Thank God you and your cousin met back and your happy to have them in love.
It's pity for me that I can't watch the video now due to I don't have enough data to watch it. I can't wait to experience the steemgigs talk show. See you there sir @surpassinggoole
Really deep. Truly touching. TearDrops inciting!
I feel you more Terry because sense the Yorubaness in your entire personality and I think I can smell some dose of our "ibile" in your blood.
With this quote from the above, which is the part I like most, "truely BLOOD is thicker than water"...
You're an ExtraOrdinaire dear @surpassinggoogle.
I can't wait to meet you one-on-one one day soon when destiny shall drag you down to our motherland.