I surely don’t believe that you should stop doing something that makes you happy, but there are some things you do that you don’t realise are bad for you, and you should get rid of them for you well-being and happiness.
Here is what you should stop doing as soon as possible.
First of all, stop criticizing every selfie of yourself. Look closely at the pictures you took of yourself 10 years ago. You’re probably thinking in your head “I remember that I used to hate this picture, but I can’t figure out why. I looked so young and happy!”.
In 10 years you’ll think the same of the selfies you take now, so why not skip this self-hate step and love yourself and your photos now? Another thing related to your selfies, you have to learn how to take a compliment!
We’re all bad with receiving compliments, we have the tendency to say “Oh, you’re just saying that to be polite”. Once you’re 30 you should stop, listen, enjoy and at least say “thank you”.
By the way, you can post your selfies on Steemit, you will store it on blockchain.
Also, now’s the time to stop criticizing yourself. If you would talk to anyone the way you talk about yourself, you would have no friends. Try talking about yourself like you would talk about one of your friends: be more forgiving, more understanding and most importantly, more loving.
Another thing you have to quit is to stop comparing yourself with others. Like Mark Twain said once, “Comparison is the death of joy”. When you’ll be able to analyze your progress in an impartial way, without comparing it with someone else’s, you will be capable of setting realistic goals and enjoy your little victories, instead of being constantly discouraged by the success of others.

Moving on, you should also stop saying “yes” when your heart is saying “no”. Life is short, and once you’re 30 it will seem even shorter. This means that you will have to prioritize your time differently, and the best way to do that is to learn how to say “no”.
If you don’t want to go the second birthday party of your friend’s son, don’t go. If you don’t want to go out tonight even if you promised you would go, just call and cancel. I’m not saying that you should be antisocial, but you’re a grown-up and you should be able to make decisions for yourself.
Speaking of friends, if a friend doesn’t bring you happiness, stop being friends with them. Friendships are a choice, not an obligation.
Lastly, stop idealizing your future! Guess what you’ll learn once you get older: there is no magical period in life when everything will be in place and you’ll finally be happy.
On the contrary, life gets more and more complicated, there will be unexpected events that you won’t be able to control. That’s why you have to start living in the present and enjoy every moment of your life, instead of being anxious about your future.
It's just good to accept oneself just they way we are...i think that's what self-love is all about and the first step to a happy life. If we do that it will be easier to accept compliment and avoid comparing ourself with others.
Good advice. 🙌🙌👍👍
Thank you!
But how you stop...
You are already almost there, and it does seem you are keen to stop; since you are able to define good and bad. The reason to stop has to be based on your own feeling of remorse or fear of consequence. As long as you know that every action will always have some “consequence”.
Great article. Saying NO is definitely worth a try. But sometimes its just too difficult to do that because of surroundings, peer pressure and mental pressure. Anyhow, i do agree that we should do it and that too VERY FREQUENTLY....thanks
I've never thought about selfies. Sometimes I realize that I have just few photos about myself and probably because my criticism. Thanks to make me rethink about it.
I like to read such things. they are about simple about life (though not easy) and about us!
I'm not comfortable asking VV to look at my blog. I write about holidays every day. if interested will go there!)
Thank you, I will take a look!
god movement
@jwolf ...i like your post.which you say is true friend.
how do you properly write! and after all pcwd. if to get rid of it will be easier to live! we must learn to live the moment now. And then everything will be just supper.
I really like the part about learning to say "NO". It really gives you control over your life. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for reading it! I appreciate!
It's very true!
good luck further!
Yeah @jwolf, you really touched on one I've been guilty of for quite some time: comparing my self to others. It's always really frustrating and makes one feel empty and without confidence. But since the turn of the Year, I've strived to mind my business and be myself, and I can tell you that I've never been happier before.
The best post.
award goes to you
Everyone is unique we just have to believe in ourselfs :)
This post has received a 2.43 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @andyx.
Be you, be happy, be great. Thank you.
yes ..its very explicit post..like your all post.
Agreed with all of this @jwolf
I think it's important to understand that behavior in general, including self-defeating behaviors, is a matter of habit.
Humans fall into patterns and repetition easily, and the more we repeat a particular action, the harder it is to pull away from committing said action.
Once you become aware of this, you can begin to critical analyze your behavior and ask yourself:
"What could I be thinking/saying/doing thats holding me back?"
providing you with the important first steps of moving beyond that which would otherwise control you.
Followed, upvoted, and resteemed! If you have a moment, consider checking out my latest piece here and let me know what you think! : )
Looking forward to more of your work!
We have to learn to know us better, to be more confident and content, to express our self freely... to enjoy life!!!Hi, @jwolf! It seems that you know yourself well and you shared from your wisdom. That’s a good thing! When I look 👀 around me, many times I see people who are struggling with self-criticism, it hard for them to say no, or they continue to remain in a relationship which is toxic.
I was strucked by this
We’re all bad with receiving compliments, we have the tendency to say “Oh, you’re just saying that to be polite”.
...i realised that i usually don't accept compliments after reading this portion of your post. I must stop for what it's worth. Thanks for sharing @jwolf
Thanks for dis post its exactly what my sister needs to read
So true! I remember hating pics of me in my 20s and 30s at the time but look at them now and think I looked pretty good. Now (I'm saying nuffin), I look in the mirror and tell myself this'll be the youngest I'll ever be again -- and tell myself to enjoy my youth :D
It's good advice to accept and love yourself as you are now.
Nice inspirational post.
Anji :D
Hi jwolf. I discovered you through @iamjustincscott who resteemed this.
I wholly agree with the self-criticism and comparing yourself too much, but this is what I hope everyone takes to heart the most:
Aahh man, I know so many people, close loved ones included, who just don't seem to realise this. Their lives are going by and they'll all be over 60 one day, wishing they'd read this post and taken the last part of it seriously.
As an atheist (which I've recently written about for this first time here on Steemit) to me, this is the only life I have. Once I die, I'm gone, No more "me". So I'm living my life very conscious of this, making the most of this present moment.