We often get lazy because we get bored.
Yeah, I said it.
I've noticed something, The more I put on my plate, the more I get done. The more motivated I get, The more I'm looking for options to simplify my crazy life, Why? Because I'm overwhelmed.d
My brain goes into panic mode. Looking to drop less desirable and less rewarding opportunities, Although In my case, I can't cut anything. So Instead my brain is looking for ways to get things done even faster, More Productive. That way I can keep everything.
Did you know that sprinting through your to-do list is actually more productive than taking your time?
Because us humans get distracted so easily. When you expect yourself to get your to-do done in 8 hours, YOu are more likely to get distracted and waste time on social media. While when you give yourself 2 hours to do the same thing, You probably turn into a crazy maniac and start punching things out super fast.
Not only this but when you can finally take a break, You are more likely to become fully rested. Because you can mentally immerse yourself in the break, Rather than "half-assing" that too.
Sometimes we need to mix it up. And something remarkable happens when we sometimes get bored. We think of new ways to accomplish those same boring everyday tasks.
Those ways may be faster, Simpler and overall better.
I'm noticing this right now with my shirts and other daily responsibilities, My brain is coming up with new ways to do things more efficiently. So instead of giving up because you are bored, Try and see if there is another way of completing the task.
We Need More Challenging Things
Sometimes we get lazy, Because we are bored, And only that. Sometimes we just need to upgrade our lives.
It's about taking that next step, Moving up and going to a new place in your life that will get you closer to those long-term goals.
Sometimes honestly I do get lazy , but when I set myself straight , I accomplish my goals . I get down what I need too and I feel like eating is an important part of our energy as well
I'm too lazy to stop being lazy.......thanks ... i like the idea of sprint.
LOL NOOOOOOOO no lazy! Lol
If you find yourself without any major priorities or goals, dullness and boredom will become daily occurrences. By challenging yourself to meet a goal, you'll be motivated to continue. Have you ever gone for a run and lost all desire to keep moving? Aim to run to the end of the street, and you'll find yourself at the finish line soon enough. Big company CEOs and entrepreneurs would not have gotten so successful if they hadn't aimed high. @kaylinart
I've noticed the same principle in my pushup exercises.
If I say that I want to do 30 pushups then when I'm at the 30 mark I'm so tired that I can't even do another one.
But if I am to push my limits and expect more than what I regularly do, or go with an attitude like "I'm going to do as many as I can", I will always do a little more of them if I don't limit myself to a certain number.
Although different examples, I think the same principle applies.
Great post @KaylinArt! Thank you for sharing :)
That's true and I totally agree with you. I don't let to my mind to be lazy. Anytime try to keep positive mind. If I have to do task within some period I dedicate task schedule time basis. Then successfully create any work. I anytime try to do best task for success my future. Don't be lazy. We have only few time to stay on the planet.
Thanks for the inspiration title.
@kaylinart I agree, thats basically why we get overproductive at the very final moments of a deadline! At least I do!
making a list by making plans, drawing a path to oneself. Preparing a Sprint is not a waste of time but a time-saving. Sometimes there are lucky ones.
I agree with you all summer. @kaylinart
When I have a lot of things to do is to get into a sort of robot mode, where the only thing I think about is my tasks at hand.
That way I am just doing my current task without any other thing taking my mind elsewhere.
Right? Thats a great way to "sprint" through those tedious tasks so you can focus on things more important.
That is true. When I feel motivated about something, I noticed how productive I become. If I'm really bored, I often choose to stay lazy and do nothing. Our brains are always playing with us, haha! It's really important to always challange yourself and get out of your comfort zone to get more things done:)
I agree, especially with the sprinting aspect.
I feel like the faster I do things the more momentum I build to continue on to my next tasks.
If I decide to take my sweet time... I’m not getting anywhere but into bed to take a nap. Haha
I agree with you completely. I've found that when I have little to do, the amount of time needed to finish the small number of tasks at hand increases. Beautiful picture with the floral head garland in the field.
Successful people away from what is often done by lazy people. For example, lethargic, limp, not energetic, uninspired, and do nothing. Successful people always have high spirits in their lives. He will have amazing ideas that a slacker will not have. Success or not someone is not influenced by the intelligence they have. However, a person will achieve success because of the habits he has. Abstinence, high spirits, and always positive thinking are the attitudes you must have in order to be successful @khaylinart
Nice post...
Please upvote my post...
no no no
Yes, I agree. Taking breaks is also a great motivator because it pushes you harder to get your work done, so you can take five.
Today, you have highlighted a very important issue, we actually lazy many times in the work, it is not right to do this.If you do not work, success never comes..
As technology develops, laziness is an indispensable guest of our homes. He's sitting in his chair and holding us out of his columbus, causing him to commit his life. It is possible to think of laziness as an individual who can not leave us. We should not throw a crime on technology. Actually, we meet in our baby. First of all, my mother is a lullaby whispering ear "What do you grow up in your nephews ..." Oh, what else do you need? :)) @kaylinart
Being lazy is not an abnormal situation, in fact, it is quite natural. I do not think anyone would want to go to the office like that dungeon unless there are jobs we have to do to work, that is, the documents we need to train and the arrangements we need to make! It's a little too lazy to lazy ...
but if we want to get rid of laziness what can we do?
1-Take Action
Even if you do not want to read books, READ OUT.If you do not want to exercise, get up and do EXERCISE.
The only thing that keeps us from doing a job is that we do not do it, so do it now!
2-Step by Step
If you want to do everything at once, you lose your motivation. You will be surprised at what you will do first, where you will start, and you will not be able to complete any work at all. For this reason, divide your big business into small pieces and concentrate on just that split part of the work you have achieved. On this count, you will be able to complete a job that you think is very difficult and can never come from above, with much more pleasure and pleasure.
3-Remove Things That Distribute Your Attention
When we keep our ambassadors around us, things that will keep us occupied outside our work will be immediately alert and motivated.Therefore, they will serve us apart from the purpose of this matchless distribution of our attention. If we move things out of the environment, for example, if we do not connect to the internets, if we lock in the room where the TV is located or we can focus on the work, we can concentrate our attention and concentrate on our work much easier if we work in the simpler environment. Even if our attention differs for different reasons, we can easily reassure ourselves that we are away from things that have no long-term binding effect.
4-Motivate Yourself
Whatever job you are doing, do you know why you are busy with it? Over time, he may forget the reason he is engaged or busy at the moment, the goal he wants to accomplish by doing the job. "Why would I do this?" For this reason, remind yourself of your personal satisfaction, how important it is to your life and your family. If the answer you ask for what you do for what you are not satisfied with, then reassess your work related goals!
5-Reward Yourself
Being disciplined and planned is good, nice, nice, but who do we want to be robots? This is a terrible thing! None of us can live by just rules. This is a serious negative impact if we lose our motivation. We are enthusiastic and enthusiastic at the completion of every work we do in the end considering the award. The prize is a positive reinforcement in this sense.
If you have done these, congratulations are free from laziness...
I support you until the end very nice post @kaylinart
Thank you
Thanks for all the motivation! I've been super bored with work lately and have been known to procrastinate my to do list. Time to shape up in 2018! I set myself 8 resolutions and am gonna crush them all
Boredom is a matter of perception sometimes. Finding different ways to accomplish same task makes it easier for me too.
If I have a plan I have to try to put into action quickly or I'll get bored and be over it.
wow is amazing worthy of an award.
I am one of the laziest people on this planet, but once I start to do something I get enough energy to do everything else. All we need is motivation :)
But you know a secret! Steemit made me more lazier these days :) Nice post!
I get your point but I like to take my time :)
My opinion about the boredom.Chatting with others is the most primitive, simple and successful solution.
Try to make your partner, your friend, your family, happy. Sometimes it is the greatest happiness to laugh near you.
I cannot say I am ever bored. I just get unmotivated. I look at the two differently. Good post my friend. Love your caricature drawing. Thanks.
Many years ago I had put on quite a bit of extra weight. My friend kept trying to get me to go to the gym with him, but I was always too tired after work. Finally, he convinced me. To make a long story short, within a very short time I had lost about (30) pounds, felt like I was a teenager again, and couldn't wait to go to the gym three nights a week. I had an abundance of energy, and was always active and happy, instead of sitting in front of a television, and tired all the time.
So yeah, boredom can cause laziness, but another big one is depression!
I've been off from work since July 2017 because of a major shoulder injury. I've had one surgery in July 2017, which failed, and now I'm looking a temporary fix type of surgery, with a total shoulder replacement within 2 - 3 years.
I've been extremely inactive, with very limited funds, and I've went back to putting on weight and finding myself getting very bored and depressed. HOWEVER, I now recognize it, and that helps tremendously. I'm able to somewhat snap myself out of it. I can change what I'm doing, call one of my kids, or do something to break the boredom and depression.
Lastly, I found Steemit in September 2017, and this has actually help a lot. It's just a different type of site, and I feel like I have more of a desire to see it continue to get better. I use other sites, of course, but I don't really care so much about them, other than being a communications medium.
Who-da-ever-thunk Steemit could also be a therapist? lol
Thanks for your post!
Good sharing your pos for us.
Thank you.. sukses is always for you @kaylinart...
If i go to fast I make a mess :)
I definitely agree with this that we can't be lazy. I think when we start falling into routines we start getting lazy with our work, so we just need to keep changing to stay up on things too :).
We need to keep strong discipline and will power. What we are doing makes a huge difference to give us the energy to keep plugging away. Great post @kaylinart! I think you'll enjoy my posts also if you have a chance to check them out! Have a great day.
Isn't it weird how the more you workout and run around, the less you seem to be tired, while if you just go to sleep all day, the more you will feel groggy and tired? Sometimes, in life you have to get out of your comfort zone in order to accomplish what you really want.
If you want to have more energy, you must get out of your comfort zone and start working out even if your mind tells you to sleep and stay in bed more.
This post rings so true for me. I am hyper-efficient at getting tasks done, but I have to have exciting things in the pipeline and a compelling reason to finish them, or else I simply don't care.
So I really identify with what you said about the busier you are, the more productive you become.
For me, I try to spend as little time on a computer as possible, but ALL of my work is computer-based. So I've made it a game to try and get my work done as effectively as possible and "reward" myself with as much off-screen time as possible.
Great post!
~ Kevin
It is in our nature to find the easiest path, because subconsciously we know that it takes 1000 steps to the top, and only one to the bottom, and then we dont even try to achieve something in life.
I certainly concur with this that we can't be lazy
Upvoted nd resteemed
So true! One strategy I constantly give myself is deadlines so I have to finish a task/song/post by a certain time. And the closer that deadline comes, the more productive I get.
yes mate, because laziness is always there in every human, depending on how we handle it, I am very interested in your post, I will upvote and resteem. @kaylinart
The challenging things are generally better accomplished for people like us who want an active mind. As much as I like getting things easily, having a challenge is fun and feels like more of an accomplishment. :)
This is true with childhood education too. If students are not challenged, class becomes boring and they get restless and into trouble. But challenge that same child and they may excel. This was true for me, way back when.
God bless you
Awesome post
It is indeed true I get distracted easily,I have always had this problem,I will apply your solution then below.
Do it now mentality,idea comes up,execute straightaway!
Sprinting is Bae! When I have lots mapped out and perceive laziness blocks away, I call my best friend and we sprint through it together and reward ourselves afterwards.
I totally agree. I find the same thing in my own life. While I'm not one of those 'worship me because I'm constantly frazzled and too busy' people, I do like to have a decently full schedule as it keeps me on my toes! Especially with creative pursuits- I find there's a fine balance between squirreling away 'just enough' and 'too much,' or 'not enough' time to get my Photoshop work done or to do a new painting. Anyway I'm just rambling.. all in all I totally agree with you! Cheers!
I think a little bit of boredom can be a good thing but productivity is good.
Nature has no provisions and do not allow vacuums, that is no place for emptiness or idleness. The truth is at every point we are termed lazy we are actually busy doing something different fro m the goal at hand or something that is of less or completely of NO value. make a choice to channel your energy to the needful the first and be prompt about. life a choice we must make to live it.
Great thought, this is very important for steemit :)
When you are bore then there is 💯 % chance to make a good plan
A quick plan does not have any other options
Lots of love😊😊😊😍😍😍 Keep it up @kaylinart