Get What You Want From Life FAST!

in #life8 years ago


What is it about successful people? They are like magic! They say they want something, A week or so later they got it!! I feel like I'm becoming one of those people and a world of opportunity has opened up as I changed my thinking.

We grow up being told that we can do anything in life, But it seems like our hopes and dreams are quickly crushed when we end up somewhere we didn't want to be.

Don't Worry About Small Stuff

Sometimes you have to dive in and get going. Small details are overwhelming and add up too fast. Haven't you noticed, Sometimes the simplest companies become more successful?
Like Amazon started off selling books. And only books. Imagine if they started off selling EVERYTHING!? Maybe they wouldn't be as big as they are today.

Steemit is also a good example. They released a very simple and basic website That works! It's simple, And less buggy. Imagine if they went big from the start?!
There would be all sorts of problems. More than we already dealt with. THis also gives people a chance to "Weigh" in on possible features they want. And I love it!

If you tend to be a perfectionist. Try and stop it! It's harmful in the long term.
Focus on the basics and add detail in later.

Cut Out Negative People

Like in my last post How To get the best revenge I talked about the importance of getting those people out of your life, Who drag you down. This can be the difference between your success and your failure. They will only pull you down with them. They are like weights on your boat. And if there is too much pull, You will sink.

Don't Let The Past Bring You Down

We often look at our past to decide whether we will tackle something.
Or we think that because we've failed so many times in the past that we cannot have success. This is wrong! You can be as successful as you wish to be. You have to move beyond your past and keep going!


Be Honest With Yourself

I have this issue sometimes. I try to maintain positivity even when things are bad. But sometimes I have to open my eyes a bit and be honest about the negative aspects of my life. Being honest with yourself is very important. It allows you to grow. If you lie and tell yourself your healthy, And your clearly not. It's going to catch up with you. So sometimes by dealing with the pain of honesty, you can get more out of life.

Take Advice

I always see people struggling, And I straight out tell them. There is __________ Guy that can help them. Because they are smart and KNOW what they are doing.
Often I'm ignored.
They never take any advice, And they wonder why they didn't move forward.
The problem is, You don't know everything. And you can't know everything. There is too much to learn. Some people dedicate their whole lives to the things you may be struggling with.

Reaching out and taking advice isn't a sign of weakness, But A sign of strength. Because your showing you want to grow and improve. So one thing I struggle with, Is relationships. I don't understand people very well If that makes any sense. So when my recent relationship failed. I reached out to a dating coach, Who teaches things I like. And began reading his books. Many people may think it's silly of me. But this is an area of my life where I've always struggled. Some of the basic things seem difficult for me. (Like how much to invest). So by taking advice from a man who's entire career revolves around relationships, I can grow myself!

Keep Learning

You should read every single day! You should try and learn something new everyday, and it doesn't have to be a big thing. If you learned a new skill at work, That's good enough! But always learn.

My mom makes jokes at me Because I take Udemy courses Pretty regularly. So I look like a student at all times with my notebook and pens. As well as big nonfiction books.

But learning is a lifelong process that never should stop. Just because you are out of school doesn't mean you done with learning.

Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

People don't do this nearly enough. But it's required if you want to be successful in life.
If I never did the things that I'm afraid of, I wouldn't do anything.
My fears may sound ridiculous but here are some things that are out of my "comfort zone."

  • Going out in public
  • Talking to people, I don't know.
  • Ordering food, And having to answer the door.
  • Making phone calls.
  • Going hiking alone.

But guess what? I do these things anyways. Plus more. Because I know I have to! And guess what? I haven't been punched in the face by the random people I have to approach in daily life! Or at least not yet LOL.

If you never leave your comfort zone, You'll never do new things and be able to grow will be more difficult.


Great post, i enjoyed reading it. I read a while back that in life, you are nothing more than a combination of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Whilst it is an oversimplification, i think it carries some truth. So cut out the negative people, and try to be the dumbest person in the room, as richard branson explained it in his autobiography :)

I love that saying and I agree with it completely!

"If you never leave your comfort zone, You'll never do new things and be able to grow will be more difficult."
I'll keep that in mind :) Very inspirational post :)

Thank you :) So true.

I like your post because it carry lot of information and knowledge for the new steamer like me. Thanks for the valuable information.

Thank you :)

In business or Life in general the key is to Start Small, Think Big and Scale Fast
Happy Sunday!

Very good post as always!

Phone calls are outside of your comfort zone? Interesting! It's always fun seeing what makes others feel uncomfortable.

Yes!! I don't know why. But I get so nervous on the phone. I just don't like it haha.

When I was drinking, more than 30 years ago--in the days of no answering machine--and I'd get a busy signal, I'd have to finish the beer I was drinking and open a new one and then try the call again. Really crazy!

Honest is the first things to be succes,

The difference between the rich and the poor is Action and Persistence.
When you are not ready to take action, then you are not ready for business.

When you are not ready to keep trying, then you are ready to fail.

Comfort zone is another problem, but not as problematic as those two.

Be active, and work smart.

It would be my privilege to have you as a friend. I put an article on "365 promises or God." @ Scotty 777.hope777 is my wife. I hope you have a nice day.

Great Points.. Walk before You run :)

I was a perfectionist to the extreme at one point. On the one hand, it kept me employed during my drinking days because that kind of "dedication" to work and detail was valuable to my employer. On the other hand, however, I could see how much time I put into things that were very temporary. I'm skilled in cognitive-behavioral therapy so I was able to dismiss many of my unnecessary actions one by one. At this point, it now longer occupies more time than I am willing to spend on it.
I also like your thought on leaving the comfort zone. It gets easier every time! I watched a TED video recently where they guy talked about getting what he wanted just by asking. Some of his examples are rather far out, but he found that if he acknowledged this to the person he was asking, he could usually get a positive response. Anyway, good post. I'll shut up now...