Many of us live life without thinking about what we stand for, What we are here for. And we often forget how much principles can drive our daily decision making.
We Procrastinate
It's easy to procrastinate when it seems like there isn't anything that we HAVE to do. Or when our to-do lists are too overwhelming, Or when we just aren't sure where to start. Knowing where you are going in life, And what your principles are. Can help you make that decision a lot easier overall.
Consequences Are Often Delayed
With most things in life, We don't see the consequences right away. The bad, The good.
Sometimes this can encourage us to procrastinate or not think about how much our future is going to hurt when we start making little mistakes.
Small things become big things over time.
You were sleeping at once in a while, May does not impact you at first, But then after years of doing it, You may notice a change. Things you always wanted to do in life, Never got done. Because you spent all that extra time sleeping.
Long-term habits add up fast, and by the time we are dealing with the consequences. It's often too late to turn back at that point. One positive example of this, Is when you start a business. Often you are just feeding and feeding your business all this money, And not seeing much of anything come out of it. Then later down the road those positive habits, That work that you've done, Starts to pay off. And all the sudden you are reaping the benefits.
This is kind of the situation I'm in now, I started my business a couple of years ago, And I'm starting to benefit, Same with my Steemit blog.
Consequences don't happen immediately. This is why we need to constantly reevaluate our behavior, so we can turn back when we are starting to get on a bad pathway.
Habits Change Everything
Habits can be really hard to change, But being aware of your bad habits can enable you to work on changing. Often replacing them with a newer habit.
I used to have the habit of getting home from work and leaving my work bag on the floor. It later encouraged me to leave other things that I wasn't using on the floor. Which gradually started to add up.
Which caused my room to become messy a lot quicker.
So instead of leaving on the floor, During the week. I leave my work bag in my car. It doesn't have anything valuable, Usually a pair of work gloves, And my work badge.
So bringing it inside made no sense.
By making one small change to my daily routine, I was able to eliminate this bad habit.
Sure, It's just a "little" things, But as I said, Little things can become bad things.
Let's say, for example; I continued leaving my bag on the floor every day. As a result, I would naturally leave more stuff laying around. My room would make messier every day. This would lead to me spending more time cleaning it, Which would waste a lot of time every year. After a year, I may have been able to be a lot more productive, But because I messed up. I wasted all that time.
See how something so silly can be damaging overtime?
They are eating me alive , I wish I could tell someone but it wouldn’t be a secret to myself anymore . I wish I could make better sections for myself but we are humans we keep making mistakes under we learn the hard way
If we are serious about our improving as a person, we certainly need to get rid of bad habits, but for that we need to first be humble enough so we can realiz and accept our imperfections.
And second we need to have a proper mental strength, so when the laziness comes, and the bad habits starts reappearing, we shut them down. Therefore, discipline is also important.
When we consider our career, the things that we think hurt our career typically only create short term pain. That is, you might have made a mistake in your job or upset someone while getting things done.
However, these are job based mistakes. The decisions we make when it comes to a career are different. They compound any pressures we have in our current job, and make it harder to transition or progress to the goals we have.
But Need to keep milestone for our long journey. Pass some goals that time we have to happy. Don't need to waste time. Time arrangement more important.
Have you heard of this, if you were to keep the same routine for 14 days consecutively, it will become a habit :)
Ohh I have :) I thought it was like 1 month! But I think it may be different for everyone eheh.
It was 21 days but it has been debunked.
really? damn.
yea true, different people diff pace. haha
I have been thought that is 21 repetitive routines days, times, etc is what make it an habit.... but 14 is good too I guess...
Everyone should be self aware, that Is the most important thing. Doing something being aware is always better than doing something without being aware. Same thing applies to decisions.
Exactly! Self awareness changes the whole game.
It's a very difficult process though, accepting the flaws. I've seen that it has positive effects as well. Knowing that you are really good at something will help so much. What do you practise to be more self aware?
Yea it's interesting how we loose track of our goals and principals in life. I think stress is a passion killer and many times this can be the reason why we loose the motivation to strive for those long term goals. I think it's important that have a healthy life style, and to keep it tidy at home. We are a reflection of what is arround us, so it's important to not only surround ourselves with the right people, but also the right environment. That's why I think it's much better going to the gym than to try to work out at home - the environment will give you the right condition o succeed
There is nothing wrong with habits. Without habits, we’d barely make it through the day. Try spending an entire day thinking intentionally about each choice you’re making. You’ll be mentally exhausted. The skill lies in discerning which patterns no longer serve your current needs and which new behaviors will bring the greatest benefit. @kaylinart
RIGHT? I meant bad habits. Good habits are absolutely necessary. I totally see what you are getting at wit having to make each decision manually.
It's good to re evaluate our habits often. It keeps us from becoming stuck in a rut.
The wrong decision would be detrimental, but not daring to make a decision is also unjustifiable @kaylinart
Exactly! Sometimes we have to take the risk even though it's scary.
Propensities decides the level of accomplishment.
I love that parachute picture !!!its beautiful :)
*hot air balloon lol
Thank you :) I found it on Pixabay! I wish I took that photo though hehe.
Hmmm never thought of it that way... that if I just replace stuff where it should go in the first place I could save time spent cleaning 😲 and time is so precious!
Right? And cleaning even though necessary can eat a crazy amount of time.
Hahah you pointing this out might finally make me pay a bit more attention to not letting it get messy in the first place... 👌😅
Maybe! I hope so! Hehe maybe you can find a common theme here, Clothes? Shoes? What is it LOL.
Habits make the (wo)man, strong habits will change who you are. This year:
My $0.02
Wow Love it!! Yes! These are habits we all should have. Even if it's hard to find time for it.
Yeah I've been feeling this way a lot about my dishes. I keep letting them build up till it takes like 45 minutes to clean, but I know if I just clean the dish each time I use it I'd have no built up dish mess. I'll use you as encuragment to work on my shitty habits haha.
Oh NO!!! Hahha I'm guilty of the dishes too! I really don't like dishes LOl.
Enjoy the vote and reward!
Habits determines the level of success. Nice write up
Exactly! Thank you.
It's new year, time to change ourselves for the better. Say no to procrastination and do things straight away.
Habits Change Everything, strongly agree with your opinion.
Enjoy the vote and reward!
Thanks for voted
i'm art this pic, tomorrow i will post this pic my profile
Let me know :) I want to see what you come up with.
Every step takes a decision and every decision has its consequences. If we are right we are happy, but if we are wrong we can learn and grow. Our habits define who we will be in the future.
Slowly working on my good habits everyday - its a work in progress.
However I let go of the need to try and be perfect.
Now I strive to be the best me everyday.
wow you are really beautiful people his friends .. if you have time to visit my blog once my friend yes
Actualy I think our good habbits can change our future.. .
Bcz...sUccess is depent only seccand letter..."U"..
Cheers~~~1000% agree with you @kaylinart mam...
Keep spirits
Thank you for article! It's very interesting for me. I often struggle with the habits of procrastination.
Great post @kaylinart . In today's society more than ever it's easy to get distracted. Especially with smart phones. What was life like without them, how ever did we procrastinate back then lolololol ?!?!?
very interesting post @kaylinart
Most of the time laziness is the common ground for procrastination which reasons are mentioned in your post. Probably because there are person who were spoon fed by their parents with everything they need and doesn't teach them to spend time working for something. Although, like what you said, this could not be the reason but still, laziness is the common denominator.
It’s hard to change things around when you get into a routine, and are juggling a full-time job, a spouse, children, and a house you bought.
Sometimes it just takes a few small changes to become far more efficient!
Exactly! changing routines is hard, I feel like most of us, Pile so much on ourselves everyday.
Little changes certainly add up.
Most times, we are our enemy. While the going might or will get tough,laziness is sn option we shouldnt consider.
Great post!
Wow. The Butterfly Effect meets Decision Fatigue. All in a few minutes of reading. Typos included.