It's Okay To Suck!

in #life7 years ago

We tend to beat ourselves up when we aren't good at something, Especially on the first try. When we should be a little more understanding that we may not be very good.

We All Suck!

Even those people with seemingly unlimited talents suck at things. Maybe they just practiced. Or they are good at something similar to whatever it is they tried. Some skills can transfer over to other hobbies. Like I picked up painting fast because I already spent years drawing.

Don't Discourage Yourself!

It already seems like not a lot of people try new things on a regular basis. So Why is it, That we beat ourselves up so bad for trying something new when it really can get us somewhere. How are we supposed to learn if we don't try new things! And you can't try something new without embarrassing yourself or being lousy at it, At times.

People Will Forget

There are so many embarrassing things I did back when I wen to school.
I thought for sure; I'd have to move far away to get away from everything.
And sure, The internet makes it easier to remember certain events. It also makes it more difficult because we are constantly overwhelmed with information every day.
Those silly mistakes you make will most likely be forgotten. I see a lot of people I went to school without in public, and they don't even remember who I am. It's funny.
Plus sometimes when people do remember, They may still have some respect for you, Because you tried something new, And you got out of your comfort zone!
Not a lot of people do that these days, so it's commendable.
Even if it's embarrassing!



everything that you say is true, but when we do it is ignored, therein lies the feeling of deep disappointment, so that what we serve is properly enjoyed or ignored, I do not know ,. but if our work is rewarded and gained appreciation, it will be a positive energy, from where we may go, kill identity, and find where they will receive us.
maybe that's the experience I'm feeling right now

It's also ok to be awesome, like in your case!

Hheheh You are too sweet XD

I guess at one point we all suck and that is important to know. When I studied Chinese in the beginning I would make many mistakes with the pronunciation. So did a lot d others. Many others were discouraged to try to speak as they fel embarrassed. I understood that speaking as much as possible was the key to learn and though there were some embarrassing moments on the way I was able to learn in the end.

Wow you did? Learning a new language can be way tough. I'm glad you were able to get passed your embarrassment and keep doing it anyways.

Thank you. It took a lot of time but eventually I did learn it. I decided to go to a Chinese university so I could practice everyday and it made all the difference

The only way of learning new things is by doing and redoing them over and over again, practicing a lot, when we are new in something it’s expectable to “suck” at it.

We are all humans, and we aren't perfect, we will always be bad at somethings. And that’s ok.

Exactly! I can play seemingly every musical instrument except guitar, I just can't wrap my head around it even though I play bass. I've tried a few times over the years to just sit down and figure it out, but it just doesn't come to me like other things do. Some things come easier than others, and if you really want to learn to do something, you just have to put in a lot of time and commitment into it. It's also ok if you can't or don't want to, there are so many other things to be interested in and pursue!

Sometimes it feels like everyone sucks... other times it feels like the world is full of amazing people. It all balances out, no point worrying what other people think. :)

Right? Hehe :) Who cares what others think.

@kayliart - You do not have to worry about sucking at things. You are good at so many things like art, business and life philosophy. However, it is true that there is a chink in everyone's armor. We can not all be good at everything, so, sucking at some things is OK!
Thanks for pointing this out though. Sometimes we just tend to beat ourselves up in spite of the obvious logic above. Upvoted full



Agree. We need to speak to ourselves as we would our own children.

@kaylinart At least you made me think today. I need to make some decisions to make 2018 the BEST EVER !

Mistakes equals Experience and Experience equals success

Very nice writing and good photography.I need to make some decision for my life my friend can you help me.

Its an interesting insight into how we see ourselves. We all have these really embarrassing moments where we totally sucked but learnt a lesson too. A lesson to overcome that and move ahead.

the proverb says "do not give up before fighting"

yupp agreed! definitely have to fail a lot in order to work on it and have progress :P

It's okay, I forgive you for sucking with certain talents. ;)
Kidding hehe, we all have our strong and weak points or skills and the weak parts can be worked on, maybe even get much better at it! :)

People don't usually remember the fuck ups and if they do they laugh with you.

Woooo! Agreed! People try too hard to be perfect but the reality is that all the people who we think are living perfect lives are still struggling, too.

I've decided to use my Steemit to show my experiments and failures as well as the successes as I build my business/personal brand because people need to see that relatable struggle. Not enough people are okay with their failures and as someone who's SUPER GOOD at failing, I might as well do some good with it, hahah.

Fear of sucking paralyzes many people into not exploring their hidden talents. This deprives them of the pleasure of sharing these gifts with the world.

very nice post friends

great post like it and upvoted.....

Thanks I needed that. I suck so much at so many things. I feel better now.

I really like your photos, very pretty :)

You are looking beutiful and your information is really great...thanks for sharing

We are not meant to be perfect all the time! So it is absolutely okay to suck! :) :)

Hello @ kaylinart, how are you? You look very good,.
your post is good, do not select @gomess okay!

its a life and it really give you strongness and good for a new move

It's like me. It's ok to suck write in english.

At least u can understand what I'm trying to say.

Oh yes, leaving the comfort zone is very important! I can confirm. I leave her every day because I write my novel. Even if I do not know if I'm writing well enough, I'll just do it. Sometimes it just depends on doing something. In the beginning you make mistakes anyway. But you learn new things that will make you stronger again. It is better to try and make mistakes than to do nothing.

Yes that's absolutely correct, totally loved what you wrote we all need to read this , we all suck at something, loved your choice of words too much wisdom and learning, keep on going.