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RE: Should Women "Free Bleed"? Why Are Periods Disgusting?

in #life8 years ago

I agreee!! I'm the exact same way! The thought of having something that big come out of me, Is horrific. I think if we are stuck having the periods, men should have to give birth :p At least technology might make it so we don't have to do that anymore. But still periods :/


Yes, periods are the worst. A few months ago I saw this movement on Facebook saying they want women to be able to have a day or two off work during their period. Wouldn't that be awesome? But then, what employer would still hire women with all this loss in productivity?

True! It's messed up that employers would avoid hiring us for it.
But I would agree with the extra time off. Right now we basically get less sick time than men. Most of us have those really bad period days where we really can't get ourselves to go to work.

Exactly. Luckily, when it's too bad, I can usually just call in sick without having to explain all the ins and outs. I'll just stick to headache and nausea, which are basically the symptoms anyway.

Thats good , You basically aren't lying that way! Hehe.