When I first heard about women free bleeding, I was horrified. I was embarrassed and ashamed to be a woman honestly. But when I started to think about it more, I became thankful for women doing this, Because I'm sick of being embarrassed about my period. I'm sick of being embarrassed about carrying my bag into the bathroom. When I normally don't. I'm sick of having to hide my tampon in my shirt sleeve or pocket, so no one sees it. Because a little Cotton Sticker cloth is so "offensive." Or A giant sized Q-Tip is something that should never be seen by anyone.
What Is free bleeding
When Women Don't use tampons or pads on their period, Instead they let the blood go wherever, In their panties and on their pants.
They use no feminine products to stop the flow.
Is it more comfortable?
I would never do it myself. I would rather use tampons and pads.
I know what it's like to "free bleed" because sometimes women start periods unexpectedly. They go to the bathroom at some point, and our panties are soaked in blood.
Some women find free bleeding more comfortable. Tampons can hurt and feel funny, While pads make you feel like your wearing a massive diaper. Nothing seems fully comfortable. Because when you free bleed it feels like you peed your pants. Except your underwear and pants become incredibly sticky.. gross.
It's bad for the environment
Right now I use tampons and pads BEcause I stock piled them years ago. But I'm fed up with the damage I'm causing to the environment. This is also why I significantly cut back toilet paper usage!
So once I run out of what I currently have, I'm going to switch to a moon cup And cloth pads.
Taxes on Feminine products
I can't believe we have to pay taxes on tampons and pads.
It's a freaking joke!
It's a "necessity." Food and feminine products shouldn't' be taxed.
Although nothing, in general, should be taxed, thats another article altogether.
Also When we are talking about the "cost" women have to pay for their periods. We have to remember that some of the poorest people in the world cannot afford period products. Free bleeding will help us raise awareness on this type of thing. So maybe we can get the prices down, or healthier alternatives!
Women's periods aren't "Okay" In the workplace."
When I worked at UPS. My period days were 10x worse. The job it's self is very physical, So I'm moving around like a crazy person.
And there are less WOMENS bathrooms, Then men's rooms. So sometimes you have to wait for a long time to use the bathroom.
Also with my loading job, There are mostly men. I rarely worked with women. While I loved working with men, There was a serious problem with it.
They didn't understand
Some days I would feel so crappy and just want to go home. Your period isn't just about "bleeding" There are other symptoms too. Some women get cold or flu-like symptoms. Diarrhea, PMS, Along with others.
It's hellish!
But I would tough it out. Every. Single. Time.
I dealt with the embarrassment of hauling my little bag up to the bathroom When I normally didn't. And it was super obvious to the men around me, That I was probably bleeding.
Until one day, I started my period at work, Unexpectedly.
I was bleeding A LOT. And I stood in my trailer, horrified. It went through my panties And drenched my black basketball shorts. It starts "trickling down my leg."
I went to my supervisor and told him I didn't feel well, and I wanted to go home. He told me I had to stay.
I NEVER ASKED TO GO HOME EARLY! This was my first time! And he said NO. I seriously wanted to throw a brick at his head!
The asshole started sending OTHER people home with less seniority.
I regret being passive and going back to my trailer to finish up. He even made me clean up the new hires trailers. And they were trashed! I was so pissed. I should have told him that I had "women issues." I was so scared that my coworkers would see. If my pant leg went up even a little, they would have seen.
In society, it's frowned upon for women to talk about their periods. You even say the word, and many men will cringe.
It's bullshit!
It's a perfectly natural thing, And unfortunately, we can't "stop" it from happening. If we could be open about it, it would make women feel less ashamed of themselves. We would be more comfortable in our skin. Teenagers would probably struggle less and feel less "alone" If they could be open about this bizarre thing that is happening to them!
Men expect us to "give Birth" to their kids. Well, why the hell can't we talk about the natural monthly thing that makes it possible for us to have your stupid kids? With that whole process, your life is EASY!
You get to pee standing up; You don't have a time of the month. And best of all, You can't get pregnant. I could go on and on about that. You probably watch violent and or gory movies, But the thought of a woman bleeding a few tablespoons in her undies annoys you? That makes a lot of sense...
Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!
It's not like something I like to think about, lol, but I spent the last four years managing call rooms and clinics with me being the only male. I've had plenty of women coworkers and subordinates, I have never once shamed or even asked for details beyond "personal" or "sick." I get that not all managers or supervisors are like that, but what the fuck is wrong with society that women are embarrassed to have a natural bodily function. I seriously didn't know this was an issue after like middle school when we had to learn "girls have an innie and boys have an outie." Fuck making people feel ashamed of something they have zero control over. Thanks for sharing.
Exactly! I love your comment! I wish more men were like you!!
When I used to call in to that job, I'd get questioned like no other. They'd make me feel crappy about me "Faking sick". When I really didn't feel well. Ridiculous really. I think employers need to be better about that. I'm glad you didn't have to be a jerk to your coworkers.
I think it would be more beneficial to just keep little baskets full of dark chocolate, red wine, and Tylenol as a get well soon gift. It doesn't matter what's wrong, one of those 3 things or the combination seems to fix it most of the time . :)
Hehehe that sounds perfect :) And so sweet!
My only issue would be the stains. I've always known that I shouldn't be made ashamed of my periods, body hair, stretchmarks or any behaviour that can be considered "masculine". ( Unless it's something men should also be ashamed of )
I have my own inexpensive solution to my menstrual mess. I haven't used diaper-like pads in years or tampons since I was a teen. ( They never really protected my clothes in the first place )
As for the taboo, there was a time when a woman couldn't cross water or be in a holy place when she was menstruating. It was considered a "sin". For as long as women have been considered the sub-sex of men we've been made ashamed one way or another for what we were born to be.
I love that you aren't ashamed of any of that stuff, I'm trying to get to that point.
It really sucks that we are the Sub sex ! haha. Thats why I'm excited about changing it.
What is your inexpensive solution if you don't mind telling me? haha.
We are considered the sub sex. But remember at one time we lived in matriarchal societies. It is only by our constructed culture, not by our nature.
I use 2 things depending on the flow ( light or heavy ). Before it starts, I just use a kitchen towel or toilet paper. When it starts to get heavy I use the menstrual sponge. I find it far more reliable than anything else but it does require check ups ( it's risky to use it for as long as you would use a tampon ). My flow doesn't stay heavy for long so I go back to toilet paper because ... well the sponge can be messy when taking it out. ( That's a warning )
True! I should of worded that differently.
Those are really smart methods! I think thats going to be similar to using the cloth pads I found online. I like those because they stay put hehe
I've never heard of free bleeding before. Honestly, it sounds horrible and I would never do it. You're right about the taboo on our peroids though. God, most of the time, I have one day where it's so bad, I just want to curl up on the couch with a blanket and something warm on my tummy. It aches and I get headaches and dizzyness. It's horrible to have to try and work through that.
Men have it easy. I wish they were the ones having to give birth to babies. I'm absolutely horrified by the idea of ever having to do that!
I agreee!! I'm the exact same way! The thought of having something that big come out of me, Is horrific. I think if we are stuck having the periods, men should have to give birth :p At least technology might make it so we don't have to do that anymore. But still periods :/
Yes, periods are the worst. A few months ago I saw this movement on Facebook saying they want women to be able to have a day or two off work during their period. Wouldn't that be awesome? But then, what employer would still hire women with all this loss in productivity?
True! It's messed up that employers would avoid hiring us for it.
But I would agree with the extra time off. Right now we basically get less sick time than men. Most of us have those really bad period days where we really can't get ourselves to go to work.
Exactly. Luckily, when it's too bad, I can usually just call in sick without having to explain all the ins and outs. I'll just stick to headache and nausea, which are basically the symptoms anyway.
Thats good , You basically aren't lying that way! Hehe.
I would pay to see a man's reaction if they had one day of period, a "free blood" moment and the symptoms!! He would freak out for sure!!
Yes, a man can stands fights and blood involved, but if it's related to a woman period, they just run!! ahah
Right ? It's so crazy!! They say we are a "pain in the ass" when we are on our periods. I bet they'd be 10 x harder to deal with LOL
This is kinda sorta on topic with this, but a tangent I fully acknowlege: For those following me, you know I have been vacationing in Orlando with my huge crazy awesome family. I have been away from the states for over 3 years by the way, living in Patagonia. While here in Florida, I have noticed a big shift in breast feeding in public, especially with the Europeans. We were waiting in line the other night to get on the Ferry from Magic Kingdom at closing time and I was standing next to a woman carrying her 2 year old (more or less) son and he had reached his limit. He was not happy and was making all of us not happy. After a few moments of this, she just whipped it out and made all of us much happier instantly. My point is, society is gradually accepting the human body for what is, I think, maybe. Again, a little off topic but kinda close.
I definitely feel it's on topic! I'm glad that society is becoming more accepting! I know that there will have to be a strange transition phase, but once we got through it the world will be a better place.
I think there are obvious reasons why we don't want our girls to free bleed. blood stains everything your clothes your bed sheets your couch your dog and also its a easy way the spread blood diseases.
Of course! I agree with that. I wouldn't do it personally. And I wouldn't be happy to sit on a bloody seat on a bus or something. But this seems to be a way to raise awareness on the other issues. I noticed some women use those "doggie pee pads" and put those down before they sit places. I'm not sure what they do walking around.
This is a natural body function. I think it's just the social interpretation that makes it something more than it really is.
Very true!
LOL! That was the result I was going for haha
I'm reminded of an old saying.
"Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
We should also start a ''Free Shit'' movement. From a young age we are forced to feel embarrassed about the process of defecation and I really don't understand it. It's just a normal biological function of our bodies!! Why do we have to run to the bathroom, harm the environment by using toilet paper and water (which shouldn't be taxed btw!!!) Why can't we just let the shit flow free? Some people feel more comfortable like that. And those poor people around the world who can't afford toilet paper or don't have toilet facilities with a water supply? I feel that by the ''Free Shit'' movement we will help make their lives so much easier!! It just makes me sick that people cannot accept a natural body fluid.
When I complete my mission, I will not stop there. ''Free Semen'' will be my next project. And by the way..I agree!! I wish men were as disgusted with rape as they are with periods. This ''Free Bleed'' movement is definitely going to stop all these rapes!!
Exactly what I said when I read this article. I'm glad you got my point.
My own father was a jerk about our periods (and everything about me, my mom, and my sister's femininity). He controlled the house's money and grocery shopping and he wouldn't buy us feminine products when I was a teenager. Sometimes my grandmother (his mom, who knew he was an idiot) would sneak us money for pads or otherwise relied on my mom to squirrel away some money (from where I do not know), sneak out at some point and acquire some cheap pads. I remember many times stuffing my panties with rolled up socks ca. age 14. It was horrible. Then my friend told me her dad would go out and buy her pads and I couldn't believe other peoples' dads would do that for them... So sometimes the shame begins long before the work place...
I loved your post and it reminded me of how nice it is to be an adult woman who no longer gives any f*cks about what people think about my period. It's so nice to be in control now, but we need to remember that not everyone is so fortunate.
On a lighter note, this post reminded me of a certain Broad City episode where Ilana uses period-stained pants to avoid getting searched by TSA:) I love those girls.
At this point, I will cease to complain about mood swings, hot flashes, night sweats and binges of wine and dark chocolate.... I had all but forgotten the perils of the period ~ happy to be in the menopausal years !!
Hahahaha -- as a post-menopausal woman who spent a total of more than 11 collective years bleeding out her crotch - a lot of that heavy bleeding - the world is collectively glad I didn't free bleed, lol. Tampons were great inventions compared to what was available before -- godawful elastic and snap contraptions, with pads so fat and wide it changed my walk to a waddle. If I was young, I'd get on the birth control that shuts those periods down to once a year. No question! Totally worth it. This whole topic will help shut down any discussion of intelligent design, too, believe me! :O