Failure is often said to be the key to success Because you can learn so much from it. I'm not saying you should ever aim to fail. But when you do, Don't just lay there and let it consume you. Use it as a positive experience to help drive your success.
Don't Panic!
Don't turn back and think you can't do the job. Just because you are at risk for failure. Instead keep in mind all the amazing benefits you'll get, Like learning a new skill or understanding something you may not have understood before.
Failure can be expensive though. So don't fail if you can avoid it. And reduce the costs if possible.
Try to determine exactly on why you're not doing as well as you've hoped. Use that to guide yourself to the success you want.
I Noticed that with my business, I seem to be in trapped in a bubble with my profits. There seems to be some ceiling on both of my Coloring books, and My shirts.
I couldn't see why. But after reflecting on it, I think my week point, Is picking niches, And this could be the reason why I'm struggling with both of them. So If I pick right, I should get much better results.
Try Again
But don't make the same mistake! This sounds obvious but surprisingly our brains like patterns, So often you may immediately think to do the same thing, Even if you're not realizing it. Because that way may feel comfortable.
EVERYONE Is Afraid Of Failure!
Everyone is scared of it, Why wouldn't they be? Failure can be humiliating. And embarrassing. It's really how you react And learn from failure which dictates how your life will be.
I've found that being too scared of failure often stops me from even starting things, which, funnily enough, can be worse than failing. Good stuff!
Exactly heheh :)
I suffer many times from same problem
No matter if we get fail. Try Again. Fail again. Try Again...Until you succeed... Failure can only makes you enjoy the true pleasure of success...
wow thats a impressive photo of that girl on that rock away up there, that reminds me of Queenstown in New Zealand :))) .... thanks for sharing :))
Youre welcome :)
I wish I was that photographer! Sadly it's a gorgeous stock photo hehe!
yep its an awsum sight, sometimes these sights inspire us to what we can truely become :))).... and set us upon that path :)))
Great article and that second picture is gorgeous. :D
Over the years I took a lot of flack from friends and well meaning acquaintances, that thought I should always let my kids and theirs win when we played games but I told them all, that isn't going to help them deal with the failures that will come as they go through life. They need to learn to deal with the occasional disappointment and feelings that come with failure so that they can truly appreciate the joys of that success when it comes.
Thanks for posting. :D
the most important is to never give up !
Unless you are fighting a bear. Give up. Run. Run Fast. Don't give up on running.
I don't drink alcohol, I am free from that :)
Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right." I think thats mostly true unless we are talking about fighting a bear - in which case, I think you cant :)
Thx for sharing
Great post! Thank you @kaylinart
Win or learn, there is no fail. <3
What to do when you fail: Keep on doing!
Thank you very much for such a great post and advice. 🙏💖🔥
Failing is just an opportunity to tray again!
Yes when you fail, you learn, and so next time you are better equipped!
Best way to be positive!
Thanks for the post. You are a dynamic woman.I like your advice greatly. Upvoted.
Yes, the thought of failure causes one to freeze. That is why I am grateful for youtube. When ever I want to do something, I like to check out what problems others encountered and how they handled it.
Being scared to fail paralyzes you, keeps you from living life to its fullest. We put so much value and weight on failing that we totally disregard the fact the we actually TRIED, which is way more important. WE all deserve a pat on the back for trying no matter the outcome.
It's all in the state of the mind. Mind over matter. Nice post and love the picture of the girl high on the rocks.
There is no such thing as failure, everything is an experience.
Look at it as something to grow from ^^
That photo is absolutely stunning!
thank you for these great tips
Failing is super hard, but a lot can be gained from it. Just try, try again! Great thoughts!
Nobody becomes the champion in a single day, he has to pass through the stages of ups and downs.
I have never met anyone that was successful in their lives that did not experience failure. Its part of this experience and can be as fulfilling as success.
"Try Again But don't make the same mistake! This sounds obvious (...)" sounds obvius but sometimes we need someone to remind us that.. thanks!! i like to read you!