Why You Should Own FEWER Clothes!

in #life8 years ago


Most of us probably have closets full of absolute crap that we don't wear.

We spend hours digging through our closets on what to wear for a date. It's a waste of time

Your life becomes Easier!

Clothing related decisions are a pain in the butt.
We have to look for patterns and textures that look good together and match! The outfit needs to fit the occasion.
When most of your clothes match and are the same, this becomes less of an issue. When you have fewer clothes, you automatically know what to wear with what. Because it looks good together.

All of your clothes are used!

You may notice that you don't even wear half of the whats in your closet. When you own less, you'll wear all or more of your clothes. You'll wear them out, And then you'll get to replace that thing. When you have a closet full of clothes, You won't use everything. Instead, your closet will have shirts or pants you tend to avoid because you don't like them.

Less Waste

My belief on things, Is if you own too much, Your more likely to buy even more.
Why? Because when you have the mindset that you will get rid of what you don't use. You'll stop buying. Because you'll see just how much you have.
It's so easy to just accumulate more and more without even thinking about it.

Use the hanger method

Turn your hangers backward and see whats not used after a few months. Get rid of that stuff.
Or if your like me, And cannot stand having hangers backward. Keep them forward. Then everytime you do laundry, Put your clothes in the front of your closet. Eventually, all the clothes you never use will be moved to the very back. You'll then know exactly what you don't wear.

Wear fewer colors

I personally only wear black, So pretty much everything matches. The only time I have to worry about matching is when I try and wear a skirt, Instead of basket ball shorts. Which I have an assortment of black "blouses" I can wear. If you enjoy wearing a couple colors, Try to dumb down your wardrobe like that.

Embrace the idea of one

Having one of most things that aren't worn everyday, Is a smart option.

  • One swimsuit
  • One pair of running shoes
  • One coat
  • One handbag.
    This can be applied to lots of things!
    I own one pair of running shoes that I use to run 4 miles a day.
    When they start to wear out really bad. I get the excitement of looking for a new pair! I love it!

Focus on quality

Quantity isn't everything.
Buy something that will last a while, that you can beat up! Most of the time, Quality clothes are more comfortable anyways. So you'll love them more.
You'll also save money, because you won't have to replace it as often.

Break The Shopping Habit

For most of us shopping may simpily become a habit we have trouble breaking.
It's fun to go online and buy stuff. Or go to the mall! Maybe you need to pick up a new hobby so you aren't as focused on shopping.
With clothes being so cheap, it's easy to buy lots of them.

Thank you @elyaque for the awesome Badges!


If I owned any less I'd get arrested.

Heheh!! Thats good then :) This post probably isn't for you then. XD

Thanks for sharing this awesome post,
Upvoted & Followed you.I agree with your post, @kaylinart. Actually, I think I have a different problem: Instead of having too many clothes, I don't have enough ones LOL. I'm gonna get some soon :D

Thank you so much hhehehe

ouched !
hahaha .. i hate to admit it when you're right
but am attached

Aww I feel the same way sometimes. You really just have to break that attachment.

I have been trying to live simpler. Great article, totally agree with you... now I just need to do it!

Thank you :)

Any tips on how to get more organized?

I'll need to write a post about that one hehe; )

I'm already basically there. I just have a set of worn-out shirts I use for manual labor, and a set of nicer shirts I wear in professional settings. Eventually shirts get demoted.

Hehe yes! thats good you've already gotten to that point :)

Personally, life goals are to own 7 pairs of boxers and do laundry once a week. I figure that way I can meet a chick that only wants to own 7 pairs of panties and we can save the world through lower environmental impact of washing clothes once per week.

Aww Thats perfect <3
Although I personally own a lot more than 7 pairs of panties. I feel like women might have a need to own more undies... For reasons...
LOL Sometimes we go through more than 7 in a week. I know I do LOL
But I know what your saying! I still own a bit more than a weeks worth of clothes butI want to get that low.

After the flood I got rid of soooo much stuff in my life. I still have clothes I don't wear and I will probably end up donating them. I agree with the minimal approach for sure though. Declutter physical space and organize the mental place. Life is simple and beautiful, why complicate it with unnecessary bullshit. :)

Aww That is so awesome! You turned the flood into a good thing ahha by getting rid of your stuff!

Everything is an opportunity and I'm not going to be a victim of life.

I rotate some flannel pants in various shades of blue, with concert t-shirts. My neighbors think I'm eccentric; but I'm just lazy, don't give a shit and want to be comfortable.

It's really all about comfort, and you can't beat flannel pants and worn out concert tees for comfort all year long, no matter the occasion. :)

LOVE IT! Yes I agree completely! I mostly wear those worn out concert tees and basketball shorts! Very comfortable LOl. I don't know how people always wear jeans.

I have about 5 of everything, with very little variation. Black jeans, long black tees, black underwear, black kicks, black bomber jacket.

OMG your wardrobe sounds like mine! love it!

Great tips! I've been working on reducing my wardrobe size and have used some of these ideas. The hanger method has been very useful and as we move into winter here I've got another batch of clothes to remove as I can tell straight away that they weren't worn last winter. Any new clothes coming in (for replacement only) are blue themed, so whatever I pick in the morning matches. My next step is moving to more of a "uniform" look, where my daily outfits are basically the same. Not quite there yet!

Love it!! Heheh it definitely takes time.

I have the uniform look for pants but my co-workers would say that I never wash my clothes if I had the same tops too!

I don't know about this. Next you are going to be writing a "Why you should join a nudist camp" post.

OH MY GOSH XD You are so awesome hehehe That made me laugh

Ahhhh, minimalism at it's best! I really like the hanger method, it seems like a solid platform to begin minimizing.

I like the backward hanger idea... hadn't thought of that. I love donating unused clothes to thrift stores and regularly pick up items that someone else has cast aside. That's usually where I find my most comfortable clothes lol

You should :)
I love the thrift store too. It seems like the clothes are already "broken in" so you get a good idea of how they'll fit for the rest of the time you own them. instead of having to guess.

Exactly. Broken in is the perfect description.

Yes hehe :)

That's a pickup line for me right there. A girl wanting to spend LESS money and buy more Crypto, I'm in!

Hhehehe Thats awesome that your looking for a girl like that!
I am like that!

Well, your a Unicorn for sure, if your ever in Southern California send Grognak a shout out! Following ya now.

Heheh I will :) Following you back! I live in Utah! But I go to San Diego pretty often! Where are you at?

Little North of there in Huntington Beach, CA. Only about a 2 hour drive from San Diego. Here's my facebook link, add me if ya want. https://www.facebook.com/gaylon.whitman

Wow NIce! I'll add you.

Every millennial should read this. Words to live by.

The less clothes one has, the happier one is likely to be :) good post!
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