Hi @reinhard-schmid. My friend @leoplaw resteemed this which brought me here and I am very happy about that. You had an awesome museum and I would love to see more photos of it and hear more about what you are doing in your new place! I will follow you in hopes for more. I would like to see close ups of the art!
This reminds me of another Steemit friend of mine named @animal-shelter who frequently posts theories and the history of Tarot. You might watch their blog for some related posts too.
As for me, I am an artist and art reviewer here on Steemit, especially comic book art. As a part of my weekly reading, I review recently sold art on the Internet. I will do a full post about this piece below and I really wanted to share it with @animal-shelter too, so I might as well just mention everyone here and hopefully we all get to your blog to see it. If not, I will do a post about this week. Anyway, here it is. If you have any comments about it, I would be happy to include those in my post later this week!
This is a very small rendition of The Lovers, in a comic book style of art with some pretty amazing details and composition, especially considering the format which is a tiny little Tarot card. I thought @animal-shelter would like it, so might you. Let me know what you think.
The Lovers by Fabio Ruotolo
First of all a big thank you to @leoplaw for getting us connected. I'm new here and exactly an internet guru... I take it one adds the @ sign to the username for a reason :-b
Thank you for the interest in my museum, my work and for encouraging me to post more about it.
I willdefinitely check out your friends page too :-)
@leoplaw is an awesome artist who I admire and most of all, I enjoy looking at his work. A class act, and the real deal! I have established a really cool relationship with @gric who is Leo's buddy too. @gric has probably made the biggest impression on me as an artist so far on this steemit site. I imagine you would get along really well with him too.
Yea, if you add the @ symbol and spell the name correctly, it should give them an alert as they were mentioned. Hopefully that will bring them here to chime in. Sometimes I think it doesn't work well, while other times it does. The site is still being tested so it might be buggy too.
Leo, Peter and I have been friends for many years now. I actually own an original painting from each one of them. Look at both every day and am happy I bought them :-)
I actually came here because of one of Peter's posts on fb.
So, you are right, we get along well :-)
About the drawing... well, the Tarot card.. please allow me to come back to it later, when I'm at my PC, so I can look at it and think (hopefully) and write at the same time... the interface on my tablet is a bit.. difficult ;-)
So far I can only say, that I liked it instantly :-)
Please do! And I wanted to be sure that you know I am very interested in seeing more close up shots of those Tarot paintings on that museum wall!
That image of the fool is really nice, love the style, love the color combos. You said they were original paintings but are they yours?
Yes, I painted them
OK I re-read it and I do think the paintings are your work. You might try to make that a little more clear next time. It is such fine work, and unless you told me very clearly that you painted these, I would think you just purchased them from somewhere, or perhaps commissioned by a pro artist.
Thanks a lot for this really good advice @kidsysco. Just wrote a post about it at https://steemit.com/art/@reinhard-schmid/what-is-hinterglas
Oups... I just remembered that I already told you about the post, sorrry. Looking at The Lovers by Fabio Ruotolo right now
Like I said before @kidsysco, this is one truly excellent drawing. I love the precision of the lines and the well planed composition. Also the different approach it adds to the theme of the card. I always understood it as an already "accomplished" love, a couple that has already found each other.
Fabio Ruotolo leaves that open. We do not know, if the young Lady is expecting her lover or if he just found her this very moment. I also like the yin yang I think I see in it.
He, in the light, active, above (sort of in the air)...
She, towards the shadow, calm, below (water)...
Also the way, "weight" is distributed is truly masterful. More empty areas balanced with spaces full of carefully crafted detail... I'm sure you can explain it a lot better :-)
Thanks a lot for sharing this gem with me!
I am not sure I could have said it better myself! Fantastic analysis! It is going to be really neat having you around @reinhard-schmid!