It took me over a decade to realize this… but by being present! Do this and you will achieve nothing less than a super power!
My most often repeated phrase/problem to myself was always “I need more time”.
It turns out that was false. I would be working on A, while thinking about B, C & D.
1–2 years ago I began mindfulness practice. Exercising my ability, my mental muscle, to be able to recognize intruding thoughts immediately and discard them as quickly as they came!
You’d be surprised how much you can accomplish in a short period of time if you are able to focus and be present!
I would suggest trying the same. Start by doing 5 minutes of mindfulness practice in the morning, with either the Calm or Headspace app (or another of your choosing).
View it as a muscle, that you’ve never worked out, but after you do, you’re going to attain a super power!