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RE: The Calcium Paradox: Heart Disease And Misplaced Calcium

in #life7 years ago

This stuff he's talking about makes so much sense, and I'm almost through the second one (looks like I will be reading the whole set tonight) but I'm wondering, ok, he figured this out because he had a weight problem - I don't have a weight problem, almost the opposite. I have only ever put on any weight when I have smoked weed (just for the first week or so), and was eating pancakes and/or ice cream.

Normally, I barely feel hunger, I just feel empty somehow and the food actually feels like it is making it slightly worse. With my further experimentation with paleo low carb high fat diet - my energy levels were much higher at that time than they are now, and I am trying to switch back to fully paleo, but it's really difficult to do, as you probably know. I'm in too poor a shape at the moment to be able to do this, and I was sorta grasping at straws this last few weeks finding myself boxed into a corner with this.

So I want to say a big thanks for putting me onto this. I'm gonna start spending a lot more time in the park for a while to test this, actually, just down stairs and near the supermarket next door is a perfectly ok place for me to wander down and sit and read ebooks or something, with no shoes on. I'll try to start with 1 hour of earthing to see how this works.



I did watch a movie, here is the link I would suggest you start running , jumping, weight training, whatever your shape is, improving and making it stronger helps, start with a few push ups, for a few months, and you will be doing pull up in no time, weight training is also great for blood circulations, something we lose from sitting and draining our eyes every day, also I'm a bad example of this but scratch the computer. 4 hours is the maximum it could be tolerated, everything past that, brings energy down, gets you more distracted and so on, it's all subjective though. Thank you for the conversation here it was fun reading through it :)

Kruse says you should not exercise in the first phase of treatment, and being that have extensive health problems which I now think may well be largely from EMF, but partly also from toxic halogens and high carb food also - his Epi Paleo Rx is what he says should be the first step, and then cold thermogenesis, to fully switch to the proper summer-winter biphasic cycle between carb and fat metabolism (carbs for summer, fats for winter) - and in general, a lot more fats even when the carbs are included.

But you have to eliminate them as much as possible for about 3 months before the change, and cold thermogenesis accelerates the change (it allows the biology to slow down and formulate better responses to losses in energy that successfully capture the energy).

Also, he says, when you do get to the exercise, forget the cardio, start with weights and other high power exercises like sprinting. The function of the cardiopulmonary system is damaged by EMF desyncing the various organ clocks, and extended periods of high loads can cause heart attacks when your clocks and your mineral are out of order (particularly Magnesium and Iodine).

You need to read more of Kruse's stuff, it's important to understand that you can't alter your metabolism with exercise, only with diet, and other more concrete and strong interventions, before the cardiovascular system is strong enough to handle this kind of sustained activity. He even claims that after you go through this process, you will be able to run a half marathon easily, without intensive, drawn out training.

This is something that you would know if you studied a bit of the Paleo canon also. Kruse's work is largely based on Paleo, but after all the things he figured out, he realised that food and exercise were not so important as earthing and minimising carbohydrates. He also explains that food is not actually a primary source of our energy, but water, which is reacted in quantum conditions in tiny nanotubes found in cells. We revert to sugar metabolism only in hot weather, in the cold, sugars kill us.

I'm not read on Paleo, but everything else you've said is true and I've read on most of the topics and threads outlined here in different places, I will definitely check out what is listed since I'm not having the full picture covered and I've struggling a bit with some health problems, caused exactly by lack of powerful nutrition and lowering of my capacity because of years of sitting on my ass and milking my balls :| the good side is that I'm a active athlete most of the time, but as you've outlined above it does have some drawbacks, still I'd rather go out for half of the day and walk, go training, go running when it's not 40o and so on then sit on my ass, trying to figure out how to control the massive leaks, spending time as a "victim" of circumstances.

Social life and time in nature is the best medicine, I'd like to continue the talk on water, and everything listed here, in fact if you open @lifeworship 's blog you can find a post on hart is not a pump that is quite informative and a good way to start off with that talk, I've been meaning to link to a few materials I've watched previously, since I'd like a different set of opinions on water, crystals and a few other ideas I've run past. But I'm still to link everything together, I've done it once but I'd like to get lifeworship on board too, you seem massively interested.

Walking is great and I agree, but walking is a minimum and as I've said yeah weight training is great, I'm just used to different routines, and I find many positive aspects, but it's a vast topic and nutrients, nervous, cardio systems of the body the interconnectedness of it all is a great topic.

Sorry for cutting i short, I hope we can build on this conversation again another time :)

Well, according to Kruse, and I think that those who have done ok on Paleo diets will tell you, regarding the business of health and fitness, that maybe 80% of fitness is about having enough of the right nutrients for growth, maybe 15% is exercise, and slow cardio exercise is NOT good for you, because it reduces your adaptability. This is how the 'hard exercise' paleo theory works.

Once you expand the ceiling on your strength and speed and reflexes, you can simply, when needed, sustain a lower level for a longer time. Running, especially in typical mainstream running shoes, is actually very damaging to the body. Hard exercise can cause more acute injuries, but it also leads to more rapid development - as you probably know, muscles grow because you tear them, and light cardio does not tear muscles, it compresses bones and cartilage and wears out joints, and increases oxidative free radicals, because this type of sustained exercise requires a big surplus of available energy.

Also, if your body is permanently stuck in sugar metabolism mode, you will find it difficult for your muscles to adapt properly to drawing more energy from glycogen, which sets the ceiling which makes the marathon the longest sustained cardio exercise that a human can do, in fact, it often is beyond the limits, and the muscles actually decay from doing it regularly because of running out of glycogen and needing to manufacture more, without enough available material to make it, leads to autophagy (consuming one's own cells).

The paleo hard-exercise route for developing fitness is the most reliable method of training the muscles to accumulate maximum optimal glycogen, and once that's fixed, you can run a half marathon easily.

I have to also point out, that exercise, without addressing the metabolic/dietary issues, actually depletes the immune system. Even resistance exercise does this if you push too hard, simply, the immune system will lose some of its resources for fighting infection, instead applying them to repairing the damaged tissues, and then you get sick.

I personally hate exercising in summer, with the exception of swimming, and I'm not really a water baby at all, I'm a bit like a cat, sorta have to fight my instinct to flee from cold and suffocating things.

You will learn a lot from reading Kruse's blog. He explains why sometimes paleo does not work, when carbs are ok, and such a comprehensive model of evolutionary quantum biology that will make your brain melt.

OH, and I have some experience with training without adequate diet. When I was in remand for 7 months, stuck in a box with 4 other people all the time, one of the things I started doing was a full bodyweight resistance training and flexibility program. I hit a brick wall with the weight training, because simply, there wasn't enough proteins and fats in my diet (especially fats) to allow my muscles to actually grow. Several of my cellmates during that time also were very interested in exercise as well, and I remember specifically this macedonian coke smuggler/dealer guy I was in with for 3 months (he was one of the best cellmates I had over 12 months inside) he said that diet is the most important factor, given that you are actually doing the exercise...

This is the way. Read ALL his posts from start to finish and your mind will be blown. We are in deep now, those are just beginning posts. Before food, fix your environment. What does your environment look like? What kind of light are you exposed to every day? And are you getting light at night?

I was quite a lot talking about the subject of 'blue light' 3 months ago when I was first settling into my apartment in Novi Sad. Regarding the light, I am probably going to put aluminium foil stuck with water (it works really well, I'm wanting to try to make it really precice and smooth this time) which in Novi Sad was a seriously dark situation... Disorientingly dark, the kind of dark in a float tank. But I then discovered that I needed to try and trigger my clock, which requires sunlight...

oh, it's all such a muddle. But I am getting really excited about the idea of spending at least an hour or so, outside, bare feet, connected to the earth...

That reminds me - do you know if, for example touching the earth pins, or metal plumbing ... (ie, copper/galvanised pipes), or indeed the lightning conductor, allows that electron flux? I would think yes, and thus, I am going to experiment with this. I am going to get an anti-static strap (electrically conductive) and attach it to the earth pin on a power socket, and wear that when I am sleeping.

If that's the case, I could also get some sort of thin metallic sheet to place on the floor where my feet sit at the computer, with the other end in the earth... and all this talk about orgonite, I am wondering also about how exactly to suck up all that nasty dirty electricity and put it out of its misery... I should find out what the circuit is, I figure it's just one or maybe an array of capacitors in parallel to the positive/negative.

I mean, radio antennae, for example, work a lot better when they are physically grounded... This is a process involving the electrons leaving the receiver (antenna) to go into the signal amplifier, Earthing increases the potential which increases the resonance and inductivity of the antenna. So I figure earthing would have the effect of causing the EMF to wash over you, and not go into you, but instead neutralise, because it can find a path to ground, which is less resistance than your body.