One of the main challenges of the vegan is making sure to get enough
vitamin K2, or as Weston A. Price called it activator X, in the diet.
Vitamin K2 is required to keep calcium going to, and staying in the
places that are necessary for it to be. Without it, calcium can leach out
of the bones and teeth, leading to osteoporosis, and accumulate in
soft tissues where it need not be, causing kidney stones, bone spurs,
breast tissue calcification, and arterial calcification which can lead
to hardening of the arteries, and leading to heart attack and stroke.
Vegetarians, may want to try grass fed butter, or clarified butter (ghee)
also grass fed. The only currently known vegan source of vitamin K2
other than synthetics is a fermented food, from Japan, called natto.
Natto is a ferment of soybeans. The troubles with soybeans are
multitude. 94% of soybeans are GMO, in the U.S.A., since 2016. Most
GMO soybeans are not organic, the majority being 'roundup ready'.
Soy is also a producer of phytoestrogens, which cause disruption of
the hormone balance in the body. The fermentation process may lower
the levels of phytoestrogens, but I have seen no studies confirming this.
This does not mean the studies do not exist, I am still looking.
Next, there are the lectins, or soybean agglutinins, which are
antinutrients that chelate minerals. In addition, there are phytates and
phytic acid which also chelate minerals, and suppress enzyme function
as a result. Fermentation may also decrease the amount of phytates.
More study is needed.
Natto, yummm.
It is possible that other types of beans may be used in the fermentation
process which may produce K2, black turtle beans among them. These
may still contain phytoestrogens and/or lectins and/or phytates because
they are fermented and not cooked.
Gouda and brie, and some types of blue cheeses contain K2 as a
product of the bacterial action in the cheese making process, so
it is not necessary for it to be made from grass fed milk. Those with milk
sensitivities may still want to avoid these, grass fed or no.
Grass fed butter, goose liver (also not necessarily grass fed), and fowl
and fish eggs are also sources of K2.
Green leafy vegetables contain K1, but not K2. There is a small amount
of conversion of K1 to K2 in the body, but not enough to meet dietary
requirements. K2 also comes in different forms MK-4 to MK-10. MK-4
from animal products, and the MK-7 from fermentation. The others are
not much elaborated upon.
Vitamins A and D3, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium balances all
benefit from the presence of K2.
This subject expands the more I look into it. This post is merely a
beginning. Please leave comments below.
Podcast #106 - The Powers of Vitamin K2 w/ Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue
Here is another lecture, a little bit more in depth.
Dr. John Whitcomb Seminar - Vitamin K2
Super Vitamin, Hidden Before Our Eyes
your posts make me hungry recently.
what's that :) hah you are visible here :) but I can't say I like the fact you cashed out, even if you are still getting flagged, I would keep my "power" I haven't had as much as you so I think you should be more thankful, since it's given to you.
What does cashing out have to do with anything?
It's working! Ha ha!
That's a weird part about it, healthy food actually tastes good, most of it anyway.
My favorite food is fresh ingrediants and simply cooking.
salt, peper garlic and onion and im good to go.
Simple and basic, there is no need to cover up the flavor of quality food. Salt, pepper and onion, sometimes a leaf of basil or turmeric root. The simpler, the better. I just did a Colorado post, with trout and raspberries.
salt, pepper garlic and onion and im happy.
If I didn't just eat im sure I would be drooling after hearing trout with rasberries. sounds awesome!
I understand the desire to not eat dead animals, but it's is bucking the trend of the last forever of all time - living things need to eat living things, one way or another, almost without exception (there's a few weird bacteria that will eat all kinds of weird toxic waste but they are very unusual).
Still, by what I read in the article, you don't have to kill a cow to get this important nutrient. Then, the real ethics question is, who lets these psychopaths run the dairies and feedlots and slaughterhouses? Because I don't want to pay for senseless cruelty to feed myself either.
Agreed. I have had some bitter arguments with vegans and vegetarians. This post is, at least in part, an attempt to get the information across that will aid those who wish to understand, and be healthy. I eat healthy animals. I don't want those who choose not to, to suffer unnecessarily.
Awesome article! You've got one thing wrong in there though, while Natto does have vitamin k2, it only has the mk7 form. K2mk7 is very helpful for prostate, but no connection to calcium has been found. K2mk4 however, which is found in all those animal products (and pretty much nowhere else beyond synthetics) has a massive positive effect on calcium distribution.
So really, if a vegan won't take a synthetic, they're screwed.
Wow, good one! Following!
If you want to know where I get my nutrition info a good place to start would be the Perfect Health Diet.
Thanks, I think I took it far enough, Wahls Paleo Plus diet with eating raw meat..
I have never heard of that. PHD is a sensible diet, including meats, fats, fish, vegetables and fruit. Really it only excludes grains and even those are represented with rice.
Didn't you hear of Terry Wahls MD who is a MS patient herself? She was a vegetarian before, wasn't really good for her which she said by herself!
Wahls Paleo Plus is a lot of fat and very restrictive, basically no sidedishes (starch), dairy, grains... (Organ) meat, vegetables, salads... some fruit, nuts and a lot of coconut oil!
I might have heard of her at one point. It sounds OK as a corrective diet, but it isn't sensible to live off it. I'm not saying you can't, I'm saying it sounds like a lot of goddamn work.
Thanks, I'll look into that. Do you know if this is true of all fermented forms, like the cheeses, or just the natto?
No, but mk7 is primarily found in fermented foods. Fermented animal products contain roughly the same amount of mk4 they had before fermentation.
That's what I was thinking. Thanks.
This article may be a little over most peoples heads but one other thing to pay attention to with calcium is that you need proper sunlight and low electro magnetic fields to make it function properly inside your body otherwise you get disturbed calcium and vitamin d levels etc due to calcium efflux.
Thank you for your comment and the link, it looks interesting.
I had to stop somewhere. The external energies involved in the function of the body are another branch of this huge subject. This post barely scratches the surface. The sunlight, EM energy, both transverse and longitudinal, natural magnetics, the negative effects of some of the unnaturally produced energies, and even cosmic rays, all of this and more affect the components and contents of our bodies. We are energy, there is no part of ourselves that escape the effects. I suspect many will not begin to have a context for this discussion.
Vitamin D is very important but I'm curious to read more than one statement about EMF altering metabolism, many people believe this but no tests I know of have been done which prove it has any measurable effect on our metabolism in normal levels.
I once was sleeping in an underground power distribution room for the ventilation/lighting system in a road tunnel. I don't think it affected me in any bad way, though on the rare occasions at the time that I ran into some weed, I swear I could feel the 50hz from the power (it was probably about 50KW or more) as a gentle twitch in my muscles... but I only felt that when I was stoned, so I don't know exactly how much was touch and perhaps instead was just my brain allowing sound signals to synaesthaese (hm) into touch sensation.
Your mitochondria should oscillate at 100hz. Some EMF can definitely alter this. Lots of research just have to dig.
One more good one: This one pretty much, and thtat first link above... I did not realise that so much substantial research had been done. EMF from AC power raises blood glucose levels!
I want to live in a house with DC power now, and no radio transmitters of any kind inside.
Actually, that reminds me of something. In my little bit of reading I did in response to your reply, I read somewhere that certain types of tesla coils, that are tuned differently from the lightning machine type, that does not cause sparks, emits some kind of radiation, I think possibly it could be something in the range of cosmic rays, cause benefits to health. Also, there was mention that certain kinds of EMF exposure are therapeutic in one of the things there too...
Well, that settles it. God willing, I'll be living in a house with 12V electricity within a couple of years. And I should turn off my wifi, it is only for my phone, and I don't really use my phone. I should put it at a distance from where I spend my time when it's not in use also.
Big thanks for informing me :)
well, i figured that blood, especially, would surely have to be affected by radio waves, but it's easy to forget calcium is actually a metal, because like sodium it reacts violently with water.
From a physics standpoint, I am wondering how many antennae effectively exist in our bodies, that are resonant and susceptible thereby to induction, how much our bodies already have measures to deal with it, and ... well, I don't know about this non-ionising microwaves thing. I would think that there probably would be ways to minimise this through the modulation and such things like this... I remember reading once someone said that the microwaves are not so much the problem as specific frequencies and their frequency of occurrance due to the modulation protocol.
YES! Emf raises blood glucose levels independently from food. Isnt that crazy?
One paper I read said that diabetics can reduce their insulin dose if they reduce their EMF exposure... I had no idea.
Yes definitely. Also....what is another form of EMF exposure most people don't think of? Fake light. Especially in that 400-500nm range. Cut that light out at night and blood sugar goes down, less insulin needed etc. Your mitochondria are basically like antennas sensing your environment. When your environment is off, including the invisible like emf, they don't work so well. Respiratory proteins in the electron transport chain get farther apart and slow electron tunneling from cytochrome one to five. Calcium efflux. etc etc Lots of bad stuff. Control your environment before you pay that much attention to exactly what you're eating. Think of emf as a mitochondrial poison.
GMO's should be banned. I bet you already know the experiments they did with rats, that after 3 or 4 generations they were sterile and full of tumors.
I'm lucky enough that I have a plot of land where we're now growing tomatoes, zucchini, lettuce, beans and cucumbers.
Thank you for your comments.
I do indeed have some knowledge of the dangers of GMOs. Anyone interested in being healthy should be growing their own food. I applaud your efforts, and encourage you to continue.
Blue Ice Royal, best thing ever*
well there are a lot of things which are good but this and eating organ meat.. You will notice the difference the next day!
Butter oil and fermented cod liver, yummm.
Beans are Cooked When Making Natto
The cooking sterilizes the beans, which gives the natto spores a head start in a clean environment.
Yes, you can make natto with non-soy. :)
The O Blood Type
As far as I'm aware, is unable to be vegan or vegetarian without health issues. Ever notice how every O blood type vegan/vegetarian you've met (after several years of no meat) looks a lot like a heroin junkie?
Bad hair, bad nails, bad attitude and that opiate facial structure from nutritional issues. Give them a slab of decent red meat and their bad attitude evaporates for a few days. :) Maybe they're not eating enough natto? lol
Thank you for the information.
I think you are correct. It has been a long while since I used the blood type diet.
Do you know something of the variety of natto growth media? Which beans have better K2 production, with decrease in antinutrients? Can lentils or peanuts be used?
I'm always looking for the keys to the puzzles.
I've used the blood type information for over 10 years now. The keys are to be aware of body pH and your parents blood types. You'll notice people posting against the diet never put up the pH/parent information. :)
As for correct beans for natto, I'd check as a possible source. Not sure if they cover it, but the process is a bacterial fermentation. I guess you could try lentils and peanuts yourself, not sure.
Good stuff,
I would just note drinking lots a milk doesn't mean your getting all the calcium your body needs. Calcium is hard to absorb without other minerals like magnesium. Leafy greens are high in magnesium so if you're not eating those everyday you're probably deficient in calcium.
Only the B blood type handles milk and cheeses well, the rest of us have issues with one form or another. Fermented milk, Kefir, is still good for some folks, as are mozarella and feta cheeses. Look up "Blood Type Food List" and click on the D'Adamo links. ;)
Magnesium is deficient in many. Calcium is much more abundant in the average diet. As you say, calcium is hard to absorb. The K2 is a major factor in increasing this absorption. Also, vitamin A, D3, and phosphorus are among the other compounds that allow us to make efficient use of the calcium that is normally not absorbed.
follow pls.
very good post. upvoted & following u. looking forward to your next post. hope uwill like my this post. pls upvote it.
I cannot find any relation between K2 and Heart desease in your article... May be you did explaine something early.
Could you please give me a link for?
The explanations are in the attached videos. The mention in my article is in the last sentence of the first paragraph, where I state, " arterial calcification which can lead to hardening of the arteries, and leading to heart attack or stroke."