Beans are Cooked When Making Natto
The cooking sterilizes the beans, which gives the natto spores a head start in a clean environment.
Yes, you can make natto with non-soy. :)
The O Blood Type
As far as I'm aware, is unable to be vegan or vegetarian without health issues. Ever notice how every O blood type vegan/vegetarian you've met (after several years of no meat) looks a lot like a heroin junkie?
Bad hair, bad nails, bad attitude and that opiate facial structure from nutritional issues. Give them a slab of decent red meat and their bad attitude evaporates for a few days. :) Maybe they're not eating enough natto? lol
Thank you for the information.
I think you are correct. It has been a long while since I used the blood type diet.
Do you know something of the variety of natto growth media? Which beans have better K2 production, with decrease in antinutrients? Can lentils or peanuts be used?
I'm always looking for the keys to the puzzles.
I've used the blood type information for over 10 years now. The keys are to be aware of body pH and your parents blood types. You'll notice people posting against the diet never put up the pH/parent information. :)
As for correct beans for natto, I'd check as a possible source. Not sure if they cover it, but the process is a bacterial fermentation. I guess you could try lentils and peanuts yourself, not sure.