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RE: How To Help Islamaphobia

in #life8 years ago (edited)

As an English woman living in Cairo ( 96 million) and 2 teenage daughters I can tell you that some Muslim men and WOMEN need to learn to be tolerant to other CULTURES. We have been stared at, commented on and sometimes just ignored- why ?? because we are white, not covered and we are female out with out a MALE ESCORT! (husband working) - Middle Eastern men feel its perfectly ok to stare at as you walk towards. pass and a quick look behind for last stare -( eyes undressyou) without any embarresment, make a comment ...what they are not prepared for is the retaliation they receive from a tetchy teenager and and annoyed mum. It does stop them to a degree. What puzzles me is the women, from one woman to another why ?? Its your choice to cover up and I understand the reasons behind this - modesty to stop other men staring and making comments to you - BUT ITS NOT MY CULTURE OR CHOICE to cover up, we are considerate when out and about and we cover our shoulders and to our knees, so why do you feel its also ok to comment, stare in disgust ? Women wearing Hajjib or full Burkah is their choice, I dont judge, I actually understand the reasons behind this, therefore when you are in another country, try understand why the women and men of that country do, wear , eat the things they do -ITS THEIR CHOICE!-On most occassions we have found 'other Muslims" really open, tolerant and outright friendly towards us. Its a small minority that judge and let the rest of you down...I am pretty tolerant and go about my life not judging, but when its openly hostile then sorry you will get a response!