
It got funner once the cocktails started flowing more, it was definitely a nice little jaunt though.

Them penis worms, its hard to comprehend such alienity :OD

Yeah I bet. what's the drink by the way? It looks like a Caesar but I've never seen them anywhere but Canada.

It was a bloody Mary, a bit of an extravagant one but it was a bit of an extravagant cocktail bar!

Was the nicest bloody Mary I have had

Yeah that makes sense. Explains why it looks like a Caesar. Cool!

I dont even know what a Caesar is, I must google!

 3 years ago (edited) 

It's very similar to a bloody Mary but it mixes clam juice in with the tomato juice. It sounds weird but it's delicious. So it's vodka, clamato (tomato and clam juice), worchestershire sauce, tobasco, and salt and pepper, with celery spice rimmer. They are also known for having very elaborate garnishes. Standard garnish would be a celery, olive, and probably a spicy bean but some places add a pepperette (small pepperoni sausage) or a shrimp, or something like that.



Some places take it way too far and add the most ridiculous garnishes like a chicken wing, pizza slice, small hamburger or the craziest of all, a full roast chicken hahaha 😆 those get into the realm of stupidity though.


Hahahaha, if someone put a fucking chicken on my drink I would beat them with it!

That does looks awesome. I am trying to imagine the clam juice, I guess it would add a bit of seafood umami to it. If I ever see it I am getting one!