Lol Poop jokes never get old.
It's probably super annoying getting interrogated when picking up one's child but it's better than the alternative where they just give your kid away to anyone who asks. I listened to at least two podcast where that happened with dire consequences before places began to put procedures in place.
They have tightened up a lot on everything. Once I dropped a sandwich off that we had forgotten to put in his bag and got an even worse third degree!
I do love a poop joke and thankfully the kids are obsessed with the things and there seems to be an ever-increasing market full of poop stuff. His other main one is a farting Ninja, it has a motion sensor that when you go past makes a loud wet farting noise. Lol!
Yep. poop and farting toys are huge when you're a kid lol. I remember having many such toys haha
Me too, I am envious of the kids now as the range is even bigger!
And now they have an even wider range of em! lol!
Well naturally, there are a lot of different types of facts and poops. 😆
Hehe, an endless number!
Hehe, an endless number!