Oh damn. Sounds like a bad injury. Sorry to hear that. Did you get it checked out yet?
We always try and deny an injury and or cold, as if we can just will it away with our thoughts. Though it never seems to work no matter how much we tell ourselves that its fine.
Not got it checked out yet, I am giving it a couple of days. If it got worse or anything I would trot straight off to the docs but so far it seems ok.
It was funny though, it was too painful to deny it. I just sat around looking sorry for myself yesterday!
I see. Could be a baby pulled/torn muscle? Hopefully it's not a ligament or something
I think it is that. I have narrowed it down to one bit which is tender and hot. It feels like one muscle and it definitely only seems to be in one plane of movement so I think rest and all that will help. Fucking gardening. Just when you think you can start you get humped by something!
Getting old socks. I pulled a muscle n my neck really bad ine morning just stretching in bed. I had to wear a neck brace for 3 days lol
Ha, I can so relate. I seem to be constantly pulling something minor or getting bizarre pains from doing every day things.
I have done my neck in before but usually from flinching as an insect buzzes my ear and jerking my head so hard I damage my neck!
It would all be pretty funny if it wasn't so sad 😆
It would!