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RE: Everything Is Going To Be Alright

in #life2 years ago

Not got it checked out yet, I am giving it a couple of days. If it got worse or anything I would trot straight off to the docs but so far it seems ok.

It was funny though, it was too painful to deny it. I just sat around looking sorry for myself yesterday!


I see. Could be a baby pulled/torn muscle? Hopefully it's not a ligament or something

I think it is that. I have narrowed it down to one bit which is tender and hot. It feels like one muscle and it definitely only seems to be in one plane of movement so I think rest and all that will help. Fucking gardening. Just when you think you can start you get humped by something!

Getting old socks. I pulled a muscle n my neck really bad ine morning just stretching in bed. I had to wear a neck brace for 3 days lol

Ha, I can so relate. I seem to be constantly pulling something minor or getting bizarre pains from doing every day things.

I have done my neck in before but usually from flinching as an insect buzzes my ear and jerking my head so hard I damage my neck!

It would all be pretty funny if it wasn't so sad 😆


It would!
