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RE: Bitcoin – what’s the next step? “Blockchains in the Sky, With Diamonds”; “God's Blockchain”?

in #life7 years ago

I remember the days of "MUD" and "MUSH" as online chat "rooms" -- really, rooms, like in Zork and Adventure, text-based adventure games! MUD was Multi-User Dungeon, and MUSH was Multi-User Shared Hallucination. Many of the commands in mirc stemmed from that. And we did it over a 300 baud phone-coupler modems-- so both, I could read just as fast as the text arrived; and, we had to be vewy, vewy quiet or else the connection would drop! :)

Love what you said about energy bodies. I know some people have put a lot of effort into energetic control, and can light fires. I can feel the energy moving, myself; for me it's like a tingling, like when a body part falls asleep but without the numbness. I know others who experience it as a temperature difference hot/cold; or, as magnetism, attraction/resistance. I think that's so neat, that the sixth sense is not "something new", it uses an existing pathway.

I can't light a fire yet though! :)