Bitcoin – what’s the next step? “Blockchains in the Sky, With Diamonds”; “God's Blockchain”?

in #life7 years ago

I was thinking about how Ethereum was the first coin (that I knew of) to allow creation of coins that “don’t have their own blockchain” – they reside in ETH’s. They do have a chain of their own of course, but they don’t need separate pools of machines to power each of them, which was a unique idea. Taking the “Bitcoin pool” idea a step further, making it a “coin pool.”

Steem similarly had a unique idea – the blockchain will be powered by the top 20 “witnesses,” machines creating blocks every 3 seconds. There are many more witnesses, vying to get into the top 20 (since the rewards are larger), which is achieved both by getting people to “witness vote” for them, and also by not having any downtime, i.e., never missing a block. But the “mining” is done by these few machines recording the posts, comments, voting, and wallet exchanges (perhaps more? -- account creation, for one...) -- rather than millions of machines across the world, like Bitcoin's blockchain. That's one of the reasons the 3 second blocks were able to be achieved, which is a neat breakthrough.

So I was wondering what the next idea would be, and I thought of “holographic blockchains” – they’d be written into atoms, and would appear differently depending on how you looked at them. Of course that's really just a physical advance, it'd probably be incorporated into hard drives and as such the “holographic” nature of the blockchain wouldn't really be all that new.

So, next, “quantum blockchains”, which would require quantum computers. I’ve played around with Quantum::Superpositions in Perl a little, but not much. Quantum allows for variables to have multiple values, at the same time – so the Perl module was really slow, having to emulate that, but did eventually perform exactly like a quantum computer would, which was really neat. I haven’t kept up with quantum developments, this was back in 2005 give or take a couple years; over a decade ago, at any rate.

So then I thought, what form would a quantum blockchain take? Perhaps one already exists! When I was a teenager I learned about the Akashic Records, but never really explored astral projection. I’ve had several lucid dreams, which are a lot of fun, but aren’t the same although may be related. Anyway, the Akashic Record is a record of everything. What’s a blockchain? A record of everything.

Astral bodies tend to sparkle, if seen (I haven’t; only read about it, and “seen it in movies”). That’s what made me think of diamonds, and Heaven and related artifacts are generally thought to be above us – so, the sky, which led to my title. I'd imagine the Akashic Records, storing everything that happens everywhere, to be a combination of quantum and holographic records.

Or perhaps just all quantum; how many added horses pulling my car would make it perform better? :)

Could the Akashic Record be “God's Blockchain”?


And for the thumbnail, a Flame Painter drawing fitting for the season, “Pumpkin Pie”:

Pumpkin Pie(c).png


Agreed. It seems that the Quantum computers are a bit too expensive now. That will probably change in the next five to ten years. So, you could invest in them and make a lot of money. I know I would love to if I had a way because blockchain will be moving that direction.


Normal computer code is in two numbers, zeroes and ones, 01. We can see that code. 10101010000101011111010101110011010110101010. But the future is in more complex codes made possible through the quantum computers, as in additional numbers, to say the least. And that makes everything smaller, faster, better. Some of the super quantum computers may be in China. Some might be in the USA. I do not know how to get them onto the markets faster. But we got to find ways to get there sooner before too many bad AI people and robots and computers and the Terminator Matrix and others get to the Quantum Computers before us. Don't run from scary technology. Use tech. Because tech is a tool that can be used for good and bad. If we don't use tech for good, then bad people will use the super computers to kill the good people and take over the world and stuff.

Yep, just like fire can help digest food outside your body -- or, keep you warm for the rest of your life. :)

That last is a reference to the twist on the "teach a man to fish" parable: "Give a man a match, keep him warm for a night. Light him on fire, keep him warm for the rest of his life." :) (A little morbid...)

Blockchain theory is a mystic, evolving on its own axis, unfolding with time.

Could the Akashic Record be “God's Blockchain”?

My eyes is on that question too for answers from those who birth the theory in the first place.


I think ether definitely has some secure future the way many other coins are forking from it.

If quantum blockchain arrives forget our tradition crypto.. I read that quantum machines can decrypt all the coins out there. I won't pretend to understand this stuff but it seems you already know where this is going.

Already been done according to this article:

BlockSci, a new blockchain analysis firm, has successfully traced transaction from beginning to end on both DASH and ZCash. This is bad news for these blockchain projects as their biggest focus and value add is anonymity. Now this is technically gone.

They claim to have been unable to trace Monero, but the agencies of government, like NSA, likely do not struggle 😆

God! Blockchain. Hahahaha. I like the name. Where you the one that came up with the name "God's blockchain?

Yes, as far as I know. I also independently thought up "statanism" but upon looking it up, found others had written it previously. So, let's check: nope, I'm not the first! Here are three others:

From August; in Russian, other than the title:

Here's one on Steemit, from 5 months ago, really neat story about "Coolio" the hacker, who died -- "Anyway RIP Coolio! I hope your reading this and upvoting from the computer terminal in heaven, Your on God's blockchain now.":

And a short comment on a Keiser report page, from two months ago: "Top o the morn (from the crazy man)! '…our DNA contains all the DNA of every human that ever existed on every planet where there are humans.' (Red Elk) This would make DNA God's blockchain. Mental eh.":

(I don't think "Red Elk"'s assertion is accurate, but still, "ed da head" did write those two words together before me.)

Genius i must say.

The way it is going it will cross the sky soon enough lol ;)
as for Ethereum it is gonna get up more ;)

Bitcoin is rock. It reach $8000 whic is records in crypto market.

You know, the FIRST time I went online, we went to a mirc chat and visited with an old friend. I was awestruck and felt we were on the verge of telepathy. Now I think telepathy is just the beginning. If we really gain control of our energy bodies, then we can operate as efficiently as electricity.

I remember the days of "MUD" and "MUSH" as online chat "rooms" -- really, rooms, like in Zork and Adventure, text-based adventure games! MUD was Multi-User Dungeon, and MUSH was Multi-User Shared Hallucination. Many of the commands in mirc stemmed from that. And we did it over a 300 baud phone-coupler modems-- so both, I could read just as fast as the text arrived; and, we had to be vewy, vewy quiet or else the connection would drop! :)

Love what you said about energy bodies. I know some people have put a lot of effort into energetic control, and can light fires. I can feel the energy moving, myself; for me it's like a tingling, like when a body part falls asleep but without the numbness. I know others who experience it as a temperature difference hot/cold; or, as magnetism, attraction/resistance. I think that's so neat, that the sixth sense is not "something new", it uses an existing pathway.

I can't light a fire yet though! :)

Very cool... always thinking out of the box. You elevate the IQ on Steemit and make delicious pumpkin pie art too!

haha yes thats indeed god's blockchain ;)
I think we need to be carefull when quantumpc come out, alot is going to change and be updated, alot of jobs will be created aswell in IT. love to see how crypto is going to react on it :)

bitcoin booming all the way !!!

it also dominating few more years over world like monopoly!


Once upon a time I was trying to heal my brain. One of the techniques I read about involved trying to minimize as much outside sensory stimulus to the brain as possible & limiting any that were unavoidable to pleasurable things: soft textures, rain sounds, violin & cello heavy music.

Combined with Rick Simpson Oil, I had earplugs, stayed in the dark & limited my interactions & entertainment to the barest minimum & let my brain enjoy the peace. During one of the attempts (I wasn't living with people supportive of my efforts) I had a gorgeous euphoric ecstatic moment & had a sense of just masses of data files. Like you, I'd heard of the Akashic Records & wondered if I'd found a storehouse of such wisdom.

There was a sense of awe & wonder & a desire to download (gulping is the word that springs to mind) all that data. I'd take little sips & it was glorious. In my head I was like 'don't take too much, you can come back again' & inevitably I couldn't resist & was cocky enough to think I could handle it. I ended up blowing a fuse in my brain, but it was worth it. It was such a decadent ecstatic experience, I wish I could remember more.

Later, when I was nearing my near death experience I remember a conscious sense of release of my own closely held data that I'd selfishly stored & kept from the collective unconscious hoping I could create something beautiful & wanting the credit. I felt like how the image of a black hole emitting white light looks as I uploaded my data, not wanting it to be lost.

So yes, I definitely think you could be onto something with the "God's blockchain" concept.
Thank you for the memory prompt, that is a nice one to be on the verge of remembering.

If I'm just data being written on a vast hard drive somewhere, it often feels quite wonderful. I just wish it was a little less mind blowing. I really need a memory upgrade & to minimize my bottlenecks.

I really enjoy your writing, and I'm sorry it has been a week! Please tell me more about the Rick Simpson oil -- cost, how to get it, your experience, etc.

Really interesting about your "closely held data that I'd selfishly stored" which you then released -- similar to my keeping the "Gated Migrations" idea to myself, wanting to capitalize on it; but then recently deciding to set it free. Perhaps I can get some consulting out of it, with them knowing what I'm capable of. Well, what I used to be. We're aligned on concussions.

I agree with you on the memory upgrade; that's one of the things I had hoped nanotechnology would provide, benefits for us like backups, "free" energy, increased communications, amazing physical transformations; instead, we get chemtrails full of them; for what nefarious purpose, I don't know.

Your experience with the Akashic Records sounds very interesting! Would love to hear more. I really need to meditate more often. And exercise...

Anyway, I really enjoy your writing, but I just went to your page and you haven't posted! At least in the last few months (the Chrome plugin "Steemit More Info" is very useful). I would love to read more of your experiences, I very much enjoy our interactions. Although my memory is very lousy, I do recall your first comment was to help me with my garden, because IIRC @grow-pro said your comment was in contrast to your username, or something similar. :) Take care!

I can't really say much about your reply taking a week when it's been 19 days for me! I've been in seizure dreamy pain land & trying to put words together & get to Trader Joe's before the offer to go & their Triple Ginger Brew runs out. So my response may suck & peter out, is my point. Bzzzt. Shiny.

I live in a state with recreational cannabis, so now Rick Simpson Oil is just down the road for me & it's between $20 & $60 per gram and it varies by solvents used & quality of medicine. Shitty Rick Simpson Oil is better than none though. I have infrequent access to cannabis products because I'm poor AF for now & can't justify spending what it'd take to get healthy in my position. When I do take it I start feeling so much better & it's like a positive switch turns on in my brain & i instinctively start taking care of myself & easting good brain foods to keep it going & feel a lot more inspired & have brief precious moments of feeling like myself & being able to move & stretch my body without being in excruciating pain. Usually i ration the bare minimum.

Without CBD or cannabis products I regress & the pain takes over. So I recommend it. It's helped my brain injury. Instead of getting into mental ruts I can create new neural pathways. I think it's worth it to go as high quality as you can afford to get the best natural terpenes & least amount of yucky crap. Already this is crazy long & I haven't even touched on it, totally worth the Google search though. I saw a time release capsule that looked intriguing just the other day & gummies I'm dying for. 💀

Would be awesome if something came of the consulting, have you looked into @utopian-io at all? It may be up your alley. I'll have to read up on both your concept & theirs when I have a catch up day of comprehension.

Nanotech may provide the memory upgrade eventually, but what if you could hack your brain & give yourself the upgrade? Just notice the parts of your brain that light up just having that thought. Left hemisphere? Right? It's it connected to an eyebrow or eye? Is there a spot on your that needs a scratch? Left side? Right? If you sense anything, eat things that are intriguing & that you find arousing. Or blueberries & walnuts as a good base.

You'll probably want to treat your partner super good & have a nice woo already brewing in case it works too well, but I think it's an idea worth pursuing. If nothing else it's fun to see what things get "the eyebrow" & lead to a good head scritch. Hopefully it doesn't accidently connect the airborn nano-tech & we unleash skynet & the matrix. Oopsy. :P

Thanks for the nice words on the writing, that reply about your plant was over-paid but it sure kept me going with the site a long time. You're right, I haven't posted. Not smart enough to figure it all out & be a part of the community, plus other sites start looking interesting... Working on it though, have removed a few obstacles. My roommate loaned me a laptop & I got a mousepad! :)

I'd write more & answer more specifically since you always have the best topics, but I'm kind of fading out & I'm sure our paths will across again on here.

You take care too & may your season be as Merry as you choose to make it & your memory writes to your mental hard drive always pleasurable. :)

It's so awesome that you mention blueberries and walnuts -- I have a sticky in front of me on my laptop telling me to do exactly that! :) (Of course, I need to pay better attention to it...)

I'm in MA (no! It's Massachusetts, or Mass for short, I do not live on federal property -- it's so difficult to speak clearly when they've muddied the waters so much!), and we recently "voted" to not put us in cages for enjoying vegetables as well.

Of course, we didn't decriminalize; we "legalized" meaning it's not like cabbages; it's like alcohol and firearms. A fucking plant. Ahem.

Anyway, they're dragging their feet there, in the control circles, and taking $60k for applications which they then deny and keep the money. General Smedley Butler was accurate in his short book "War is a Racket" but it's not just war! Then again, it's a "war for our minds" as I just posted:

Anyway, I'd love to be able to go down to the corner store and get some edibles, and some Rick Simpson oil no matter how good the quality, as you said -- because as long as it's not poisoned or toxic, it'd be better than the "no oil" I've currently got.

Smoking it doesn't give the best benefits. I read someone's take on it years ago which I really liked: "You probably wouldn't get the same benefits from your antacid medicine, if you smoked it."

But at least I've got that. It really helps me focus, which is completely backwards -- but I don't have a "normally functioning brain" and those days that I have smoked early, it has had a surprising effect on my productivity.

I'm forgetful to begin with (symptomatically, that is; and, perhaps, old age is starting to set in as well, confusing me as to the source...). So, the forgetfulness effects of consumption don't seem to bother me as much -- but reducing the irritability, so I'm not yelling and swearing at my computer and wanting to punch it, really pays off.

Self-pro-tip: violence towards things made of stronger materials than my skin usually results in damage to me, not the thing. :)

There's a gift in your wallet; Merry Christmas! You can thank @haejin for it. :)
