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RE: Bitcoin – what’s the next step? “Blockchains in the Sky, With Diamonds”; “God's Blockchain”?

in #life7 years ago

Yes, as far as I know. I also independently thought up "statanism" but upon looking it up, found others had written it previously. So, let's check: nope, I'm not the first! Here are three others:

From August; in Russian, other than the title:

Here's one on Steemit, from 5 months ago, really neat story about "Coolio" the hacker, who died -- "Anyway RIP Coolio! I hope your reading this and upvoting from the computer terminal in heaven, Your on God's blockchain now.":

And a short comment on a Keiser report page, from two months ago: "Top o the morn (from the crazy man)! '…our DNA contains all the DNA of every human that ever existed on every planet where there are humans.' (Red Elk) This would make DNA God's blockchain. Mental eh.":

(I don't think "Red Elk"'s assertion is accurate, but still, "ed da head" did write those two words together before me.)


Genius i must say.