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RE: Some People Deserve Second Chances Others Don't

in #life7 years ago (edited)

For end, here is an extract from my self-help notes:

If you are bad at something, you deserve compassion and help (including yours!), not condemnation and punishment. Moreover, you are a changeable individual. Even if you only failed at something during your whole life, you could change and never fail again.

But yes, sometimes people who fail us too often don't deserve a second (or third, or fourth) chance from us. And not giving them that next chance might just be the best thing for them - they might finally understand that they must really change.

Here's a quote from a text published by my non-Steemit friend :

Even when we are breaking up with someone (whether it's a romantic relationship or a friendship), the best thing to do is to forgive in a way that is full of hope in the man that we are separating from.



I think every situation is different. People deserve compassion and help if they are open to it. The people I talk about are often people who want help but are unwilling to change their attitude.