I hope so, Terror is everywhere, and it is going to take our collective effort to flush those good for nothing terrorist out.
A major problem is they easily get into ordinary people's head to make them carry out their evil assignments
I hope so, Terror is everywhere, and it is going to take our collective effort to flush those good for nothing terrorist out.
A major problem is they easily get into ordinary people's head to make them carry out their evil assignments
This major problem is caused by a bad economy, bad economics and wrong metrics.
Our society is currently thinking too much - I am doing abstraction to entity level - to money and GDP.
Countries that are basing their economy on happiness have no problems with terrorists.. WHY - did you asked you until now - if yes... I tell you!!
Because they are living for a good life - for peace and common good - who is happy is INCORRUPTIBLE !! terrorist cannot enter the country paying half millions pound to the frontier controller...
this is the way forward... otherwise.. terror will be the next government.. we should follow the example of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland ...
is our country actually doing something ... I don't see it... do you?
I suppose you live in England as well