
this happened literally right on my doorstep, about 50 metres away, everything still cordened off, terrible.

Let us know.

Please keep us up to date with anything you hear 👍

Just a lot of shouting, big police presence, seems like they have everything under control at the moment, scary to think i walk over that bridge almost everyday.

It's crazy. Good that you avoided it! Take care.


this literally was fake. google crisis solutions.

Wow! Hope you are OK! Hopefully it was just some kind of accident and normal incident.

Please consider to deny the reward for such a news...

Yes you are right - It is too late to decline though - I was in a rush to get it out so didn't even think. I can give the liquid rewards to charity though and make a donation myself.

sounds perfect. btw - thanks for starting the post - I missed the TV news today - nice to have mainstream events on steemit as well

NP I thought people might be on Steemit and miss it. Also some people on Steemit are in London too I think (obviously logic but others too).

Aren't you able to downvote your own post, essentially forfeting payment? Thought that was an option.

He said he'll donate to charity, are you more concerned about post payouts or human lives?

I was responding to a previous comment... Thought I could offer a solution. I'm sorry that triggered you.

No and it might end up hiding the post if gets flagged a lot which might make people think it is fake or something. I think it is better to just give the money to charity.

Oh I see. Then yes, that may be the best option 😉

Can you edit the top of your post to mention the donation? Right now it sounds recklessly opportunistic.

I'm sorry you feel that way and I find it offensive that you would even suggest that. I have added something to the bottom of the post.

I'm just telling you what first impression your post gives. As this comment thread suggests, I'm not an isolated case. No need to take that personally, the remark is about the post, not about the poster. I'm just providing feedback. Note that I haven't downvoted your post or anything. I would have downvoted you if I suspected it was intentional, which I don't.

Mainstream media along the governments of terrorized countries are simply not adressing this problem correctly. It's becoming sensationalism and profit for media agencies. The more bloody the horific event is the more cover and views they get - profit in marketing et cetera. On the other side governments are just watching and giving condolences to each other, they don't do anything to integrate foreginers full time into their system. Stronger cooperation and less manhunt by the media is needed for this matter to be resolved so Europe can finally see some brighter days.

You brought up a point that I find quite interesting, regarding working to better integrate foreigners. Assuming that this event was an act of terrorism, and that it isn't of domestic origin, and that the motivation is based on idiology and history, the individuals likely arrived with the intention of causing harm from the beginning. In this case it is incredibly unlikely that any amount of integration with the local culture would change the outcome. It is very difficult, and often nearly impossible, to change deeply rooted beliefs, especially ones that people are willing to kill and die for. I'm not saying that it would hurt to try though, since there would certainly be other benefits that would come along with making it easier to assimilate when trying to start a new life in a new and strange place. And yes, the typical media coverage usually stirs up more panic and hysteria than necessary, which can lead to emotional and sometimes tragic actions being taken by individuals or groups that just enforce harmful stereotypes and perpetuate the cycle of hate and violence.

I agree - I think the only response to terrorism can be a society based on values and happyness and not money and slavery ... - as it is now - we have terrorists in our country because they manage to pay someone - aka to corrupt - and enter the country illegally with bombs and army...

me and another steemit user have already started a discussion about this topic there

hope to see you commenting there.. thank you

It's a difficult situation - if they don't cover it people will complain understandably but by covering it they help to do some of the terrorists work.

It's impossible to not cover it but making sensationalism out of it is becoming a free marketing for terrorism.

True this is what they want but it is hard because if they didn't spread the news others would so it would still get out. I agree they could make it less sensational though.

Live video.......

The guy they are talking to is reporting hearing gunfire.

This is ridiculous @thecryptofiend Manchester only suffered a few days ago, I caught this news last night if this is more terrorists attacking this is getting out of hand. Stay safe people

Congratulations @thecryptofiend!
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Let's keep London in our thoughts and hope this is not another terrorist incident

I hope this isn't another terror attack just some few days after the Manchester terror attack. No where is safe anymore. May God have mercy.

anywhere it's safe... the terrorists have short life... believe me

they are like plants without water if the Occident can only understand how are terrorists gaining money they need for living and attacks...

and we are not far from having our national intelligence already fully awareness of all these financial system terrorist have...

I hope so, Terror is everywhere, and it is going to take our collective effort to flush those good for nothing terrorist out.

A major problem is they easily get into ordinary people's head to make them carry out their evil assignments

This major problem is caused by a bad economy, bad economics and wrong metrics.

Our society is currently thinking too much - I am doing abstraction to entity level - to money and GDP.

Countries that are basing their economy on happiness have no problems with terrorists.. WHY - did you asked you until now - if yes... I tell you!!

Because they are living for a good life - for peace and common good - who is happy is INCORRUPTIBLE !! terrorist cannot enter the country paying half millions pound to the frontier controller...

this is the way forward... otherwise.. terror will be the next government.. we should follow the example of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland ...

is our country actually doing something ... I don't see it... do you?

I suppose you live in England as well

I hope so too. Could just be a set of unfortunate incidents that are being linked due to heightened tensions will have to wait and see.

Wait and see. Those are the right words. I am clued to CNN for their breaking news. Thanks for breaking the news here first.

NP - the BBC feed is reporting more than one fatality right now.

It been confirmed as a terror attack on CNN.. 1 person is already confirmed dead. Watching their breaking news now.

Really appreciate the updates on this, very sad day for the world...madness must stop.

I am RESTEEMING this to our new Twitter account for Steemit Blogger Central...get the word out.

View your post on Twitter here:

Thank you yes it is very sad.

Seems like there is no end to this but hopeful at some stage here this craziness ceases. Just got it posted, everyone is in our prayers here at the house

Had to redo the post by the way, seen your follow and retweet, some reason it wasn't linking right so I had to snatch your top pic and kind of redo it manually, wasn't giving the right link on my end. Its fixed now if you want to retweet, your link here is provided and working now

OK thanks.

Anytime my friend, I follow your blogs a lot so its an honor to help out and get the word out about your post here and its an important one so hoping it gets outsiders up to par on whats going on. Need anymore posts just say the word...not a worry here

Omg!!! its really big breaking news. I have a video for all of you.

Thanks. Can't really see anything there other than the ambulance and people being moved on. Will need to wait for more formal reports.

What is all these? Should people be scared to leave their homes? First manchester, now this...should leaders start considering travel bans?

I don't know. Not sure travel bans will help if they are home grown terrorists. I think some kind of intervention to pick out people at risk of becoming terrorists like mental health screening would be more effective.

Is incredible the life that we are living, whatever happens we are with the heart in the mouth, thinking that it can be an attack, we live prisoners of our homes, while these unscrupulous people live free and happy to torment people.
I hope this does not have an end as nasty as the previous one, here in Argentina you still do not know anything.
Thank you very much dear friend @thecryptofiend for sharing this information.

Thanks - I hope it is not too!

The news has just arrived in Argentina and it involves three simultaneous attacks, four blocks in the round. It seems to be somewhat organized

Thanks for passing it on.

Thank you that's great!

Looks like they are now responding to a few different incidents :(

Yes. Few things and armed police appear to be out on the streets form what I understand.

Proper measures should be put in place to do mass evaluation of mental health

They will never do that though because of cost.

These attacks are feeling frighteningly routine. :/ Praying for London.

Thanks. Let's just hope it is not terrorist related.

I certainly hope it's not. :/

It could be a false flag because Bilderberg 2017 got too much attention...

I don't see any evidence of that.

So sad. Please keep us updated!

Will try but I will have to go to bed soon. I doubt we will get the full details until tomorrow at the earliest.

just another terror hoax with crisis actors organized by the government and the masons (usual numbers, signs and symbols being used).
another drill gone live and media event (main stream media fully complicit)
I wonder what other tyrannical laws can Theresa May pass after all these attacks, as if the Snooper Charter and anti-terror bills weren't enough. The police state is pretty much rolled out. 1984 is here and exactly like in the book it was brought about through dubious terror attacks.
probably Theresa May needed a wave of terror also to get some votes as the polls don't look as good as she hoped, and Corbyn is being passed off as a terrorist sympathizer and soft touch.

I don't think it is a hoax though. We will need to wait for the details.

Majority of my family lives in London, have done so since I was a kid. I can still remember the days that Grandma used to write us letters and I would wonder why her pen slipped off the page... This was because bombs were going off, thanks to the IRA.

As my uncle says, try in these times to stay away from Public transport, catch cabs or stay inside.

Be careful people! Hopefully the government can assert some dominance, flush these guys out. Terrorists we do not fear you!

Good reminder on the hide part to turn phone silent to even no vibrate.

According to my friend in Scotland they were going to have a benefits concert for the Manchester bombing tomorrow. It may be canceled now for safety reasons.

Could be. Even if this is not some kind of attack they might cancel.

London appears to be under siege, prayers for London.

Oh my gosh thats terrible !

Yes so soon after Manchester.

I cant believe whats happening. Manchester a few days ago . - Egypt a few days ago now London ... Isis made an announcement to kill innocent people because of the start of Ramadan. I will pray for every body!!! Take care of yourself everybody and be safe

Thank you!

I really hope its not more terroism

Sounds like it could be sadly.

People are going start taking revenge if the government dont do something

Not sure what they can do though. If these nutcases are intent on causing carnage and division there is no simple way to stop them.

We have to do something to protect our families,


Erm sorry but I dont

metpoliceuk Metropolitan Police tweeted @ 03 Jun 2017 - 22:46 UTC

#Londonbridge #boroughmarket #vauxhall

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

bbc says more than one fatality.. there is something extra perverse about these "random" attacks.. to be terrorized you have to stop living - and one thing we know about London is they know how to carry on.

Yes and I think the randomness is deliberate to create maximum fear. That is the true intention with this sort of thing.

It's terrible what is happening now in the world and its becoming our everyday reality... what can we do?

I don't know.

Interesting, what you publish, I really like it. kises :*

Well this is not really something good though but thank you.

May God have mercy 😭😭😱😱

Terrible times we live in. Hope we can find the assholes that plotted these terrible events and hold them accountable for their actions. Stay safe everyone.

Yes hopefully they get them alive so they can interrogate them and get some information to help prevent future outrages.

Thankful for all the emergency response crews keeping us safe.

Yes. They are the people that we rely on to run towards danger and stay calm.

Many incidents lately in UK, it makes me worry about people's safety overther.

Yes thank you for your concern.

It's sad that some people think there's any reason to kill

Such crazy times we live in

The UK seems heated up lately with all this violence. I hope it doesn't escalate...

I think these ISIS people are trying to disrupt the elections and also capitalize on previous attacks.

Guerrilla attacks can cause more damage than outright war....geesh

I'm afraid of what's happening in uk. Be safe my friend too many terror attacks in such a short period

Me too. I hope we can stop this kind of insanity.

This attacks in Europe happen more often than ever. This is very bad. I have friends who are scared and do not want to travel because of this. But many people die today because of car accident. That does not mean i will not sit in a car and drive wherever i want to go.

Yes it is true. I think we tend not to be rational when it comes to assessing risk.

I live quite close to Central London so this was really scary! Let's hope that this is the last attack and there is no more!!

Thank you @cryptofiend for being one of the first to report this!

Glad you are OK!

Thanks :)

Really sad... So damn sad :(

French media coverage is the worst at the moment, stop that fucking "sensational" music

When will there ever be peace?

When we go back to the good old days

I don't know.

One of the best way for a terrorist to win is to make us afraid to live our lives. We won't go outside for fear of being run over, shot, stabbed, blown up. We stop gathering in large crowds because of the possible bombs. We stop everything because we are too frightened. It is scary, we can't deny that, but we can't give into the fear either. We must stand together as one, and not cower in the shadows of these horrific events.

Yes that is what they want to do. These extremist fascist nuts want to destroy our freedom by making us so frightened that we make ourselves prisoners in our own homes. They must not be allowed to win.

Getting worse and worse - family members of me are in London right now

Yes it's awful.

Yeah - finally heard 20 minutes ago they are safe

Glad to hear it!

This is indeed very sad, if it is terrorist related i wouldn't be surprised. Isis has is the past requested that it's followers increase attacks during the month of Ramadan. We are right in the midst of Ramadan.

Yes very sad.

Bloody hell, mate. Thanks for the update. What is this world coming to. I wouldn't be surprised if soon people just don't go outside anymore. My heart goes out to the victims families. :(

Yes it is worrying for sure!

nice....your post deserve my upvote and resteem....



I am aware.. This one is FAKE FAKE FAKE. LOL I'm not a retard. If you think people died, you're the idiot.

I am aware of the difference, however this one was purely staged, not a false flag with victims. I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.. Chances are I'm far further into this in terms of knowledge than you.

This was a staged event, by a company called Crisis Solutions. Google it. FAKE.

You don't have to be so offensive. I'm not against you. I just wouldn't put it past governments to actually hurt their own people to suit their agenda. I upvoted and followed you and you called me an idiot. So rude!

The do hurt people. They didn't this time. Time to wake up lady. There's a really dark conspiracy occuring, and we don't really have much time left and so many people are still asleep.. Deal with it.