This time, let's all work together.
If the plan is to screw content creators in order to make the place more appealing to a small group of investors, then just tell me right now.
It's frustrating.
I have bloomy down voting every post I make! (irrelevant of content).
Same shit show, different platform, and whales/witnesses doing jack about it. So far.
It's laughable.
I know it can be frustrating. I like how you added in the 'so far'. We're all different. We all have our own way. Something many of us have in common is the fact we see huge potential in this concept; the project. On Steem they used to call it an 'experiment'. Can we agree we should be past that now? Sometimes I think that experimental concept was just being used as an excuse and I think many here have had their fill of excuses. People are expecting better things now. It would be a tragedy if their voices, after being so loud, go back to not being heard.