Okay People: Listen Up Because I Have Words to Say

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Why is it, every time 'we' try to get somewhere, 'we' never even get a chance to get there?  Where the hell are 'we' even going?  What is this place and why are 'we' here?  Why are those goalposts constantly in motion?  Should 'we' be catering to those who cannot succeed or embracing those who can?

NoNamesLeftToUse  Read Between the Lines.png

Mamma mia!


So where the hell were we?

The last thing I remember, communities had just been released to the... community.

We barely got a chance to try them out, work out the kinks, see what works, see what doesn't, yadda yadda yadda, and all that other stuff.

Then big bad Justin comes along, morphs into his alter ego known as Bustin, and starts destroying anything that even comes close to resembling a well-thought-out plan.

And by golly he's still over there fuckin' shit up.  He's got an entire team whacked out on an adderall and meth cocktail full of hidden surprises writing random ideas onto post-it notes, then commanding a blindfolded untrained chimp to throw a dart at the bulletin board covered in those psychotic ramblings.  Whatever that dart hits is what they'll do next.

Yeah.  That paragraph was about as dishonest as their recent behavior over on Steem.  Oh well.  Deal with it!

Moving on

'We' are here now, and that's all that matters.

I'll admit, after hearing the news about how the central authority on Steem will now freeze funds and nuke accounts whenever they feel like it, I had to go see for myself.  Got mixed up in the riffraff because I have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Now that I'm back here thinking about that experience, I'm reminded of nearly every time I visit Facebook.  I go in feeling fine and leave feeling flustered.

It's not worth it.

So where were we?  Communities.  Before that we had the EIP.  Before that we had years of madness comparable to what is currently happening on Steem.  Paid votes, selfishness, abuse, the rest of this long nasty list of bad memories.

If Hive ever frustrates me as much as those dark days on Steem did, I will not be sticking around.  That's a promise.

Hive, right now, is what Steem was when Steem finally decided to get its act together.  We're picking up where we left off.  All that progress still needs time to cure.  That's where we were at.  Just getting a feel for this old game with a new set of rules.

'We' had acknowledged our mistakes and were eager to move forward by learning from the past.

Yet only two weeks into Hive, I'm already seeing posts published by witnesses suggesting we change everything so this platform suits their interests.

Please, no.

This time, let's all work together.

If the plan is to screw content creators in order to make the place more appealing to a small group of investors, then just tell me right now.

I cannot spend another four years trying to make this work while those with some clout keep moving the goalposts, making it easier for them to earn, and harder for the glaring majority of people who ever took an interest in what we actually do here.

Are there any witnesses here on Hive who actually care about what someone like me has to say?

I've been here since the beginning.  I started with nothing and didn't know anyone.  I managed to find some measure of success no matter what condition the platform was in.  Never took a shortcut.  Nearly everything I earned stayed in my account, and I only have one account.  The account was once worth nearly a third of a million Canadian dollars.  I lost everything.  And I'm still here, doing this?

Some of you folks made out great with that Hive airdrop.  That's not enough?  Move the goalposts a little more now too, since you can?

Do you see all of these people who are excited about this place!

What are they?  Majority content creators, curators/consumers, regular folks; a community.

A loud majority.

They were the ones making the noise!  They were the ones that tried their best to vote some of you folks to the top to help protect what 'we' believed in!  We did not leave that fucking dumpster fire as failures!

We all worked together.  And that's what got us here.  All of us.

So we should probably continue on down that road to success?

That's why I'm here.

That's what I want and I know I can't do it all myself.  I know my role and respect yours, whoever and whatever you are.

I wrote a post recently.  In that post I asked some folks to calm down and allow these developers and witnesses to have the floor and share the spotlight.  They deserved it.  They worked hard to get us here and still do.

I can't say, in nearly four years, I've seen a post from a witness or developer saying, "Let's step aside now and allow these content producers to shine.  We have a massive pile of money set aside for development and they have an author reward pool."

It's more like, "We need to change things without ever thinking to ask what the majority of experienced end-users actually want."

Yes.  That's not entirely accurate but let's just pretend I've been around for many years and feel safe enough to generalize and maybe exaggerate a few things to help make a valid point.

I know it's still early.

I know it takes time to get organized.

There are little piles of money set aside for everyone now.  Curators have access to curation rewards.  Authors have access to author rewards.  Developers have access to the development fund.  Witnesses get paid.  Let's make sure we're using these things to their full potential and not stepping on toes when that can be avoided, in the future.

Let's take what we have and try to get things right instead of moving those damn goalposts.

If you can't succeed with all of this grand generosity surrounding you, it's not the damn platform or the rules or the code... it's you.

I say that to myself as well.

There's still plenty of room for innovation; progress.  I suggest things be added, not taken away.

For instance: If investors want more options, why not utilize that savings account option that sits idle.  Change it so if someone decides to use the savings account, they get a higher interest rate.  Contributing through the use of Hive power should still provide more benefits, but if someone doesn't want to contribute, at least they get something.  Then this platform can appeal to the crowd that wants something like that, plus nothing major is being subtracted from everyone else.  That's not moving the goalposts, it's scoring another goal.

To end this...

I didn't come here to make enemies or piss anyone off.

Everyone here who actually cares brings something important to the table.  What got us all here today is the fact everyone did a little bit for themselves and a lot for others.

We're some highly motivated thick-skinned crazy motherfuckers with a new paint job.  Shining bright, man, so let's do this right.

Nobody gets left behind.

And if things don't work out for us, it won't be because we failed, it will be because we tried.

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"Talk about it. Think about it. Leave a comment if you want. I need to go to sleep. BRB."

© 2020 @NoNamesLeftToUse.

Some of my thought process that led up to this post.


I share your frustration with some people who want to see the rewards system removed.

I will be plain. I am not interested in Hive turning into another fucking useless blockchain. There are shitcoins everywhere and sure, they're hot! hot! hot! for investors with a thirst for risk.

I am here because I believe this blockchain is an exception. I used to be a Bitcoin maximalist, because I gazed upon the vast field of various tokens and coins and whitepapers and I saw that it was shit. So there are very, very few cryptocurrencies I follow. I can count them on one hand. It seems every whitepaper I see is an exercise in extreme shoehorning. They take a problem, or sometimes invent one, and think... "how can I apply these crypto buzzwords believably enough to convince some sad, stupid, rich motherfucker to invest in my project?"

This thing is not like that. It's not Yet Another Decentralised Ledger or worse, a tokenised whitepaper. It's not just people throwing worthless tokens at each other and circlejerking over charts and dreaming about some far-off use case which will materialise someday when some unsolvable problem is solved. Sure there is some crypto hype; there's going to be. But this project is, by far, the most successful implementation of a blockchain that actually does something.

I am damn opposed to turning it into some sort of boring fucking moon rocket. It's worth more than that to me.

Whoever wants that, can take their mainstream investors, and kindly shove them up their ass.

Like I said to Meesterboom. If you want a truck, buy a truck. Don't buy a car and convert it into a truck... because what the fuck?

I know all crypto is mainly hype and broken promises. A few at the top or in the the know make the money and everyone else gets screwed. The people doing that are quite literally killing the industry and giving people reasons to think it's all a scam. Justin and Steem is a perfect example. Steem under the influence of those folks selling votes is another example of squandered potential. It's almost embarrassing at times to be associated with this madness because of this bad reputation and seemingly only gets worse. Can we please just do this one right? That's not too much to ask and so much is ready for the next level.

I'm glad there are people like you (you're not alone) in this world. There are plenty more who will help insert whatever it takes up those asses just to prove a point that this is better than all that junk out there. Just look how bad Justin looks right now for trying to fuck it up. Would you want to be that guy? Apparently someone here does...

Thanks for stopping in. You're with @ocd-witness still? You've had my witness vote for a long time. I really appreciate the honesty and passion.

"The Plan" can be decided upon by ALL of us.

As was proven when we got the stalemate situation in the Steem governance stopping that tyrant in his tracks.

WE = EVERYONE, including you and me!

We can literally affect how things go here on Hive, it just takes ALL OF US to be as AWARE of what WE are capable of achieving!


I agree with you. It's not hard to be loud and proud and saying "nothing can be done" is bullshit now. Certainly don't feel as powerless anymore. Hopefully folks holding those positions can respect that.

If those that WE vote for understand that they are where they are because of those votes and not because of some God given right or superhuman supremacy, then maybe there will be "respect".

If not, then it will be a case of a copy paste of real world governance, where those governing "fear" losing their positions of power, importance and income.

The "fear" version although maybe a powerful motivator, is not a good one, as it brings about an "US vs THEM" scenario and once again, we get a copy paste of real life.

Responsibility is a two way street in the game of governance, that is all one can conclude.

= No pointing fingers!

Right again. That's why I'm stressing we work together. In the past, and it's been stated here in the comments, it has been that Us vs Them stuff. That makes communication so difficult and even annoying. Have a concern, voice it, and it's interpreted as an insult. That's so incredibly counterproductive. Wasting time having a communication breakdown instead of finding that common ground. That's happened to me a lot over the years. And of course sometimes I need to work on my focus as well. That's life I guess.

Pinned you post to my Twitter profile.

The answer to the question "Why?" is in my short intro to your post:

All of us in the blockchain scene need to read this post on Hive and think deeply about the future of blockchain. Governance is not "only code"!
First and foremost it affects peoples lives.

The more people that figure it out in the ALT scene, the better it will be for everyone.

PS. Thanks, will do my best to stay true to the cause and dream.

I really appreciate that. I don't use Twitter and choose not to connect this entity with anything else of me, so when someone comes along to share it like that, I'm super grateful.

You'll see me talking about consumers a lot and one thing they do well is share links. Then our content here goes all over the place, which is awesome. With the shortage of dedicated consumers, that doesn't happen enough. Every piece of shared content is free advertising for both the publisher and the platform itself. It's so important we work on attracting those who just want to kick back, have fun, read some information, play a game, anything; and rewarding them for it is what we do differently here.

You saw the witness vote roll in I take it. Part of the reason why I wrote this was so I could talk to some witnesses and get some visibility for some of you folks who choose to speak up. Content creators don't like being ignored! LOL!

The plan is not to change everything to screw content creators. That's not going to happen.

There is a lot of development work being done right now and Hive basically resembles like a giant complex under constructions with crews working on everything from paving to plumbing, but that will end in due time. People may suggest changes to add versatility to Hive, but content creation is still at the center of Hive and I don't foresee any future where it isn't.

content creation is still at the center of Hive and I don't foresee any future where it isn't.

Over my many years spending time actually mingling with the members, I can tell you majority don't see a future if content isn't involved. I left a link there and if you look close at the response I received, you'll see how something like that is telling me to stop, today, because there is no tomorrow. That is not what I and many others came here to hear, two weeks in.

I do know a lot of people are working hard behind the scenes. So are a lot of people up front. "Content nobody wants?" That was a low blow and... yeah. What more needs to be said.

Thanks for stopping in. You've had my witness vote for a long time. Maybe a few others will see this and hook you up as well.

I knew that's what you were talking about without even clicking on the link. While it does hold some merit, the most valuable thing on Hive is its userbase. There are a lot of altcoins that stake. Hex stakes. You can stake Hex forever and go nuts waiting for it. The community here came here to produce content and to consume content. Even those who are producing plagiarism are still going about it with content being their ultimate focus.

The apps that come or arise like Splinterlands become popular because they entertain those same users. Splinterlands is also not profitable because its not content-based but because the team behind it has a business model that goes beyond "get free delegation --> profit". The same goes for BROsino Poker, formerly Lucksacks. It's not going strong because it rejects content creators but because it has a realistic business plan and project management behind it. The purpose of all these games is like I said, to entertain the content creators.

All of the brainstorming going on now is mainly because everyone wants to raise the price and utility of HIVE. It's hard to say what the future holds. Right now content consumption is likely at its peak because most of the world is stuck in quarantine.

And as always, thanks for your support.

Those consumers who play the games take breaks and come visit the posts. It's an entire entertainment industry being developed. Something for everyone and things you didn't even know you'd like. More on the way. There's no point in rejecting one market in favor of another when you can have it all. That's my point. And I'd really love to see that consumer driven business model I keep talking about take shape because with those consumers, more apps, games, content; it can all thrive. And come on now let's be realistic. What investor wouldn't want in on that action?

I'm offering a fascinating method of increasing that token value, steadily. Not just pumps and dumps. Consumers always spend money.

Are there any witnesses here on Hive who actually care about what someone like me has to say?

Yes, I hope so :-)

LOL! I hope so too!


See, you see it. I see it. I hope we see the same thing.

In my view, there are two groups of users on here, I say here because it was the same on Steemit too.

There are the regular users who consist of content creators and consumers and voters and game players etc etc.

There are the other group. The ones with large stake who most often have run bid bots or delegated to bid bots or are witnesses. It's remarkable how small a group it is considering the loudness of the voice they have.

The first group try to get by on the premise that this is a content creation/consuming platform. Call it social if you will.

The second group want more rewards for doing fuck all (apart from the witness element). They want to attract investors. (hint, there are hardly any fucking investors in crypto) They don't generally like content creators and push the narrative that this place should go another direction.

Sadly, I feel the second group will get their way eventually.

Damn, girl. Why you make me sad!

Where are the thoughts about the UI, the mobile experience the everything to make it easier and better for people to produce and consume. Hmm, not really forthcoming and it never has been.

Damn, girl? You said all that stuff and I'm sitting there looking at those words like, wtf? LOL!

Those two groups though. It doesn't need to be that way. The past is in the past. That problem certainly existed then. I know the crypto market is tiny. This is one of the only projects making crypto mainstream ... and based on the history, it seems like some want to turn it into something that already exists, is failing, and if they really wanted they could just invest there. If you want a truck, buy a truck. Don't convert a car into a truck... because what the fuck?

Hehe, I was writing my big moany screed and the words just popped into my head.

I am still chuckling.

Because what the fuck?



This time, let's all work together.
If the plan is to screw content creators in order to make the place more appealing to a small group of investors, then just tell me right now.

It's frustrating.
I have bloomy down voting every post I make! (irrelevant of content).
Same shit show, different platform, and whales/witnesses doing jack about it. So far.
It's laughable.

I know it can be frustrating. I like how you added in the 'so far'. We're all different. We all have our own way. Something many of us have in common is the fact we see huge potential in this concept; the project. On Steem they used to call it an 'experiment'. Can we agree we should be past that now? Sometimes I think that experimental concept was just being used as an excuse and I think many here have had their fill of excuses. People are expecting better things now. It would be a tragedy if their voices, after being so loud, go back to not being heard.

Busy bodies gonna busy body. I'm going to start making sure these 'change for the sake of change' folks are not in my witness votes.

Seeing that stuff pop up so soon has left me feeling a bit uneasy about producing content. If they're going to shift the focus onto some kind of boring thing that just makes them money for nothing, then I was duped into coming here. I hope that's not the case.

Hopefully we will one day get a strong witness system, I still think that is what needs to be fixed first. I honestly do not see the issue with the rewards pool as is, it just seems like ever since I joined steem block chain that has been the number one issue for all the witnesses, and the number one reason for the last 3 or 4 hard forks, to fix the reward pool.

Let's get the witness selection/retention system fixed, secure the chain from what happened over on steem. Then lets ignore how the damned reward pool works for one year, and start fixing the user interface, adding and building on the markdown language used, more features to help make blogs look more professional.

It's time to actually try to make it work.

this is part of the reason I didn't come running over right away. I've seen this group which now has more control, not appreciate the community they said they were fighting for.

This doesn't apply to all of them as individuals, but it does apply to many of the decisions made as a collective.

I've seen some of those folks act in unappreciative ways. Some do only care about themselves and some even try to pretend they don't. Many people here are well aware of that. It's no secret. People don't have to be afraid of them either. You do not see this post getting censored; erased from the platform. What you do see is what a lot of people believe and if they really wanted to or needed to, they could turn up the volume.

It would be difficult for one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch, here.

It has proven to be quite easy for one bad apple to spoil the whole bunch over on Steem. Good luck attempting to offer constructive criticism over there. Even the steemworld guy got censored so now he knows not to step out of line. Penguinpablo's stats were censored; wiped from view. Those were only facts. Accounts have been frozen. One bad apple.

There are plenty of good people here. I have a strong feeling if the bad ones try to mess this up, they will lose everything faster than they found it.

Your concerns are valid. I'm well aware of the risk. I didn't exactly jump on the hype train. It took a lot for me to come here. And I didn't come with the patience I once had. Probably grew a few more important brain cells as well.

I appreciate your honesty.

Oh,I have no illusion that I am going to impact leadership.

I've decided to spend 12 weeks (now 10) to see how both platforms are going.

Hasty rage quits aren't my thing. I will make a choice hopefully when things are clearer and less emotional.

Yeah. I didn't rage quit, as that's not my thing either. Much of my work needs an authentic viewership. I guess this is a travelling circus now. LOL!

I'm also prone to being a product of my environment. It was quite toxic on Steem and there are things happening (I am watching) I don't agree with, at all. Combine that with my sometimes relentless outspoken ways and I just end up being what I don't want to be. I did a good job of staying quiet for a long time. I'd rather be over here trying to entertain these folks. Doing what I can be really good at. I'm not good at being frustrated.

My main focus is creating content and attracting the consumers. It's really no different than someone starting a Youtube channel. That's all I need. So there needs to be a future I'm working towards. The politics and stuff don't matter to me, unless the politicians are trying to take away my stage and the paying seats that surround it. There's not much of a genuine market for my product on Steem right now, and I could face "consequences" over something as simple as a piece of satire. I don't want a boss. It's clear to me where I need to be right now and if this doesn't work it's time to retire. I feel like I was fooled once, so we know who to blame if I get fooled twice.

I don’t understand why brain power is being spent on reworking the rewards pool. We just witnessed Steem/Hive DPoS governance being destroyed. And a temporary bandaid fix was put in place to delay witness voting 30 days so the community can react to a sudden, huge power up.

Why don’t we make governance resilient first?

Then maybe finally release SMTs support.

I think our biggest problem is staying focused. The hive mind goes on a thousand tangents.

I don't actually think the bandaid fix has actually been put in place yet. It looks like the next hardfork for that

Yeah that's an area that needs work for sure. I apologize though. I'm dead tired to the point where I can't even keep my eyes open. Normally I'd respond properly. No can do. Maybe later.

There are a handful of witnesses here (myself included) that want to hand more power to the content creators. One way I've suggested multiple times is restructuring the governance which is why I decided to transfer over and become a Hive witness. To support the people. I wasn't going to, until I saw a few shady moves already made. The community. I'm a social witness😜but moreover, I see a huge grab and gap in the power of the current consensus and am really worried some of that may have gone to their heads. People do have the power here. Regardless how many private investors have secret meetings with just a few 'top witnesses'. I'll be putting forth multiple proposals in hopes we can get a grip and come together as a 'society' to make this place more positive, more democratic and much more appealing to investors.

Great reading this, thank you @snook.

We should have more than a handful. And I think there is.

About power. It'll always go to the head. It's what you do with it once it gets there that matters. You can see on Steem right now a fine example of a power trip running wild. They're putting their self interests before everyone and every thing else.

People just need to know the community in most cases should come first, if they're making decisions that affect the entire community.

Having been content creator and consumer on this platforms (sic) for nearly 3 years I have not invested a penny but what I have invested is my brain power and my blog. I sometimes wish that people would realise that as investments go, my time is my money.

There are many things I see wrong with this being a content creation platforms. A major one is the fact that there are nearly no consumers, just posts getting voted up in the hopes that there will be some curation rewards left once the big guys get their cut. Long standing Autovotes have made sure there will always be a two tiered post hierarchy. I don't say this as a grump, it's just the way it is. Competing with voting bots is not fun.

Another is I am pretty sure a lot of new audience is put off when they visit the home page only to see the Trending posts being about Hive backslapping and bitchslapping. Who the hell would dig any deeper to find the good stuff.

Still, I will continue doing what I'm doing, I'm happy enough, hoping for the crumbs of the original guards table to make their way down or for one of the curation trails to shine their light on me for a moment.
Yours truly
A disgruntled content creator who is doing better than most.

Oh yeh! and another thing that really gets my goat is why is there no private messaging still after all this time. Surely Memos could be fleshed out to provide this function.

I think some folks are working on that actually. Taking a different approach. But it should come eventually.

I call myself a software developer, and I even did work on a frontend application for Steem.

It gets my goat too. All that needs to happen is that any of these big frontends implements end to end memo encryption, as was intended by the inclusion of a memo keypair.

It baffles me that this one simple implementation hasn't been done, and you can bet that if I release a frontend there will certainly be encrypted transfer memos.

That alone could be used as basically instant messaging with how quick block times are around here. So much utility could be had, and I'm sure the crowd would enjoy and use it.

It's been years, and still we basically don't use those memo keys for anything. There's been dozens of hardforks, but still no encrypted memos! It's a shame.

Plenty of us do consider that time spent to be money spent. The time I've put into this could have been used working a second job, and that job would have paid a lot more.

No consumers is a huge problem. The main problem, actually. The bots are both a blessing and a curse. It's too bad they wouldn't be interested in finding a balance. As in listen to what we have to say, and work towards making good for both sides.

The trending page content can be a burden and does chase people away. I'm on the trending page. I'm typically trying to produce entertainment. Sometimes I think people aren't looking at my work because of what's around it. I feel other legit content producers deal with the same problem. I'm well aware of things that could hurt my progress, like over exposure, so I make damn sure I don't have two or three posts sitting in the upper slots at the same time. Others don't seem to realize that overexposure harms their brand. Makes everyone appear selfish in a way.

I know it's frustrating. You know though, a lot more folks would be successful if the consumer driven business model was in full effect. Again, that's the main problem. Actual consumers. Not actual automated votes. Unfortunately people get lured into that maximizing mentality and all that does is cause problems.

I have been saying exactly this for weeks...

Maybe someone will take you seriously. I sure hope so because I am tired of talking, people agreeing, and ........read your post above :D

Anyway. Thank You for speaking out. it needs to be heard.

Hope you got sleep!

Oh and @Enginewitty, @JackMiller and @GuiltyParties all care very much.

Still waiting for some kind of a response to that question up there... HA! Not expecting one. According to one it's all just "content nobody needs." Instead of getting mad, I wasted my time writing this. I'm good though! Feeling fine! And I'll just keep saying that until it's true!

let's wait and see.......

I am hoping for the best.....

And I'll just keep saying that until it's true!

If investors want more options, why not utilize that savings account option that sits idle. Change it so if someone decides to use the savings account, they get a higher interest rate.

This would be so easy and I've spoken to it many times. All we have to do is take the 15% interest given to stake holders and move that inflation to the bank accounts where they belong. It's the obvious logical move.

Right now we get less than 2% interest on our stake from the 15% of inflation feeding into that interest. That <2% interest would skyrocket to a huge number if applied to the bank accounts, because no one uses the bank accounts. Moreover, money that moved out of stake-holding and into the bank accounts to capitalize on this huge amount of interest would give all the existing stake-holders a stronger upvote.

It would basically be the same thing that SteemEngine does via virtual mining.
It's a win/win for everyone.

So what are the arguments against this?

I haven't heard any, but it's a huge task in itself simply to move around our inflation like that. Things tend to stay the same around here unless they have a huge majority support from the top stakeholders. I think a lot of top stakeholders haven't even considered this as an option yet or even heard about the idea.

It is the obvious move. But I saw a post that wanted to reinvent the wheel to get there. And because the inventors of a new wheel don't know much about the entertainment business, it appears as if they want to fuck us. Why is the artist making sense? What's going on here...

Lol what? Really?
They are trying to scrape off a cut for themselves?
Classic them.

Are there any witnesses here on Hive who actually care about what someone like me has to say?

Wasn't this always the problem?

So far, it still looking like the same problem...

All have changed, and yet, nothing have changed.

I'm kinda sitting here waiting for some kind of an answer to that question. LOL! So far things aren't looking too promising.

we share the feeling mate..

are you okey buddy @phgnomo?

I've tried to catch you on discord for past several days and I failed. I see that you're not active on steemit too. Hopefully everything is fine with you buddy


Still nothing...

i think for starters while the devs work behind the scenes to make this work, all of us "in front" to find ways to engage more, discover more and more people and don't "post" that much about hive/steemit in order to attract new people!

I promise you I hate myself for writing this post.

i write yesterday on the post that inspired you to write this, if steem was not a social-media blockchain, would there be Hive? Or would we all be waiting for justin to pump so we can dump our "inflation".

I saw that comment. Saw the reason why you said it as well. It's almost shocking that disconnection can still exist after everything that happened.

I would at least like for some small tweaks that could probably be done on the front ends to help newer content creators.

To encourage trending author turnover, trending should not be based on payout, but other metrics such as lifetime payout, reputation, average recent post payout, etc that make it harder for established authors to keep reaching trending. For instance, if an author has a trail that gives them $50 no matter what they write, they should not get trending for a $51 post. Now if their post is worth $75 (1.5X their average post), that might be trend worthy. The most well known authors don’t need to be on trending anyway. We all see @blocktrades posts, etc.

Maybe there would be a payout based category so people can still find the top earners.

We need to have content creator turnover and hive influencers should not overshadow new authors. It would be like Kim Kardashian constantly trending. That would be counterproductive and unnecessary. That is the world be live in at the moment.

The shortage of consumers/curators is a problem. If you had even a few thousand more curators deciding what's currently popular, you'd see the trending page change constantly, throughout the day. There's no need to tweak that, just need to attract more consumers to make it actually work.

That’s a good point. Do you think higher curation rewards would attract more people to the platform?

I think the curation rewards combined with the fact a content creator with skin in the game can reward consumers with comment upvotes is quite generous at the moment and if more people found out they could get paid to be entertained and didn't have to throw their money away to support those they enjoy, those people would be interested. You can't sell the idea as 'curation rewards' though. That's our local language. There are people here who did buy in so they can sit around and have fun, while being rewarded. Rewarding the actual consumers is one of the most misunderstood and unappreciated things we got going for us. Give away one free beer at a baseball game and the stadium is packed.

Better stop dreaming my friend. You'll be disappointed.

Maybe I'll wake up one of these days. You know I like to be positive and a realist at the same time. Hope is a real thing. And so is getting fucked up the ass.

Nobody gets left behind? That's a remarkable and noble goal. It's not a goal I've seen the big stakeholders trying to aim for. Some have tried to some extent, but it's always been about preserving power and control.

However, at the moment things are way better here on Hive than the situation on the old platform.

It's still a social media decentralized governance experiment, let's not expect too much.

They are better, and I'd really like them to stay that way, though it's not perfect.

I stated in another response. I feel that 'experiment' concept should be left behind on Steem and now we should move forward, taking what we've learned from that experiment, and making this work. I had also already said I think that 'experimental' concept was being used as an excuse to do things that go against the flow.

Agree with you 100%!

We have to destroy the "caste system" due to one's stake. We need to have diverse stuff on trending such that 'normal' people get motivated.

I actually like the stake based system. I just feel there aren't enough consumers/curators at the moment. If there were thousands more dedicated consumers, that content would be constantly shifting because it woudln't be up to only a handful of large accounts. I'm talking thousands of people with small votes all engaging, voting, having fun.

In every road to success, there are obstacles. In the case of Justin, I saw Justin as an obstacle but also in every obstacles to success, there are another pathway to success whcih brings to the resurrection of hive

Not excited.

This platform, like many others is becoming an algocracy.

Make of that what you will, it would seem that every effort is being made to dehumanize the masses under the cover of a plandemic.


I try to not feel small or view others as big or above me, because that'll only set you up to be disappointed in most everything. I don't like to feel defeated, I prefer to push if I have to, respectfully. Sometimes I see you folks who've lost hope and just shake my head. At the same time, you are you and that is how you feel. I can respect it.


I'm glad to know someone still has hope.

My plans for 2020 have been completely cannonballed, as with millions of others.

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to be part of the dystopian future that appears to be inevitable, despite what orange man says.

What a great article!

Thanks for stopping in!

I'm still waiting for your corona art!

It's touchy subject matter. Might be too soon.

Oh I see ... you want to put some humor and irony in it ....

It is interesting take