My Brother, the Marine

in #life8 years ago (edited)

When your brother decides to enter the Marines, it is sure to conjure a few reactions in the family. Corbin (first guy on the right) has been in reserve duty now for 7 years, and thankfully we’ve never had to watch him enter any serious war areas. Still, there is always the possibility that he will head downrange, in other words, die in the line of duty.

I realize that war, the military industrial complex, and the military in general are usually frowned upon on Steemit. There is good reason for that, and I understand the train of thought that folks espouse. We have a problem with policing the world, and using the military as a puppet for the whims of the deep state officials. Still, we need to remember that there are good people in our military with a true desire to serve people, and stick up for the little guys in the world.

One thing I admire about my brother is his willingness to notice people that others forget. This is a birthday party for one of Corbin’s best buds, Joe. Corbin and Joe have formed quite a bond at the gym where they train together. Corbin works part time as a trainer, and teaches a mix of Boxing, Muay Thai, and Crossfit to the people who attend his classes.

Joe has Down Syndrome, and most folks brush him off because he is awkward in social circles. Corbin took on the challenge. He and Joe will grapple on the floor for a few minutes when they go to the gym, while Joe’s mom looks on - often holding back tears. It is not easy caring for someone day in and day out with little to no praise for your efforts. A simple gift of your time and attention can mean the world to someone that is emotionally empty.

He is so proud of his Captain America look with military skivvies.

The Warrior Spirit

Corbin has always been the one walking around the house in his underwear with a sword strapped around his back (I’ll spare you a picture). He was drawn to movies like Black Hawk Down, and constantly talked about justice and the need to protect those who were incapable of protecting themselves.

The allure of fighting is not why Corbin serves. He chose the Marines because of their history, and the foundational principles of the devil dogs. The fact that Marines are sent first into the battle was exciting to Corbin – he wanted first crack at the goons causing trouble. Ultimately, the Lord has used him to share the gospel with those he is in the field with. Some of them have never heard a word of hope for all the pain we have in this world.

While I tend to be the philosopher and economist in the family, Corbin is the one in the midst of the politics that I read about and debate on a daily basis. We don’t argue - that is not a part of our family. What we do discuss, is how to use the talents we have and the vocations we are in to serve people. The world is changed one day at a time by the simple actions of people committed to integrity.

Image Source: 1-2


"War, is wrong."
Mr. Miyagi, in the movie The Karate Kid.

Joining any kind off army is giving up your freedom , there are no good soldiers . How can one exist under that kind of MIND control . quote " and thankfully we’ve never had to watch him enter any serious war areas. " is the dumbest statement ever made , soldiers are expendable , in war they die . They serve big coop company's , not a country or it's people . Following orders without questioning is just being stupid,doing the politicians dirty work . 22 veterans commit suicide every day in the US .

Good people join army's for false reasons implemented by crooked governments . NO ARMY , NO WAR .
Soldiers support WAR , denying that makes them even more stupid .
How can you ever enforce peace with guns ?

Thank you, @small1axe for speaking truth in the face of unpopular opinion.

I am a 5 year Marine Corps veteran, honorably discharged as a Sgt. My occupation was aviation ordnance (bombs on jets, to the layperson) and I participated in 3 combat deployments: 2 in Iraq, 1 in Afghanistan, with one attachment to an infantry unit (an opportunity not afforded many women in my time).

I arguably fit the description of the well-intentioned, heroic soul described by his sister above. And because my intentions were so pure and honorable, the eventual understanding of what I had helped create in the world--through foolish naivety of WANTING to believe that it was possible to just "Sign up for cookie-cutter heroism here!" --was/is genuinely traumatic for me.

Because I still want to save everyone.

And none of the people who need to be saved believe a word of what I have to say, because it would mean an end to their "SLACKTIVISM", or pretending that the right way to "support the troops" is to point out their good intentions and help them not feel too bad about being the terrorists they (we) really are.

Empire Files - The Rise of History's Biggest Empire

"Good people join army's for false reasons implemented by crooked governments . NO ARMY , NO WAR ."

the Cult of order followers is the ONLY thing allowing such evil to persist in the world.@small1axe is right. I'm sorry that it is an uncomfortable truth, but it is a truth nonetheless. Evil acts done with ignorant good intentions are still evil acts. If you really love your brother, then lovingly help him to understand that "the adversary" has co-opted his (and ALL members of police and military who aren't sociopaths) good intentions, and that his participation in

God doesn't let bad things happen in the world. We do. If he gave you free will, then mathematically everything wrong with the world is because we behave as children, unwilling to accept the responsibility for our part in the mess we see, and change our actions accordingly.

...Stand in the Truth. Stop thanking people for their service and start forgiving them for what they did not know. Because the 22 veterans committing suicide every day are doing it because your toxic good-intentions are causing you to disregard the truth they are desperately trying to share with you. You want to support the troops? de-program their trauma based mind control and help them not be troops anymore. Because friends don't let friends kill and die for a corporate profit margin.

And thank you for your amazing back up to this opinion of peace .
I took a risk to get burned down here , much surprised to read your comment .
I hope your fine and find a way to loose or live with the trauma's of war.

To be a ROCK and not to Roll , would be my advice but i think you already know that .
Fighting for peace you do with a pen not with a gun ;-) .

It's a risk I'm glad you took. Most of my emotional trauma comes to the surface in the face of genuinely well-intentioned people saying the sort of things said both in, and in response to, this post. (And I truly know you all mean well). I was actually surprised to find myself trembling and a bit queasy in my stomach to read so many people being so thoroughly mislead toward purely evil endeavors, and feeling overwhelmed/hopeless to convince anyone otherwise.

If I could imagine an appropriately similar scenario, it might be likened to a formerly battered woman sitting in a room full of actively battered women who are all talking about how great their husbands are... meanwhile I'm having panic attacks in the corner stressing about the fact that I can't stop any of them from going home that night...

So again, I really mean it man. People willing to say what you said are the ones doing right by the troops and veterans. We need your courage more than you know. A pack animal standing up for truth in the face of probable rejection by the rest of the pack is the bravest creature I know. So how about this for a change:

Thank you for your service.

I see your point , the silence on here is at least awkward .

I wouldn't characterize a man who trains a guy with down's syndrome as greedy and selfish.

Is an answer from someone that did not read properly ?
Or a good try to demonize me ?

Well i hope that at least i made him think , find some answers to my questions .
I really do not need his answers , i think i already have them .
So him not reacting is to me his own loss .
I try to seed some other world view , if i don't it will never have a chance to grow. I am aware that it has no use for this and upcoming generations , i just keep that precious seed alive ( luckily with many others ) for a far away future , and yes it was called dreamland by Bob Marley , but i have the right to have that dream ;-) .

Howe i now i must be right ? i don't , i was born this way .
All the changes that came where not understood by me due to a medical condition at birth . By the time they fixed it i already stood in the Sun . From then on only (13) i started to understand the shadows and lights on the wall that they showed me . Asking questions about it no one could answer ;-) Plato .

I serve humanity and peace , we all matter . Thank you , your welcome
Stay strong , today is a gift , that's why we call it the present .
Think big but enjoy the little things ;-) .

"We have a problem with policing the world, and using the military as a puppet for the whims of the deep state officials. Still, we need to remember that there are good people in our military with a true desire to serve people, and stick up for the little guys in the world."

Lydon, your statement here has put things in a good perspective.

Each of us, in our travel through this life, go through sometimes almost unbelievable transformations as we grow in our knowledge and understanding. Recognizing this about myself gives me considerable compassion for most others in whatever chapter of life they may be.

I also strongly believe that what @dodecahydra has said is true:

"Evil acts done with ignorant good intentions are still evil acts."

It is my very sorrowful observation that the evil underlying the deep state, the evil working silently and all too effectively behind the scenes, has coopted a majority of "well intentioned" people into choosing paths and actions that ultimately result in a fundamental violation of the second great commandment, that we "love our neighbor as ourselves."

As for myself, I try to interact with everyone, regardless of their present life path, with compassion and understanding. At the same time, I do feel that it is of great importance to try to convey some of the very fundamentally important things that I have learned, things I wish I had really learned and had clearly pointed out to me decades ago, to the people around me and particularly to those about whom I care deeply.

Among those lessons, and perhaps most significant is this:

I profess to believe and follow Jesus' command "Love your neighbor as yourself."

Professing that belief, I must ask myself: When I look in a mirror, am I truly following that command with respect to all my interactions with and support of coercive human governments?

I applaud your familial love for and your support of the good and positive things that your brother seeks out and does.

almost unbelievable transformations as we grow in our knowledge and understanding.

Brother, I love love love your reply, and wanted to highlight that point there in particular.

Knowledge of the deep state, and the shenanigans that go on behind closed doors has only come to my attention in the past year.

I am FAR from happy with the way things are, and communicate with Corb fairly often.

I'm grateful for your reply in light of what you shared with me about human governments. I haven't forgotten about you.

Frankly, I am still wrestling with your post on Romans 13 in light of the context, and of course 1 Peter 2.

Hello, bro,

Far be it from me to claim to have all the answers, but as your friend and brother I am beyond happy to discuss any and all of this with you as transparently as I can.

Trying to be as open as possible, I would have to say that those two passages (Ro. 13, 1 Pe. 2) are probably the most apparently problematic. And I do intend to continue from time to time publishing articles in an attempt to "unpack" Ro. 13 a little bit better. I struggle with those who seem to want to simply point at those passages as if they are some kind of "open and shut" case refuting everything else the bible has to say about governments.

However, I've already "crossed the divide" in the sense that I am persuaded that, whatever those two passages truly mean or are trying to teach us, they are not teaching the most widely promulgated view of reverence for and submission to human government as we presently know it.

I view the bible as a sort of holographic body of literature, and expect it to be, at the most fundamental level, consistent in its message. There is just too much else in scripture, a preponderance of evidence, to allow me to accept the simplistic "obey your leaders" superficial understanding of those two very isolated passages.

Thanks for your gracious response to my comment.

at the most fundamental level, consistent in its message.

Ever since I studied at a Presbyterian school, my respect for the whole bible has skyrocketed. I agree, only looking at these passages, or any others in Scripture for that matter, as a simplistic do this because is not being a Berean.

We'll keep talking. :)

You can disagree with the politics or the military industrial complex or the thirst for oil or whatever you have issues with. NONE of that is determined by the "boots on the ground". "The Grunts" They signed up knowing full well they may have to give their last full measure of devotion one day. Guys like your brother are heroes and are the real backbone of this freedom we all enjoy.

From my family to yours, Thank you for your sacrifice and service.

Followed and Upvoted

"You can disagree with the politics or the military industrial complex or the thirst for oil or whatever you have issues with. NONE of that is determined by the "boots on the ground"".

Associated logic problem:

A lot of people are unhappy with censorship on YouTube right now. Many people choose to make angry videos (still posted on YouTube) complaining about the censorship (i.e. "fighting it from within the system"). Others are moving their following to alternative platforms (like DTube, for anyone who hasn't heard).

Which strategy would achieve the desired result of either convincing developers/investors to change their unethical practices, or outright ending an unethical platform faster? Is it, a). Complaining in videos which they still have the right to remove/demonetize, and hope they eventually change their ways, or b). encouraging so many people to leave the platform that it has an actual effect on their profit margin--forcing them either to re-align with public demand, or risk going out of business?

I do respect alternative opinions, and I'm not trying to be rude. However, to allege that if the "boots on the ground" stopped enforcing bad orders, it would have no effect on the ability of evil politicians to carry out evil acts, is just strictly bad logic. The boots on the ground are their resources. You remove the resources, you take back the power. Their (police as well as military) compliance is, in fact, the only thing enabling the "military industrial complex", thirst for oil, etc. This logic couldn't be more flawed, and belief in it requires one to completely ignore principles of cause and effect.

Or, mathematically: Angle ABC simply becomes a line if one of the points is removed. You can't just remove a factor and arrive at the same solution. Am I making sense? Because this is pretty important stuff. People have a direly-disillusioned concept of how powerful the actions of the individual are.

"I believe in the basic right to self defense. Both on a personal level and a national level."

Our right to self-defense only entitles us to a Coast Guard. Which should be comprised of local militias and not a standing army, able to be centrally controlled and hence more easily corrupted (which is what the founding fathers originally advised/warned against). Now, if you try to organize a local militia, you're a "domestic terrorist". Which is true, from the perspective of a totalitarian state that stands to lose its power to aforementioned citizens at a local-level. What causes more "terror" to a government than a strong and empowered people?

All of these heroes should be at home with their families, protecting their country from their country, on terms decided by them and their neighbors. Nothing would create a stronger, more formidable Nation than a population full of warriors. You'd never have to wait for the cavalry to arrive, because (spoiler alert) the cavalry is, and always has been you.

I just had the power to vote you above me.
Where it belongs ;-)

Wow, nailed it.

From me and my family to yours, thank you.

What FREEDOM ?????????
Like Han Solo , being a greedy selfish opportunist ?????

quote "NONE of that is determined by the "boots on the ground"

Then tell me , what are the boots on the ground killing and fighting for in all those far away country's ?
You freedom ? as in fuel for your car ? or what ? please tell me cause i fail to see .

Please go and visit a good doc. your mind is gone dude .

Hey, you are entitled to your opinion just like I am entitled to mine.

I wouldn't characterize a man who trains a guy with down's syndrome as greedy and selfish.

And yes while I don't agree with many of the US armed conflicts around the world I don't blame the individual solders for that. The politics and rules of engagement governing these soldiers can change quite frequently. At the very least they change every time there is an administration change.

I believe in the basic right to self defense. Both on a personal level and a national level. I don't see where that requires me to seek medical treatment.

I am of the opinion that an armed society is a polite society. I see the need to have a strong standing army. And to have that we need soldiers. And I would much rather have men and women in our armed services like this man's brother (who has a servants heart) than people like you, dude.

" I wouldn't characterize a man who trains a guy with down's syndrome as greedy and selfish. "

I do not . i put down the character of Han Solo , witch you use as a symbol in your post .

Then tell me , what are the boots on the ground killing and fighting for in all those far away country's ?

is a question you ignore ? why?
And how can it ever be polite to walk around with guns on other country's grounds ? you say you see the need but fail me to give me a view of your site .
I do not see as you see , and when i politely ask you, you give no answer .

I to do not blame the soldiers , they have mostly good intentions .
But to me it seems stupid to follow blindly any order from ever chancing politics and rules .

but i am glad to hear your perfectly happy with 22 suicides of veterans every day .
That you think your save because your gov. is murdering all that could harm you .
That you believe it is in self defence .
I bet you will feel very safe inside a FEMA camp one day .

peace my friend .... dos not include weapons .

Here is a post I made 7 days ago. About a family friend. Who was a Veteran. Who committed suicide. So piss off with your assumptions about my worldview.

I am safe because I take personal responsibility for mine and my own familys safety. By being armed. Peace absolutely does include weapons. How many dictators first disarmed their own people then wreaked genocide on a helpless populace?

You go sing cumbaya around the camp fire all you want and drone on and on about your utopian neutered version of peace. Go to Iran and preach to them the virtues of being disarmed and get back to me.

I do not assume anything about your world view .
i ask questions that still stay unanswered
I would like to hear your view on US soldiers fighting for coop profit .
I would like you to go in to the things i ask , but you won't .
I wonder why ? Do you as a US civilian have no opinion on the foreign policy's of your own country ?

your assumptions about me aren't even funny . And Iran ? is that the country you fear the most ? The only aggressor i see in the middle east are the US and friends . Then again who armed the locals in those area's ? How many dictators where supported by the US ?

I to believe that self defence is a right we all have , just do not put that right in to the hands of an army or government . History learns us that it will only lead to weapons of mass destruction . Tell your ideal to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and then come back to me .

Sorry to hear about your friend Bob , would love to read your story but the link dos not work .


Yes Meep i know , there hiding behind woman's skirts :-(


Jeah, i admit i feed birds in a park sometimes :-)
Gives a peaceful mind......

Your brother is doing a good job and indeed a warrior. I sincerely hope that he remains safe and when time to retire, you all will look back and be proud of him. I am not a friend of wars however brave soliders do good by helping the weak. The bad thing, however, is the corrupt politicians that use them for their own greed.

Agree with you on all counts @charles1. We are proud of him, and all that he does. Hopefully, the corrupt politicians don't include him in their schemes.

I agree with you. That is ndeed our prayer....unfortunately, these politicians are ruthless . Our fingers are crossed, amen.

Thank you to your brother for his service! What a beautiful post and tribute to him.

I am sharing this post with him today, so he will see your comment. Thank you for your kind words.

yes, lydon, I agree with you about politics, government and the military. Sometimes I wince on here when people espouse narrow views, but you constantly emphasize what is right about the world, and that is really appealing. I admire your brother's compassion and his servant's heart.

Thank you for putting things in perspective John. Corb read through this earlier today, and we had a good talk. He'll probably say something like, "that guy gets it," once he reads your comment.

I hope so - we need people like your brother, especially now

100% Upvote for Corbin! Thank God there are still men like him.

Amen to that! Thank you for the generous vote. :)

You've got my 100% vote as well! (although for me it's still 100% or zero since I don't have the slider yet)

Thank you! Well, I am thankful you chose to vote then. Hopefully, you have a slider to work with soon.

Thanks So do I!

This was beautiful to read...your brother looks like an awesome person and you obviously have a wonderful family.

Thank you.... he is a splendid man, and we are a close knit family.

Your bro is a good man.

Yes, he is.

click here!This post received a 3.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @lydon.sipe! For more information,

That is very sweet! good luck :)

This post has received a 4.66 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @lydon.sipe.

This post has received a 35.90 % upvote from @buildawhale thanks to: @lydon.sipe.

Great he is good to know about him :)

Indeed. :)