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RE: My Brother, the Marine

in #life8 years ago

" I wouldn't characterize a man who trains a guy with down's syndrome as greedy and selfish. "

I do not . i put down the character of Han Solo , witch you use as a symbol in your post .

Then tell me , what are the boots on the ground killing and fighting for in all those far away country's ?

is a question you ignore ? why?
And how can it ever be polite to walk around with guns on other country's grounds ? you say you see the need but fail me to give me a view of your site .
I do not see as you see , and when i politely ask you, you give no answer .

I to do not blame the soldiers , they have mostly good intentions .
But to me it seems stupid to follow blindly any order from ever chancing politics and rules .

but i am glad to hear your perfectly happy with 22 suicides of veterans every day .
That you think your save because your gov. is murdering all that could harm you .
That you believe it is in self defence .
I bet you will feel very safe inside a FEMA camp one day .

peace my friend .... dos not include weapons .


Here is a post I made 7 days ago. About a family friend. Who was a Veteran. Who committed suicide. So piss off with your assumptions about my worldview.

I am safe because I take personal responsibility for mine and my own familys safety. By being armed. Peace absolutely does include weapons. How many dictators first disarmed their own people then wreaked genocide on a helpless populace?

You go sing cumbaya around the camp fire all you want and drone on and on about your utopian neutered version of peace. Go to Iran and preach to them the virtues of being disarmed and get back to me.

I do not assume anything about your world view .
i ask questions that still stay unanswered
I would like to hear your view on US soldiers fighting for coop profit .
I would like you to go in to the things i ask , but you won't .
I wonder why ? Do you as a US civilian have no opinion on the foreign policy's of your own country ?

your assumptions about me aren't even funny . And Iran ? is that the country you fear the most ? The only aggressor i see in the middle east are the US and friends . Then again who armed the locals in those area's ? How many dictators where supported by the US ?

I to believe that self defence is a right we all have , just do not put that right in to the hands of an army or government . History learns us that it will only lead to weapons of mass destruction . Tell your ideal to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and then come back to me .

Sorry to hear about your friend Bob , would love to read your story but the link dos not work .