Great comment, think you pretty much spoke my thoughts, However if i was him i would definetely go dating or such like. Why not? it can be fun and learnfull. " Experience is the best teacher "
not like love movies :)@marvelord... We are men its normal to
Hmmmm....Sometimes...The fire is hot; but, I don't have to put my hand in it learn truth just the same.
Too often, dating for the sake of dating leads to more trouble than it's worth. In this day of AIDS, etc. be mindful of the potential hazards.
If/when the right person comes along, you'll know. It's an inside knowing. When this happens, you can start making marriage plans almost from day 1.
There are many love at first sight/first date stories that end in together forever after.
Best regards!
thanks for your reply.
(imo)You can not know what hot is if you never felt something hot:) You can not learn how to swim without getting wet...
I think you have the numbers against you. There are so much difforces these days, its crazy. Im not saying jump in every bed you can.. But a date can be fun.
Ughm, on behalf of millions who got burned knowing instinctively that they would, I disagree. If you get close enough to the heat that it causes discomfort, I don't think you have to go full throttle and plant your hand in the fire.
This really makes my point ;+). Love is natural, not learned. You know when it arrives. It's instinctive, just as is love.
You keep making my point!!! (lol) The divorce rate being so high is in large part because people go out "looking for love"...oftentimes FINDing the illusion of love and not the real thing.
Dating puts people in situations that have more to do with 'having fun' than the seriousness of prayerfully waiting (living your life) for the soulmate (life partner, aka SPOUSE) to manifest.
In the Bible, God blessed Adam with Eve. He appointed this woman for this man as a help meet, not playmate. He ordained the relationship so that Adam would not be alone (Genesis 2:18).
God didn't put 100 women in the garden, telling Adam to pick one/find one. Nope. He appointed (at the right time) the woman. Now, that said, before getting cast out of the Garden of Eden, old Adam blamed God for giving him 'that' woman! (Genesis 3:12)
Best regards!
Cool. Guess, I will have to be patient.
Hi @marvellord!
From the sounds of it , you're still a blessed man...solo....not having to endure the heartache of breaking, seriously! You are a blessed man.
I don't know if you're spiritual; but, when God denies me something that I really, really, really, THINK I want; I know that thing is probably not good for me NOW...
If it's not bad, and is good, then I trust that in Divine Time this 'thing', whatever it may be, will show up when I am genuinely ready/prepared.
I hope you're not down about this. Love is like a rare gem. It's definitely worth the wait. There are many zirconias; but, only the diamond will endure.
Be encouraged! I assure you there is a special forever after in your future. I base this on the premise that God said it is not 'good' for man to be alone...So he created 'wo'-man. (lol) The woman God created for you exists. Patience is a virtue; and worth your wait.
And, hey, remember...when she arrives...even on her grumpiest of days...she is what you pined!
Be blessed!