CAUTION: I say a lot of bad words in this post, so if that bothers you, this post isn't for you.
If there's one thing that I absolutely hate about working in an office or in tech in general, it is, excuse my language, FUCKING BUZZWORDS AND TECH JARGON. It's a major pet peeve of mine and it truly gets under my skin when I hear the same stupid buzzwords repeated 5000 times a day from people who are trying to sound technical, cool, hip, or whatever lame trait they're trying to manifest to con you into believe is part of their skillset/personality.
No, I get it, some words that you will hear a lot of make sense and are necessary to convey a point or to converse about a real topic and all of that. But some words are straight up bastardized and ultra-cliche and just sound . . . stupid. These are the words we're going to be talking about.
If you're unaware of they kinds of words that I'm talking about, I'm talking about words like the following, they will be bolded. If bad words make you cry, please to not read on, because I will be using them . . . because I hate these words and thinking about them makes me want to morph them into grade A high school bullies and subsequently beat the shit out of them:
"Brah, that meme you made totally went VIRAL! LMAO, BRAH!!!"
"Oh, you're still working on that? Well just PING me when you get done or I can help and we will TOUCH BASE. I am a fucking computer and you should send packets to me to see if I am alive or not because that makes total fucking sense and if I reply with another packet we should find a base and touch it together because that also makes sense."
"Just put it in the CLOUD, brah!" I know "the cloud," is important and stuff, but god do I hear that word too many times a day.
"LOL, BRAH! LOVE UR MOVES, YOU ARE SUCH A CODE NINJA! We are not fucking juggalos or in Die Antwoord. Please stop calling people ninjas.
I will shank you with the nastiest thing that I can find if you are a fan or and also use the word "cyber." To me, the word cyber means that you're like 14 years old, jumping into an AOL chat room to try to mack on some text-babes so you can proceed to have "cyber sex," with them in a private chat. Please stop. Cyber is both played out and stupid. Take a second and say that word aloud to yourself, say it with me now . . . CYBER . . . So stupid . . .
Any use of the above words in our upcoming group of 1337 techno-lords company, @AGORIC.SYSTEMS, will result in both your firing and death simultaneously. This is not restricted to employees, it will be applied to any sentient being. We will kill you for using them as in physically take your life force and incinerate your body. Your ashes will subsequently be flushed down the toilet of the grossest bar bathroom that we can find. You will have no tombstone, no grave marker, you will simply be erased from existence because that is what will it will take to remove the stain you have left upon the Earth. We have to fight for tomorrow, afterall. THINK ABOUT THE CHILDREN.
So, I've exposed some of my word-triggers, now expose yours!
Give us some use cases, some examples, why you hate 'em etc!

See y'all laaaater!
Also, now that we're out of the weeds a bit, please do follow my newest venture with my beloved co-revolutionaries ( @robrigo, @rahulyadav, @lovejoy, @timothy-archer, @sensei ), @AGORIC.SYSTEMS!!!
You will die now.
I don't think you have been reading enough of my #DigitalDetox Series I run every week on here Matty LOL
I think you need a vacation man!
executes whale trigger sequence...
Vacations are for babies! Well, yeah, I want a vacation, I haven't had one of those before. Maybe you're right haha.
Did you see @joseph's last 2 posts about the Steemfest contest / GAW??? I won round 1, I can see you and the Farty Cat at SteemFest now!!!! Check those posts out!!!
I really did win!!! How awesome is that?
Does the salt effect break Viral Rockstar buzzword hype? A center pours the headed adviser. Cyber Code Ninja yawns beside Viral Rockstar. A behavior vanishes against an apathy. Cyber Code Ninja believes beneath Viral Rockstar. Buzzword Jargon aligns Yolo hype on top of our sunlight. Within Yolo hype swims the arcade. The chemistry wows the distorted illiterate. Will a miserable highlight cheek Buzzword Jargon? Don't tell a jest in a grove of beech trees at noon or you risk a reconciliation. Running across a lotus at a crossroads can portend a secret.
Bruh! Ping you later for some cyber chat!!(ahem...)
Thank you for striking that out. I almost went to the bathroom to break one of my shaving razors to cut myself with after I forcefully expelled all substances from my body from every orifice.
lmfao! Tell us how you really feel.. ;)
I FEEL . . . bad, ok!?
You gave me a good laugh!!!! HAHAHAH ;)
YOU ARE SO LUCKY YOU HAVE NEVER HAD TO EXPERIENCE THESE YET. Your future looks like it may lie in tech, so beware, man! DO NOT SUCCUMB TO THE LAMENESS.
Сайбер бра, бра лав, сайбер, ммм, пинг ми тумороу, к? :)
Ю виш! хахаха
I think I'm good. I don't use any of those.
The ones I hate are "baby girl"; as in I love you baby girl. Pedophile word choice?
"Shawty", as in referencing a woman.
"Bruh", is definitely one that pisses me off instantly. Its the new cool thing. I have even heard "Bruh Bruh".
I'm not sure if you are familiar with "Woke", as in "That dude is woke as fuck!" I guess meaning aware of stuff.
That's all I can think of right now. I will get back to you. Haha
Hahaha, I feel ya! That sounds like street slang though. Or office slang in the lines of working at a strip club or bar haha. Or if you're employed by an alley that sports some street craps games.
I've heard "woke," and yeah, I think it means "Wow, he has had his mind blown before and is aware of the universe, brah!" Or something along those lines.
So many shit words!
Yeah I guess your right. Lol
Just got to thinking about MY trigger words. They might not be jargon, but they still suck, bad!
I don't particular like the term "reach out" because that always meant more work for me. Interesting post.
AGREED. It's like offices require a certain dialect of English to be spoken, a gross one at that. It's reminiscent of the asshole boss in Office Space.
I used to hate all the office slang words from teamwork to brainstorming to game-changing to walking an extra mile. It seemed like everyone, including my antisocial boss, used to make some world-saving inventions every day, while in reality they just did accounting. I cannot stand those words.
Now when I think more about it... Maybe it was the reason why I quit my office job for good.
I have a pretty racy mind and I tend to over-analyze a lot. Well, not in a negative way, but in a way where I notice things and take account of them pretty meticulously in my head. Hearing stupid buzzwords over and over from verbal-masturbators on a quest for cool points, trying to display themselves as more savvy than they really are just absolutely KILLS me. Makes me feel like re-enacting that one scene from 28 Days Later when he gets to meet his wife again and MAJOR SPOILER: .............................. Pushes his thumbs in her eyes and pummels her head in.
This office slang is something that I'm definitely not going to be missing! So glad that I get to work with like-minded friends that are on the same page as me instead of a bunch of corporate zombie-suits.
Yeah, I know what you mean! I am glad you found a way to escape that ugly place. I am also happily working from my home without having to kneel for suit&tie. So far so good! We are the ROCKSTARS, hahaha.
CLOUD... that word is a real pet-peeve of mine!
I mean really, the internet was drawn as a cloud even before the dot-com bubble... and suddenly they call fileservers "the cloud" stfu!
It's THE CLOUD, though! DA CLOUD! I just think of those clouds from Mario games that're all happy and stuff. Can't break that connection. Or the nimbus Goku surfs on.
Haha, funny stuff! I don't use any of these words, but I know many who do. Specially the phrase ping me.
Also, I don't work in an office so yeah, it's all good. :P
Since you know who some culprits are, you should most likely shame them publicly at the very least.
This is why I think everyone should store their coins offline in cold storage. This is the ledger blue, a device so you can store your cryptos offline.
Huh? Think you're on the wrong post, haha.
Boss 😂
Well, that was a good read! in the end you hit the nail on the head.
Thanks, man!
Anomaly...I get this when the IT department does not have a clue!
Anomaly, e.g. rip/tear in the space/time continuum.
A very good post. Many benefits can be taken from the reading ... thanks @matt-a
For me it's not the oft-lamented "buzzwords" that drive me crazy (obnoxious words like "synergy" seem to have become so universally despised that I hear them less and less), it's the old faithfuls that are slowly eating my soul. Phrases like "let's hit the ground running" and "there are a bunch of moving parts" and "we've got to move the needle." This brand of vague, ambiguous corporate bullshit makes me roll my eyes so hard I'm temporarily blinded.
'Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.'
Profanity is a way for me to say "fuck you," if I think that you suck. If you write this quote with intention to purport the idea the I have a "feeble brain," because I use words that society deems profane, then do pardon me, kind sir, as I say unto thee, fuck you.
I'm 100% about people expressing themselves with any words that they see fit. Thought cops aren't welcome here.
On the internet? Au contraire mon frere. Aren't you venturing into hypocrisy by trying to police others' thoughts yourself? I only recited a quote...
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Lol babby daddy or mama is a word I hate. But it don't send me into overdrive. Lol get it, drive, lol kinda like hard drive? Lol idk I tried. I'd like to see to your post go viral lol