Early Sparkin

in #life6 months ago


I tapped furiously away at my keyboard. I hadn't posted in a while and it seemed that whilst I had been post-free Hive had gone up in flames.

People were pointing angrily at each other, bandying hot words in the comment sections of posts by illustrious giants of Hive.

You're a cunt that takes out all they earn!

No you're a cunt that has no right not to vote me!

Even old mostly absent OG accounts popped up like haunted dildos ranting about it being their right to fucking horse out all the rewards and how dare people with stake presume to be free in what they did with it.

I too, feeling I was missing out on some drama had decided to get in on some of the action. The post I was writing was a magnificent creature that not only nailed the proverbial jelly to the wall, it also dragged it down and gave it a good shagging as well.

Daddy Bear, there's someone at the door?

The Good Lady foolishly interrupted my musings.

What in the flaming fuck, woman. Can't you see I am deep in the Hives? Look at my word count. I am a KING!

Yeah, there is still someone at the door though and I am in the middle of something. Can you get it?

She didn't sound as if she was getting it. Didn't she understand, the future of Hive was at stake? Would she be so flippant if she was a Hiver and the minnows were swimming up her humperdink and shitting in it?

Then again, it was their money and they could do what they want with it, so why not just give the scammers and farmers all the money?! At least that is what some level heads were saying.


Fuck my head was starting to hurt.

I scrolled down some more comments on one of the posts, now some people were claiming that they added value to Hive so were entitled to their rewards for the effort. LOL, did they fuck. One of them was one of those accounts that post those daily Guess the colour of my fucking socks competitions, the other was a champion of the Actibastard posts.

Such value.

Hey, it's your amp. It has arrived early!

The Good Lady yelled from the front door having wafted past me whilst I was in a Hive delirium.

My amp?

Fucking hell. It was not meant to arrive till September. Had I travelled in time again? Hopefully not like that time I came before I arrived? That is an entirely different tale however.

I ran into the hallway and grabbed the delicious box of loveliness from her.

My sweet amp.

Quickly, I got to the unboxing.

Look at that, is that not the sexiest box ever?

Oh yes, black. Just like my soul

Who doesn't love lighty buttons and knobs?

The one that looks shit on the right is the old one. I despise it now.


Hey, weren't you writing about some sort of Hive shenanigans?

Said the Good Lady in a see I do listen kind of voice.

I strummed a chord and grinned.

Nah, not really.


Oh Word Count King, you're awesome! I truly thought we were in for another smash the numbers post, which I would diligently work my way through, all the while lamenting my soon to be broken brain. Sometimes I just can't math lol

I am a minnow....however, you'll never find me swimming up somebody's humperdink. Your new amp is saweet and that was a lovely turn of the page :D

It's always nice to hear a sweet lick on a Friday morning!

You know what missy, you are welcome to swim up my humperdink anytime! :OD

Hehe, we don't want any more broken brains!

I love the thing, Thats just the out of the box setting, I will be tweaking em to make my own delicious tones!

Woohooo I hope we get a bit of a demo after you get 'er dialed in. Looking forward to it!

I might do! I got put off youtube becuase of the trolls but fuck em!

Damned trolls are everywhere. Folks just don't appreciate fine talent anymore. Rock on, I say!

They are but what would the world be if it was all sweetness and light :OD

well it would be alot sweeter and lighter lol...but, *boring* to say the least

As always, this is packed with things I want to respond to - but the tedium of calling out specific lines and letting you know I cracked up when I read them? It just seems like it's probably not explicitly necessary. I mean, I'm here, so you know I read it, and if you know I read it, then I know that you know that I laughed at various points...and if I laughed at various points, it seems sufficient to expect that you would most likely know which points would be the ones at which I laughed because you wrote them in such a way that we both know laughter was almost inevitable. Hell, you probably laughed while you were writing at least half of them...ok that actually isn't a sure thing. Are you the laugh at my own jokes sort? (I 100% am that) You know what, neither here nor there, as they say. Point is, another fun read, saturated in all that boomy goodness.

I see posts of the sort you describe, occasionally just show up and swarm with a fervor of opinionated activity. Historically when this happens, I've felt sort of like a teenager at a dinner table where the grown-ups are fighting...I can't quite avoid it entirely, and I can't quite feel like I'm qualified to opine among the adults...but in my short time here, I've begun to blossom into feeling I know just enough to justify having (and even sharing) an opinion...which is pretty cool. The first time I remember this sort of thing was kennyskitchen, and later with worldtravelpro I think? Lately I've seen similar things from other people, but have become less and less inclined to take the sideline, mostly because fuck it you know? But also because three years here has given me enough general understanding of Hive culture to believe that my opinions won't be completely out of left field. What's crazy to me is seeing what looks like an intense lack of understanding from someone who seems to have been here for quite some time. I guess people will always just be people, and sometimes being the adult at the table doesn't make one the wisest.

Anyway, sorry it took me so long to respond to you here. I wanted to wait until I could say something meaningful, but instead I just waited until I could say something long and winding. I guess at this point it looks like this is the comment you get this time, and I apologize for that 😁

Lol. Long and winding indeed. That's a post!! 😀😀

But I do get what you mean. Sometimes you jump in same get drawn in and then find yourself on the receiving end of shit. So it is perfectly fine to stay on the sidelines. Which is what I'm trying my best to do 😀😀

lol - you do pretty well I think. Not long ago I wound up on an old article (~4 years) about Justin Sun and some heated situation that arose, the details of which I didn’t fully understand and probably don’t honestly need to, but I always find the meat of the juiciest articles is in the comments section, so I scrolled and learnt as much as I could from the various perspectives, and then - boom! As in, MEESTER boom. I was delighted to see someone I recognized in these articles that predate me, so I remember being left with the impression that even back then your opinions and responses on things seemed pretty clean and fair.

Lol. If it was from that time I probably got in bother. I was all about giving the guy a chance at the start. Lol, look how that turned out!!

I try to be fair as I'm sure you do. Sometimes though, my inner Scotsman comes out 🤣🤣

As he must!!!


[…] for one chance, for just one chance!!!
-to come back and tell the cunts, that they are the cunts!!!

-Bray Fart

…wrong on at least a couple counts, but…too much???

I jokingly blamed your lack of posts as to why all these types of posts started cropping up. Lack of positivity can breed negativity. But now that we have another glorious post, hopefully all will go back to normal.

I think that is a very nice amp, and I will agree that the black does look better than the old one. I'm happy that you got it early.

But the biggest thing for me was that I finally saw the real life meesterboom. I wasn't sure how much of your pictures were exaggerated/edited. I actually dipped my toes in the rabbit hole and looked at your other YT videos. I'm amazed at how your personality is the same with how you write. That was the first time I heard how you talked, so I will now be reading your future posts with that accent in mind.

Hehe, negaticity does thrive in the dark and gloomy negative spaces!

Ah the beer videos! I loved doing them although it did detract from the time I had to drink beer, lol. I only stopped when there was some insane trolling on Hive at one point. Ithought, ah this is too much! It was fun tho. Now you will be haunted by my Scottish accent! :OD

Haha, first time hearing an authentic Scottish accent. A lot of the streamers/interviews I've seen of Scottish people say they tone down their accent to make it more understandable for others. Now I can understand what they were talking about. Cheers mate.

Haha, and I am actually toning it down slightly in those videos!! 🤣🤣

Oh wow, that was toned down, and I was already having some difficulty.🤣

Damn that thing sounds sweet! I am jelly!

It's rather good!! 😀

We get to see the real Mr Boomuntitled.gif

It's a stunt double!! 😀😀

No looking at the strings while playing, ... woah..., the 'shit amp' looks very similar to new one, I think you're being a little hard on the small guy.


Marshall next?

I had a Marshall before, I sold it! These days I go for the digital ones with apps that you can do all the mad shit with!

I used to be a terrible string gazer but when I was in my old band the manager gave me absolute dogs abuse for it!!

It's all new to me, never got to grips with the instrument. Love the sound, but incredibly tough to play,

I like to think I'm still shit, it keeps me grounded. It is damn hard. When I first got one I tried it then put it away for a couple of years because I couldn't get a note out of it!

Sounds great!!! But needs more Cow-Bell.

There is always a need for more cowbell!!! 🤣🤣

Perhaps, you could compose a Hive anthem. Let that new amp align everyone into one harmonious ecosystem. Like true communism.

Only the Oligarchs get to sell. But ... if they sell, who buys. And if someone buys, does hive really disappear?

Powerful tho the amp may be it isn't that powerful!!!

If someone buys hive in the woods does it make a sound?

It sounds like cowbell!!!

You can blame @solominer who started it I think, or was it acid on witnesses? I don't know. Today I have even seen a poll of self-voting! I have also seen comment from whatsup that 'apparenty' self-voting can/might help with keeping HP. And some people, read me, is giving self-voting a stink-eye!

My Goodness!

Sigh. That is a nice looking amp. Sounds amazing too! :) A rare vote from me on your post. I think you might remember, that I am not really allowed to vote you!

Fuck it I say!

I do remember indeed! Thank you very much!

The amp is lovely. I cannot wait to finish work so I can run it through its paces.

I blame Solo, they all cam crawling out of the woodwork after that! I love your data posts though, they are great!

I have seen some of the comments from OGs such as you mention above, I really do find myself shaking my head at the entitlement and the craziness!

Isn't it awesome when the packages we order come earlier than expected? And awesome little video rocking that guitar and amp. May that amp ever favor you with hours of enjoyment.

I think it won't let me down!!

It is awesome, I was really surprised because it happens so rarely. Mostly they end up being later!!

Haha yeah that is the worst when you are expecting a package on a certain day, and it doesn't come, and then get a notification that it has been delayed. Speaking of which I am a bit of an Amazon addict, have some packages coming tomorrow LOL. It's like Christmas for adults, even though we pay for it ourselves, still so satisfying getting those packages.

I am too. There is rarely a day that passes that something doesn't arrive!

haha nice!

Nice addition to the amp collection! There's nothing quite like the anticipation of something coming in the post. I've been haunted by the thought of swapping my acoustic for an electric guitar lately. It's evidently Hive-shenanigans season again. It seems to come around once every few years like the locusts. I've stayed out of this round for the most part. It seems like the scammers are a much larger problem than what individuals do with their earnings but that's just my opinion. Hope you enjoy that new toy!

I agree with that actually!!

I think it is a good sign, was your day it comes round every y LL few years or so and I think it comes before a price surge when everyone is in the doldrums!

You should defo get an electric bit as an addition rather thana replacement!

It looks sexy af!
Cracking wee short too.
So you got the call up from Oasis after all!

Haha, I should have changed the tone to jingly jangly overdrive and strummed a few of the G chords!

Its a cracking wee thing. I love it already. Hiding the old one so the missus cant make me sell it ;O)

Hiding the old one so the missus cant make me sell it ;O)

haha good idea!

She started with the sell it, sell it patter almost right away!! 🤣

lol trust me, I can imagine🤣

Nice tone, would be nice to see/hear a longer clip. In the meanwhile I'm gonna head over to check the Hive Brawlers new series 🍿

Hive Brawlers. Could be a new community!

Yeah, Imight do a better one with some more tones and what the amp can do. It has a looper as well! That was my speedy grap phone and record clip!

Guess the color of my socks? Please post the link to that.

Some competitions must never be shared 🤣🤣🤣

Yes, the whole thing is on fire, I put cold compresses on my head. And I see you make very good use of your amplifier. I love it, you look Pro!

Hehe, thank you. You gotta at least try to look pro! 😀

You are, come on! When do you offer us a concert? Or at least a full track?

I'm already enjoying something here... Black nylons for my lady

Haha, black nylons for my lady! That was one of my posts once! 😀😀

In the grand oversight of happenings, some things are way more important than others. Happy stuff for instance. Like a new amp to rock with. Enjoy! 🎸

You are dashed right mate! I am about to settle in for aright good noodle!

Cheers! 😃😃

Have a great Rockin' weekend mate!


I absolutely will and I hope you do too mate. Kids are in bed now and the beer is coming out!! Chin chin!!


Priceless man.

All I can say is, you rock! You're a rockstar! :D How many times have I played the replay button? LOL

Lol, thank you. It was a rush job, my first short! :OD

More please and some popular ones hehe

They're a comin :OD

Since your posts are always brilliant, it is impossible not to shout to the world that You are a fucking genius!

I saw the cover image, I started reading your post and I don't know why but I knew where you would get to, eh eh!

The icing on the cake, your solo in the Shorts Youtube, I started applauding in front of the PC like a madman and Samuele followed me while my wife wondered how high our madness could get, lol!

You are a great Boomy!

And of course for a great person you need an amplifier of a certain level!😉

Why thank you me old friend! Its not often I so a normal cover image! But I thought it would get the message across! :OD

Hehe, the short has went down well!

He certainly made it happen!!!

By the way, for those who follow you, the message arrives even earlier since it is a rarity! :-)

Alright, so I got to see the real cat man without his artistic mask on. That's great. I guess I do have to thank the fast Amp delivery for that because it did brighten your day with the string of the cord.

Haha, my frozen face by the looks of it in that! I need to pick up tips from these instagrammers that smile and nod all the time :OD

😅 instagrammers that nod? Rock and roll on, then. It'd be nice to see you nodding.

Lol, I will stick with the death stare :OD

😅😅 perfecto

haha and music won over Hive all of a sudden. Damn guitar goodies, love me some of those! Does the good lady realise this means less you and more noise? or was that the whole point :D

Today is the first time seeing the drama as well, I had missed it while sailing, acting like a pirate and drinking beer. Im really bad in politics like these.... Back to acting as a pirate...hawrrrrrr

I think that might be the whole point!! 😀😀

Being a pirate beats drama hands down any day!!

Added bonus riff at the end, did it sound better than the original amp?

Ignore the shenanigans, most arrive to make a little, share a lot, have fun enjoying what they do in good company, not so?


It does sound a lot better. Clearer as the last one was a little bass'y.

It's true, sometimes they're are too many hang ups about what people do

Nothing more pleasing than an item turning out as you hoped it would, happy with the purchase now to enjoy.

Some perpetual nit pickers, best ignored.....

Makes one wonder what sort of wordy magnificent creature you were originally going to post. I've definitely had moments of writing a huge rant or opinion piece and then at some point along the way said fuck it and abandoned the whole thing. Sometimes it's not worth it lol

Nice amp. It doesn't look like that tiny hand held one you showed in a previous post, but scale is hard to judge in photos. Is this the mid size one?

Sometimes it is absolutely not worth it. I did have quite the screed of stuff and then when my amp arrived I was like, you know what, just chill. I have felt quite good ever since!

Although my cover art might have to wait till my next post, thankfully they rarely match the subject matter :OD

It is the standard one, 50 watts so quite lough but not the biggest one they do which is a giant cabinet beast. It looks quite swish in my lounge!

Oh yeah, I just realized that your cover art is not your usual. Less work next time!

One in the bag as it were, lol!

I was wondering how you were going to end with the dilemma of people swishing their funds out as soon as they got em !

SAVED by the amp! Your clip made me grin. Just like someone else said, we are going to need a wee bit longer sample on that.

Lol! Any longer than that and I might be exposed for the guitar fraud I am! :OD

The amp saved me and saved us all from my Hive thoughts drivel, heh heh

You could set us all up like we were about to get some professional entertainment and then plink off Twinkle Twinkle little star ....or some other rubbish !

I was actually curious about what you were going to say in your Hive drivel.

Hahaha, that's a fabby idea!! Twinkle twinkle, is probably still got all the wrong notes but would just claim it was the jazz version!

Hive drivel, in the bin it shall remain!! 😀😀

Of course ! Improvisation.... an artist's prerogative.

Am artist's sneaky cover 😀😀

Wooooooo! Did I tell? That you are not just king, you are a rockstar!
But wait! That was short, I really would love to hear you play longer🤦Nice amp.

I have always thought of doing some guitar videos. You never know, I might torture hive with it in the future!

😂😂 Seriously, we the hivians need that torture

Lol. Gluttons for punishment the old hivers!

WoW, I thought you were more of a percussion guy than a string guy.

I would have liked to have seen him unloading all his verbal energy with two sticks in his hands hitting the drums and cymbals hard, that would have been great.... although the guitar also sounded great with the new amp.

But as always, the final twist was colloquial 😂.

I would love a set of drums. I keep saying I want them for Christmas but they never show up!!

I will just have to stick with the woods and the strings 😀😀

Don't be afraid of the drums man, that should sound brutal.

I love em but the missus... Not so much!

Hahaha, I know those concerns about Hive have gone in a short while hearing the word

Hey, it's your amp. It has arrived early! 😄😄

Enjoy your new amp. 😊

I am enjoying it very much. Tonight I shall eat my dinner from it :OD

It's good to hear.. I think you're already full just looking at your amp. 😂
Have a great evening.😊

Hahaha, I am indeed! Thank you, have a great one yourself!

You're welcome. Yeah, I do indeed. I was able to read an entertaining post. Hahaha.

Flatterer ;OD

😁😁 Hahaha, Nah, I'm not good at it. I'm not good at lying too. 😊
Have an enjoyable weekend together with your family.😊

feeling I was missing out on some drama


It's never far away! :OD

Mute the Trolls. Rock on.

I do now! :OD

Hive is beautiful when you mute the idiots.

That's some classy content right there. This comment should be worth at least $20.

$20? Nonsense, we must set our sights higher! $200!! :OD

BEERHey @meesterboom, here is a little bit of from @joanstewart for you. Enjoy it!

BEER at dCity game to buy cards to rule the world.Did you know that <a href='https://dcity.io/cityyou can use

The amplifier is very beautiful and I'm sure it will live up to its function.

I sincerely hope it does!!

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Hive Power Up Month Challenge - August 2024 Winners List
Be ready for the September edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - September 1st 2024