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RE: Early Sparkin

in #life6 months ago

Oh Word Count King, you're awesome! I truly thought we were in for another smash the numbers post, which I would diligently work my way through, all the while lamenting my soon to be broken brain. Sometimes I just can't math lol

I am a minnow....however, you'll never find me swimming up somebody's humperdink. Your new amp is saweet and that was a lovely turn of the page :D

It's always nice to hear a sweet lick on a Friday morning!


You know what missy, you are welcome to swim up my humperdink anytime! :OD

Hehe, we don't want any more broken brains!

I love the thing, Thats just the out of the box setting, I will be tweaking em to make my own delicious tones!

Woohooo I hope we get a bit of a demo after you get 'er dialed in. Looking forward to it!

I might do! I got put off youtube becuase of the trolls but fuck em!

Damned trolls are everywhere. Folks just don't appreciate fine talent anymore. Rock on, I say!

They are but what would the world be if it was all sweetness and light :OD

well it would be alot sweeter and lighter lol...but, *boring* to say the least

Boring is evil. The devil's finest work is making people suffer by being bored