Hot donkeys doofers! It's a late beer'ing from me tonight. I used to be proud of my ability to resist sleep until I had two children and passed that same superpower onto them. Little Humphreys they are.
But who cares because it's Saturday and that means it's beer o'clock! And look at the two skull splitters we have this week. ABV's in double figures for the pair of them.
I don't believe that science has yet to find a way to count so high?!
These will be mind bending! Should I be worried? Who will I be after drinking these two chaps? A very good question, let us find out!
So first up, all the way from the Netherlands is the
Yikes, 14%!?! That's stronger than a lot of wines!?
What if I drink it and afterward believe my name is Jeffrey and beg people to spank me? Yeek.
Oh well, you gotta take chances!
Good grief. Look at that. A sister of the night and no mistake.
It looks like it might ravage me.
The first taste just reveals a burnt coffee taste. I am almost disappointed. Then I have another and slowly the caramel, toffe-esque maple notes come out to play.
It's lovely. Mind you, it's still strong as fuck. You wouldn't want to be having 5 or 6 of these and swiping through Tinder!
A fine brew, it looks like the Netherlands can do no wrong. 8/10 booms.
Can our challenger, the Aztec Shake, produced by two of my favourite breweries working in tandem, put up a fight against the maple?
Here it is.
Dang-nation! This beer appears to have everything that is good in the world.
The blurb tells us that it has dark chocolate, molasses, ancho chillies, cinnamon and vanilla.
Awesomeness. At least I hope so.
Pouring time!
A pleasing inky black to this one. Like a gimp suit. And I mean that in a good way.
Let me get this in my gub.
Oh my word. By the seven aunties! It's fab. Slightly raisin sweet with a touch of vanilla and the very mild hint of ancho.
What does slightly drunk video man have to say?
Cor he seems happy... Too happy?
I award 8.5/10 booms!! A narrow winner.
Hurrah for beer!!
Happy weekend everyone!
Looks over at my bottle of Zima, and shakes head. "This ain't no damned beer." Maybe if I pretend it's the Aztec Shake, it will taste better. Thank you for sharing your good beer with us. :)
Pretend always works a treat! ;0)
Well the pretend didn't work well. Drank only 3 zima's and ended up with a headache. Wine does same thing. Guess I will stick with real beer, lol.
Real beer are always a good and loyal friend, hehe, ;0)
Are they watering down the beers there with whiskey? 14%! I'm buzzin just thinking about it. That's a 3 for 1 deal! And here I am drinking my 5% pilsner feeling like a wimp.
It's mental but its lovely. Did I say I had two? I am on the second now. I always get two, unfortunate when they are rubbish but gold when they are great. It has gotten me way pished'er than I should possibly be at this time of night. I am ahead of my OWN CURVE!
5% FFS :OD
I always limit myself to six, after six. The ones I drink from noon until six don't matter.
I'm surrounded by people today. It's been like this for the past few days. Everyone is buzzing hard. I showed this blog of yours today to a couple of my uncles who didn't believe me one can get paid to drink beer these days. Big smiles all around!
Hehe, it is quite a thing! Quite a draw actually!
And a pleasure, I only did the first one for a laugh because I got such unusual beers and then kept it up. It is the highlight of my weekend, god that sounds sad, yeek.
People people everywhere. often a good thing! I limit myself to six, sometimes five. But the strength makes a fool og me!! Aaargh!
LOL! I am drinking a wheat bear that comes in at 5 percent and definitely feeling like a wimp!
Such small numbers, how can they be allowed to exist? Hehe!
OMG they look so creamy and delicious. Two beers that get over 8 booms. Hooray for beer day. We need to have more days like this. I was working out in 43'C weather today and the beers have been going down like water. Already starting to feel the lightheadedness I was going for. Cheers to beers!!!!
Cheers to beers indeed!
Wow, 43?! That is insane! Although, splendid to drink beers to! It is reaching the 30's here and it is feeling a bit mental. I feel like melting! Or drinking. Obviously I am going for the latter!
Oh, it is absolutely nuts. Unbearable to be honest.
Hang out in air conditioned places and don't leave :0D
I do not think I recall a time when you posted two videos- I am in heaven, just imagining the deliciousness (and maybe a wee bit because you are heavenly and I am working on a good drunk myself? Or should I say I am working on a good drunk myself which makes you appear heavenly?)
I like the latter. It seems more likely! :OD
I am fleeing now. I am wondering, should I have one more... just one! :))
So you're fleeing? Or flying? lol! Definitely one more!
Hahah! We say fleeing when flying! As in flying beer style! ah top banana!
It's not even midnight where you are, generally I'm thinking Oh shit, how late is it for him, but nope, most certainly you can drink one more before midnight! I've a long ways to catch up with you- but I look forward to flee flying, hee!
o true, not even midnight but I have to get up at six every morning because my children despise sleeping. Its a nightmare! I am a night owl yet I have to go to bed early all the time!?
Arrgrh :O)
Me poor boom! I remember those days, the little bright eyed, bushy tailed pissers!! I drink a lot of coffee, but nothing in compared to when the big uns were little uns!
That maple imperial stout sounds delicious. Add some barrel angling and it would be. 10/10 booms beer in my mind.
It is delicious! I think if it was barrel aged it would easy make 10/10 booms!
That would be a lot like Founders CBS which is hands down my favorite beer.
I do like a barrel aging if it is done well and it mostly is bit just the odd occasion it can overpower the beer.
I will definitely try it some day!!
Great point. I just had a scotch barrel aged beer that I thought got over powered by the scotch flavor.
I have had a couple like that. I think scotch barrels are particularly tricky to get right
I think it is the toughest between rum, whiskey and scotch. I had a rum barrel aged beer last week that was quite interesting. Very subtle rum flavor with strong tropical citrus flavor.
congratulations you surprised us again with these two beers that I had never seen in my life.
Cheers my friend.
I wish you a wonderful weekend14% that beer is strong as a mule or donkey kick, as we say in my province, a man my friend @meesterboom to withstand that blow.
I don't think I withstood the donkey kick very well!
That's the youth ... these young people never wake up with a hangover ... and @meesterboom always rises on Sunday with a hangover.Another very good result @meesterboom with 16.5 / 20 ... it seems that you can have another long beer night with the right to hangover tomorrow and with the Good Lady bothering you without counting Little Lady and Little Boom...
I always do, it's true. It's a tradition! ;0)
I hope you are still alive Carlos!
Wiper & True and Fierce did the Aztec Shake!? You must've been heaven! By the time I got to cinnamon and vanilla I was already sold! Gotta find me a piece of that!
Butt first... c'mere, Jeffrey!
Haha, oh no, its Jeffrey time!!!!
I can picture it now, someone calls for it and you drop everything you're doing to attend to the call.
Your Good Lady: Daddy, what are you doing? Where are you going? Why ate you dropping your pants??
BRO-ffrey Baratheon: Someone's calling for Jeffrey
Apart from the last line there is a lot of similarity to a normal day in that scenario!
Oh sorry, I meant:
Someone's calling for Jeffrey?
I forgot about the question mark there, sorry about that, BRO-mmar nazi.
Haha!!! Bro-mmar means nothing! To me,
This is maddening to me. I am off the rails.
I think I shall have one of each and call it a night! I am a cheap drunk...
A cheap drunk is a happy drink I have always said :0)
I'm not a beer fan normally, but maple beer sounds really delicious!
Delicious and really strong! :0)
Heh heh..
I dont like beear
Dangerous creatures
Good hiiiii
I think u r enjoying beer i have never tried beer i dont know how it tastes but i wanna try once in my life
enjoy life every time
It looks like the bear is very tasty... Thanks for the post... Great work... I literally enjoyed it.
It looks like coke.
And I am not sure if that is a good thing! The description makes it sound okay, though.
Thankfully it was nothing like Coke :O)
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