I found out the search is broken today! I was kinda lost without it. And I must admit, the feed is fucked. It's ok on desktop but for once I wish the focus wasn't if it's ok on desktop is ok. Everyone uses devices these days!!!.
Ah, the bastards. Still, at long as they have communities they are happy. For now :0D
!ENGAGE 50 !
It was broke yesterday too. I'm just writing everything on Palnet because at least I can enter quotes and italics and such. My antique computer IS my device, it's a Gateway 825 GM from the late 90's. I still haven't figured out what the communities are all about... I'm just a lost old man in a world run by stupid kids lol!
Ah the communities are a good idea, when we have lots of users. For now, I worry that they will end up closing people off from posts they would normally see. Like today. The place is dead!
I joined 3-4 like Deepdives because I know the mod from years ago. I haven't seen Familyprotection or informationwar which are two tags I frequently use. I don't even know if you're supposed to use community tags. Honestly I liked things the way they were in 2016! It took me until 2 months ago to figure out how to insert quotes.
It's probably dead because nobody knows how to use it... and half doesn't work
I suspect that last sentence will be more accurate than anything!
Yeah, it does seem a barrier to logging on to your feed and just seeing stuff. I have had trouble with comments loading or not loading and all sorts of stuff
here@meesterboom & @richq11. Over on a post from @skramatters where some people were commenting and asking a few questions about WTF was happening with our feed pages and how to have access to them again. I think I offered a handsomely cryptic good 'explanation' on what's going on with that. :)
Hey! but don't forget read that revealing & educative comment of mine over there with a good Rosetta Stone handy. Hahahaha
No Rosetta stone required! I replied there but I think I can happily say I don't like it!!
No doubt no one will like it. And yeah, just to save you the annoyance to have to carry the weight of a Rosetta Stone to understand better this communities issue. I just made a couple of additional comments in that thread that hopefully will shed a little more light on this matter. ;)