Ha, hangouts is for amateurs. Or maybe rational normal people. We use Google meets which is essentially hangouts on steroids. I think the max is 100 but the most we usually get to is 50 odd. It is brain destroying!!
That sounds like good weather, I like the thirties!!
I might ask him to stand if he annoys me :0)
And old Dobby... Isn't that the same thing? ;0D
Google meets is mainly what they use, it can take up to 100... It used to be hangout meets. :) Everyone is in bed together, I tell you. I worked too much this weekend. I need to go back and check the beer.
Mid thirties gets a little soggy, but, it beats the alternative, right?
It beats the alternative for sure which is... Scottish weather!!!
I think I have worked too hard this week and last. I'm going to get wellied this weekend!
Oh, brilliant! I hope it is the tangerine beer with a whisky chaser! Why won't they lay me off like the rest of the world?
I wish they would lay me off, at least on the furlough garden leave style thing like everyone else is getting. I'm bored of working from home!
I don't get to work from home. I can't imagine getting bored of it, but, hey, the grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it... I mean look... We are thinking it would be just dandy to collect unemployment and be free of work... when in reality. Oh, no... that is the reality.
Life sucks when you are the only one you know not collecting. :)
It does, everyone I know is getting paid for nothing! Damn their very eyes!