They Call Me Satan

in #life5 years ago


My friends, they call me Satan.

The guy on my screen chuckled as if we were in a field picking strawberries and he had just found one that looked like a penis.

I looked at him blankly. He was the least demonically evil looking man I had ever set my eyes upon.

Frowning, I shifted closer to my screen to give him a good look.

Satan bobbed up and down on his seat on the screen. I didn't get this. He was just a tiny looking guy with a funny goatee and his friends called him Satan? The great horned beast? I mean what the fuck?

It was a video call right enough and I couldn't see his legs. Did he maybe have back to front goat'y legs?

Should I ask him to stand up so I could see?

They call you Satan, do they?

I tried to inject a bit of jollity to my voice as if we were all work colleagues and none of us was in danger of getting a red-hot hell-poker rammed up their rectum.

Yes, you know because my name is Natan. See?

He grinned.

On the video call several other people grinned too, one of them, a fellow with lots of K's and Z's in his name piped up.

We laugh at this, he is not really Satan.

I glared at Lots-of-K's-and-Z's.

Oh, so now he is not Satan? Well, make up your mind you bunch of half satanic bastards. Is he the Devil himself and I have to watch what I say just in case he sets the Hell-Hounds on me? Or is he just a prick with a beard?

Then it dawned on me. Wait a minute... Natan... Satan...

I got it now! They called him Satan because his name was Natan! It rhymed! It was like poetry. I stared at my new Eastern European team mate and wondered with his rugged looks and penchant for the ryhmes if he was related to @dobartim?

Well, I am glad we cleared that up. Who's next to introduce themselves then?

Lots-of-K's-and-Z's cleared his throat.

I will go next, my name is ...

Lots-of-K's-and-Z's. said something that sounded like he was gargling with rocks.

I smiled and nodded like an old man opening a tin of anchovies.

That's a tricky one, can we call you Satan instead?

I grinned my cheeky, doing the hokey-cokey grin.

No, I do not think so.

Said Lots-of-K's-and-Z's humourlessly.



the best thing among it is Lots-of-K's-and-Z's. in the name hahah and what about strawberry

he had just found one that looked like a penis.

Hello to Satan natan :D lol

Haha, I swear, I have no chance of pronouncing zk's name. Probably my bad!!

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Cor, it's been a while! Cheers!

wow, i am jealous 😉

I'd guess a rose by any other name would still smell as sweet. Or something like that.

I've been retired long enough that nobody gives a shit what I think. The REALLY good news is that I've never participated in a Zoom call. I don't think I'd do well with it.

If you have made it this far without a zoom call them I would carry on in that vein! I am juggling between teams by Microsoft, Google hangouts and bloody zoom. I wish they would settle on just one!!

You must be important Boomy. No fucker at my office wants to Zoom me...(Maybe because I keep giving them work!)

Haha, they are trying to keep me on side and away from the real work so I don't start kicking arse!!

I wish you were my boss...I'd bring you coffee in the morning, a donut, curry favour, then do fuck all for the rest of the week!

Coffee and a donut would be all the currying that was required, that would be a short day and an easy will!!

You sound like me, a slut for donuts. Lol.

I avoid Zoom. People as old as me prefer Telegraph for our meetings. Lol.

What about Zatan?

Almost the weekend Boomy, and then you can close the laptop and rid your mind of devils for a few days.

I am quite looking forward to it. I feel like my laptop is glued to me!! No more devilry in a day!!

I have forgotten what work is, but it probably wont make much difference :)

Our good weather has past, but at least the beer will stay cooler for longer.

Aye, it's gone shit up here too. Apparently it starts picking up again next week. I shall be sure to be prepared!

I think I had forgotten what work is and for my son's have been thrown to the poles! :0D

Ahh good, I shall stock up too this weekend.

The Poles don't sound as bad as the lions, but I've not had the pleasure of a video conference with any, excluding the ones who ask if I have paypal :O

Hahaha, ah the PayPal ones!! That made me laugh.

This stocking up lark seems to be a drag compared to before! I am going off internet shopping

I have a colleague at work, who's first name has 25 characters and his last name is even longer. On the day he started, he told everyone to call him "Bob".

I'm currently using Teams and Zoom. But for old school flair ... we still use quite a bit of WebEx.

Ha, I usually name people nice short things!!

We had to give up on WebEx because it was becoming such a headache. It doesn't seem to be able to cope as well

LOL , Satan , Lucifer , Beelzebub ..... i do not fear him ,.... as my friends call me the Grimm Reaper , for i destroy the base one stands on and rip ones soul out when one tries to stand above me in a double crossing satanic way .
Basically the shrink profession likes me , for i brought them many customers .
Natan , Satan ,.... what a joke , well at least you let him know your soul is not up for sale .. Muhahaha ;-)

If they call you that then I must ask, are you am Eastern European IT worker!

And yes, my soul is not up for sale... Yet ;0)

Lolol , nope i am not , i was a programmer/opperator on a big metal laser cutting machine in the Netherlands , was , cause i escaped to Greece ... to live a free life , away from the bullshit . .. back to nature is my way now :-)

You are living the high life then!!

Not yet ? ... until a truckload of cold special beers pulls up your drive way i guess ;-)

That might be one of the scenarios that would do it ;0)

Lol I know a few spammers on the blockchain who think you're worse than Satan! I'd prefer to be called Sat--oshi tough and keep my internet comms anonymous, lol how he did that I don't know super impressed, I wish I could go through life making money and being anonymous instead of all these damn zoom calls

Hehe, I do love sticking one up a spammer!! :0D

Anonymity is a fine thing, I am amazed that he/they did it so well!

Zakanzki? Yeah, I would go with Satan for short too.

That's is very close, maybe throw a P and a Y in and bingo!!

Gonna have to throw a serious amount of 8% lager in for me to even attempt to guess that!


After a serious amount of 8%ers then I think most names sounds like that!!

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Exactly what kind of work do you do?! While I'm glad to hear Natan wasn't actually Satan, the other one sounds suspicious...

I work in software delivery. Surely a talk which means I am already in hell!

Times are indeed hard when you have to work in hell...

You think there would be no time for it what with all the burny things getting poked into you!

wondered with his rugged looks and penchant for the rhymes if he was related to dobartim

Lol...That would be as funny as the light of the dog fire reaching it's mountainous earth sea or sandy wet dryness in the sky of ultimate freeing spirit of smoky non-smokeyness in a smokey hourglass of bass-fishing skyscraper...

...Sorry, your mention of the great poet himself got me going.

Fucking Lot-s-of K's-and-Z's...Always the party-pooper. I had a Taxi driver called that once...I suggested that maybe he do the trip as a favour and not charge me...He also said, No, I do not think so in a marble-gargle voice...Party-pooperness mush be intrinsic to that name.

Hehe, I think you capture the essence of that poetry well!!! It's beautiful in its own way ;0)

Aye, the zk's don't seem to be very humorous. I can see some dull times ahead!

Lol...You should mimic them...Dress like them, use their mannerisms, voices...Trust me, they'll like it.

Don't egg me on mate, I don't want to have to bust out some more of my awesome doby-style poetry.

I feel you have to create an alt for such wondrous rhymes, the depth of them will impact people on so many levels!!!

I think I might start doing that with the mimicking!


Haha, I like it!

These video calls are the end of me! If i get another zoom invite i think i will lose my mind. enough to make anyone go full blown satan!

I hear ya. I can deal with a one on one but the giant group ones are nuts!! There are always those who don't stop talking too!! It's worse than real life!

Hahhahhaa! Always that one person hey. Okay Karen, we get it. You are sooo knowledgeable. I have this 2 hour one coming up. Lucky most people turn off cameras as we share screens. I nicely mute myself to be polite and get a bunch of other work done. I talk for a whole 15 mins probably.

I have actually doesn't quite a productive meeting or three with my camera off and muted getting on with real work. It's a great trick!

lol the best! Since I freelance I also get to charge clients double-time :)

Haha, clever stuff!!! I have ordered another monitor so I can be even more sneakily productive :0)

Lol how many are you on now?? I joked about getting a third for when I have to work with the little miss on my lap. She watches her stuff on my second screen which slows me down. The curse of being a baby slave!

If you get another one turn your camera off and change your zoom name to

...still connecting...

Hahhaha! Freaking genius!!!

Trying this the next time I don't really need to be in a meeting!

Haha! Satan-Natan.

Hangouts is great, but only 25 people allowed. Dashes any thoughts of the "everybody meets at the 7am" If nobody ever zooms me again, I'll be happy. Google meet can invite hangout ... Oh, my head is spinning. Everybody is in bed with everyone else. Hi, Tom! @bigyom13 I'm totally jealous. I wish they didn't even know my name.

@dobartim is satan? I thought he was Bulgarian.

It's hotter than hell itself here, 35C yesterday, and today another scorcher. I think by the weekend, it will be warm by there won't be any worry about sizzling.

Good morning from here, Boom!!! It's bright and shiny out. Can we get a little rain? And just for grins, can Satan stand up next time. I def would check him out.


Ha, hangouts is for amateurs. Or maybe rational normal people. We use Google meets which is essentially hangouts on steroids. I think the max is 100 but the most we usually get to is 50 odd. It is brain destroying!!

That sounds like good weather, I like the thirties!!

I might ask him to stand if he annoys me :0)

And old Dobby... Isn't that the same thing? ;0D


Google meets is mainly what they use, it can take up to 100... It used to be hangout meets. :) Everyone is in bed together, I tell you. I worked too much this weekend. I need to go back and check the beer.

Mid thirties gets a little soggy, but, it beats the alternative, right?

It beats the alternative for sure which is... Scottish weather!!!

I think I have worked too hard this week and last. I'm going to get wellied this weekend!

Oh, brilliant! I hope it is the tangerine beer with a whisky chaser! Why won't they lay me off like the rest of the world?

I wish they would lay me off, at least on the furlough garden leave style thing like everyone else is getting. I'm bored of working from home!

I don't get to work from home. I can't imagine getting bored of it, but, hey, the grass is always greener on the other side, isn't it... I mean look... We are thinking it would be just dandy to collect unemployment and be free of work... when in reality. Oh, no... that is the reality.

Life sucks when you are the only one you know not collecting. :)

To be called lucifer is more packaging than satan

I feel I have met this comment somewhere before!

Man you reply just some minute to it before.

I wondered who that was!!

To be called lucifer is more packaging than satan

It wouldn't be the first time I have been congratulated on my packaging!

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Does he have a nickname people who can't pronounce his actual name use that he's okay with you using? XD

If he has he hasn't let on what it is yet. All the rest of them do, although I was a tad miffed when one of them told me his nickname when his name was piss easy to pronounce!