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RE: Priority One

in #life3 years ago

These emergency sessions are now quite hilarious as everyone repeats what has happened in as many strange ways as they can without adding anything positive. A bit like a polycub announcement post comments section! :OD

I think surely it would make them drop lower, I would say I must investigate but erm, nah!


A bit like a polycub announcement post comments section!

:D :D
Just to spell it out for others: They would actually have to know something to add something useful

Google term: nutsuck softener

didn't find much, but this might suit EL Jefe and his chins:


Oh my lanta, this has me cracking up just as much as reading MB's post. I would find myself busting my gut open from laughing if I was to ever see anyone wear this shirt. Thank you both for making my morning.

I am not sure there are many who would have the courage to wear that but if they did I would applaud them!!

Lol, I know right.

I think that would be very fitting for him! It would work very well in calls!!