
These emergency sessions are now quite hilarious as everyone repeats what has happened in as many strange ways as they can without adding anything positive. A bit like a polycub announcement post comments section! :OD

I think surely it would make them drop lower, I would say I must investigate but erm, nah!

A bit like a polycub announcement post comments section!

:D :D
Just to spell it out for others: They would actually have to know something to add something useful

Google term: nutsuck softener

didn't find much, but this might suit EL Jefe and his chins:


Oh my lanta, this has me cracking up just as much as reading MB's post. I would find myself busting my gut open from laughing if I was to ever see anyone wear this shirt. Thank you both for making my morning.

I am not sure there are many who would have the courage to wear that but if they did I would applaud them!!

Lol, I know right.

I think that would be very fitting for him! It would work very well in calls!!

I think the answer to point number 2 depends on how much menthol is present in the moisturizer. Once there is a sufficient cooling sensation ... there is bound to be contraction, allowing the jewel pouch to tuck in.


Subsequently, if you mistakenly substitute Tiger Balm for moisturizer ... well, we won't even discuss those fiery balls from hell.

That is why Tiger Balm should never be kept in the bathroom!!

Of all the substances that should require a child-proof cap .... Tiger Balm is fairly high on the list.

Hot damn yes, for the smell if nothing else!