They are blackthorn! The memory of the thing has stuck with me through the ages to the point that when I had my own garden my first thought was to plant some blackthorn and grow some wood, ahem. It worked a treat! Sloe berries and gnarly wood. What more could you want!
And they do remind me of exactly that. Horrible wee things!
I remembered correctly! I'm up for blackthorn, it's excellent for carving, from what I hear, not that I've carved that particular wood. You can't go wrong with berries, unless of the poisonous variety. I don't think that blackthorn grows here naturally. I've never seen it anywhere, even in nurseries. My friend in Cornwall, a carver friend, told me about it.
Way back, in my 20's, used to take this very small stuffed totally drunk looking leprechaun (a gift), with me to this Irish pub that was my regular haunt. I'd hang it on the edge of my pint at times because it was totally ridiculous.
It is good for carving! So I have heard and I have some stout branches all dried and ready to go one day when I actually get time for anything.
That does sound quite ridiculous but very cool!
Time, that's always a thing, always. I take it you also carve, or do woodworking, or something like that?
I left it passed out drunk somewhere at some point before age 24. It would have marked me as a hick when I moved to where I live now and I just had to be cool. Twenties are such a fun time. I'm so glad they are long over. 😂
I am glad they are long over but what a time they were!
I tried my hand at carving. I wanted to do wooden masks. I did a wooden head thing. Bit like the easter island ones. I ain't had time ever since. Having a second child seemed to rob me of all things time!
They were a fun time, but also I recall being an idiot far too often, but that can be how it goes.
You're quite the creative type I see, LOL, lots of interests. Carving is very time consuming. I wish I could see the wooden head you did.
That's how it goes, but, I bet you love being a dad. How old are they?
My daughter is 9 and the little boom is just 4. There are amazing, don't get me wrong but funking hell, they steal all the time from you!!!
The head is a bit crap. I would be embarrassed to share I think! It was my very first effort though so I still love it!
Awww, haha, "little boom", too cute. I had the impression that you really care about them from a few little things in your posts. Yes, they do steal all time they can. I certainly did with my dad, LOL.
The head can't be that crap if you still love it. Carving is very old, as I'm sure you know. It takes a lot of practice to really get going with it. It was the one art form I swore I'd never touch, after watching a friend carving a piece of stone that took forever back when I was 19. Later, that changed when I got addicted to wood carving. I'm sure if you had the time, you'd develop nicely. Now if only I'd spent equal time practicing music.