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RE: Taker Of Souls

in #life5 years ago

Yeah, I was quite horrified when you mentioned it and then I put a post out on the reddit page for my hometown and someone came back almost instantly desperate to offload his, it was him that toldme about the killing technique. He didnt sound as if he enjoyed it much!

Catfish, its one of the weird glass lickers! I am quite looking forward to getting me her present!



Lol. I am glad you are sorted on what to get her finally. Apparently they are banned in America as they fear that if they got loose in Florida they would take over like the Pyhton's are right now. Been watchinga series called Guardians of the glades or something like that and they have a big problem. The pythons have even eaten their alligators as there is no animals left to eat as they have systematically munched there way through everything. they have no predators which is a huge problem with the way they breed. Snails would do exactly the same thing to an eco system.

Yeah, they take it real serious here altohugh I am convinced the cold would kill them but who knows.

We have it sorted and are visiting fish land on Saturday!! All the fish will be ours! Or maybe not as she will only get a small tank to start I think. Just in case she gets bored.